Posted: September 1st, 2023
Medical Terminology essay
HCM 205 Module Three Worksheet
Write the definition of the medical words.
1. epiphysis
2. diaphysis
3. endosteum
4. compact bone
5. periosteum
6. medullary canal
7. cancellous or spongy bone
8. synarthrosis
9. condyle
10. sulcus
11. ataxia
12. clonic
13. atonic
14. adductor
15. abductor
16. brachialgia
17. prime mover
18. gluteus maximus
19. meatus
20. trochanter
Word Surgery
Directions: Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word.
1. chondrocostal
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
2. arthralgia
Suffix and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
3. dislocation
Suffix and its meaning:
Prefix and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
4. lordosis
Suffix and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
5. achondroplasia
Suffix and its meaning:
Prefix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
6. osteoarthritis
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
7. fibromyalgia
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
8. prosthesis
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
9. myorrhaphy
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
10. atonic
Suffix and its meaning:
Prefix and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
11. myokinesis
Suffix and its meaning:
Combining form and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
12. intramuscular
Suffix and its meaning:
Prefix and its meaning:
Root and its meaning:
Medical word definition:
Fill in the correct term for each abbreviation.
1. ANA
2. BMD
3. Cl
4. C3
5. Ca
6. MD
7. CK
8. EMG
9. AE
10. AK
Spelling Challenge
Spell each term correctly in the space provided.
Incorrect Spelling Correct Spelling
1. artritis
2. lordiosis
3. miehloma
4. pedel
5. epiphyses
6. aponrosis
7. cardac
8. dacktlespasm
9. myorhaphy
10. diafram
Provide the phonetic spelling of the terms below. In addition, using a recording tool, such as Vocaroo, record the following medical terms. For support on using Vocaroo, refer to the Vocaroo Tutorial document.
Term Phonetic Spelling
1. dislocation
2. arthralgia
3. chondral
4. tibial
5. ulnar
6. craniectomy
7. dermatomyositis
8. fascia
9. flaccid
10. quadriceps
11. atrophy
12. diaphragm
Place the recording of your pronunciation of the medical terms here:
Answer the following:
1. The six primary functions of the bones are:
2. The six classifications of bone, and an example of each, are:
3. List and describe the three basic types of muscle tissue according to functions and appearance.
4. List and describe the three distinguishable parts of a muscle.
5. List and describe the three classifications of muscles as they perform in groups as motor units.
Case Study
To begin, review the medical records located in the Practical Application sections of Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 in the textbook. Then, using the records, answer the questions below. Note: The questions below are different from the questions in the textbook.
Chapter 6
1. DXA scan is used to diagnose a bone disease called ___________________.
2. What is the abbreviation for bone mineral density test?
3. According to the medical record, a discrepancy was found between the lumbar spine and hips due to what condition?
4. Define osteopenia.
5. When is follow-up recommended for this patient?
Chapter 7
1. What are the signs and symptoms this patient was experiencing?
2. What is the diagnosis?
3. How was the diagnosis determined?
4. What is muscular dystrophy?
5. Creatine kinase (CK) is a blood test that measures the level of CK in the blood and is increased in ________________ or ______________ of the skeletal muscle, traumatic muscle injury, strenuous exercise, and progressive muscular dystrophy.