Posted: August 16th, 2022
Mental Disorders
Mental Disorders
Please write the question first followed by the answer, Bold all questions
According to the text, mental disorders may be caused organically or via chemical or genetic causes. In either case, if left untreated the cost is usually dire.
research, and explore one criminal case from within the last three years involving a mental disorder that was not properly controlled.
Compare and contrast three key similarities and three differences between mental illnesses and mental disorders. Provide one example of each similarity and difference to support your response.
Examine the potential stressor(s) that could have triggered the defendant to act out in the criminal behavior. Next, hypothesize whether or not the defendant would have been a good candidate for treatment of his/her mental illness. Justify your response.
Identify possible actions psychologists could have suggested to help the defendant before committing the criminal act. Support your response.
Differentiate between the key characteristics associated with functional mental disorders, minor mental disorders (i.e., neuroses), and manic-depressive behavior. Next, support or criticize the notion that one disorder is more severe than the other. Justify your response.
Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar types of websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Mental Disorders
Research, and explore one criminal case from within the last three years involving a mental disorder that was not properly controlled.
A 55-year-old woman by the name Michelle Robey suffered fatal gunshot injuries from Chicago police outside a pharmacy. According to the reports filed by the police officer on the scene, Michele had attempted to staff the officers with a knife. Her family members said that Michele had a psychotic episode at the time (Briscode & Lee, 2018). Therefore, she was not in her right frame of mind. Prior to the episode, Michele had controlled the condition for an extended period. The decline began right after she lost her job. According to the family members, the condition manifested in subtle changes and it was difficult to notice.
For law enforcement officers, dealing with individuals with mental conditions committing crimes is a daunting task for law enforcement officers. However, the family members have the more responsibility than the officers do in such a case. The relatives should monitor the behavior of the mentally disturbed individuals to ensure that they are not a harm to themselves and others. The family members had underwent training on how to handle individuals with bipolar schizoaffective disorder but they were not available at Michele Robey’s time of need.
Compare and contrast three key similarities and three differences between mental illnesses and mental disorders. Provide one example of each similarity and difference to support your response.
Mental illness and mental disorders appear interchangeably in illustrations. However, the experience is not the same from everyone. A mental disorder is a derangement, which affects the functions of the mind (Rutigliano et al., 2016). Therefore, mental disorders are the disturbances to the brain. On the other hand, mental illnesses affect the pathological condition of the brain. A mental illness is a disease to the body.
The second difference between a mental illness and mental disorder is the cause. Mental illnesses appear after harms on the body like malaria. On the other hand, mental disorders are a result of a psychological condition such as depression.
The key similarity between mental disorders and mental illness is that one might lead to another (Rutigliano et al., 2016). For instance, a condition that begins as a mental disorder ends up as both an illness and a disorder.
Mental disorders and mental illnesses have different modes of treatment. Mental illnesses mostly require medication while mental disorders fade away after counselling sessions. However, both modes of treatment can coincide.
Some of the mental illnesses can manifest in form of mental disorders. For instance, the erectile disorder in males is an illness caused by a mental disorder. The patient receives treatment for the mental disorder first.
Examine the potential stressor(s) that could have triggered the defendant to act out in the criminal behavior. Next, hypothesize whether or not the defendant would have been a good candidate for treatment of his/her mental illness. Justify your response.
Numerous stressors at the time could have triggered the criminal behavior in Michele Robey. One of the factors is the high number of police officer. Individuals with bipolar are anxious (Rutigliano et al., 2016). The sudden appearance of many police officer could have triggered her to act defensively. The loss of employment was the main cause of stress for Michele Robey. After an extended period in employment, Robey could have been concerned about her next move. The pressure could have tipped over her psychotic limits
The defendant was obviously a good candidate for treatment. First, she had a history of the condition and she had managed to overcome it in the past (Fried et al, 2017). He record indicates that she was a responsible member of the society during her period of employment. Secondly, Michele Robey did not have a criminal record. Therefore, her actions during the moments of illness do not represent her character. Her family members are now more aware of the dangers of the condition and they can offer the require support. Michele Robey can undergo treatment and come back as a lawful member of the society.
Identify possible actions psychologists could have suggested to help the defendant before committing the criminal act. Support your response.
Psychologists have the training to intervene and control the conditions of patients such as Michel Robey. First, a psychologist could have offered her counselling sessions to help her to manage the situation of losing her job emotionally. Accepting the loss is one of the ways to achieve emotional and psychological healing (Fried et al, 2017). Secondly, the psychologist could have offered her medication to control her state of mind to enable her to relax. Such medications induce sleep and alleviate the levels of mental strain. Additionally, the psychologist could have assessed the mood of Michel Robey. If the patient is too aggravated or excited, a family member should stay by her side to prevent dangerous behavior. If the family members are unable to control the individual admission to a mental health facility is the best option for the patient and members of the public.
Differentiate between the key characteristics associated with functional mental disorders, minor mental disorders (i.e., neuroses), and manic-depressive behavior. Next, support or criticize the notion that one disorder is more severe than the other. Justify your response.
Functional mental disorders affect the normal performance of the brain and other bodily processes. One of the characteristics of functional disorders is the fact that they are difficult to understand. Functional mental disorders are often difficult to detect. Minor mental disorders are easy to identify (Fried et al, 2017). However, the effect on the individual is not catastrophic. For instance, an individual who has trouble sleeping consistently for a number of days might have a minor mental disorder. If treatment is not available soon, the minor disorder might evolve to a more difficult condition. A manic-depressive behavior is full-blown condition that is difficult to contain. Individuals in the manic state are a danger to themselves and others. In such cases, it is advisable that they should be in controlled facilities such as psychological wards.
Briscode T., & Lee W. (2018). Waffle House shooting, other incidents show burden of dealing with family member with mental illness. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from
Fried, E. I., van Borkulo, C. D., Cramer, A. O., Boschloo, L., Schoevers, R. A., & Borsboom, D. (2017). Mental disorders as networks of problems: a review of recent insights. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52(1), 1-10.
Rutigliano, G., Valmaggia, L., Landi, P., Frascarelli, M., Cappucciati, M., Sear, V., … & McGuire, P. (2016). Persistence or recurrence of non-psychotic comorbid mental disorders associated with 6-year poor functional outcomes in patients at ultra high risk for psychosis. Journal of affective disorders, 203, 101-110.