Posted: April 13th, 2023
Media Fast essay
Earlier this semester, I asked you to track your media intake and reflect on what media means to your life. With few exceptions, students reported that media plays an important role. Now, I want you to attempt to go through an entire 24-hour period without willfully consuming media. In other words, I’m asking you to go on a media fast. That may be difficult in the context of a global pandemic, but you may also find it refreshing to get away from the 24-hour news cycle.
I realize that it may not be possible to cut yourself off from media completely for 24 hours. I am not asking you to flake out on online classes, so this isn’t a valid excuse to skip reading assignments. I am, however, asking you to make a realistic effort to live media-free for a day. So, pick a day that you think this is feasible and do the best you can. You have until April 18 to complete the fast and the written portion of this assignment, so plan ahead.
After you have completed your Media Fast, I want you to write a 300-400 reflection on the experience. Tell me what it was like to go without media. How did it change your life? Was it unbearable? Was it refreshing? Was relaxing with something other than a book or Netflix or Instagram a foreign experience? Did you feel out of the loop? Do you want to live your life differently after this experience or is it back to media as usual?
This assignment is worth 30 points, and you will receive full credit if you meet the assignment requirements.
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