Measuring the Economy Discussion
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Part I
Find the following for a country of your choice (not the US)
1) Nominal and Real GDP in U.S. $
2) Most recent growth rates for GDP.
3) Most recent Inflation as measured by the CPI or another measure of inflation that is used for the country
4) Most recent unemployment rate
A really good source for economic data for countries around the world is tracked by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED) (
For each of the above figures, make sure to cite your source and the date of the available data!
Part 2
Find a current article (from within the past four weeks) about the economy of your country you found in Part I and
1) How has your country been affected by the pandemic?
2) cite your article and provide a link to the full content
After Sunday, please read two peer’s posts for comment
You are required to post one “substantive” posting addressing the course material by Sunday of the discussion week. By “substantive,” I mean not merely providing a brief “yes, I agree” or “no, I do not agree” posting, but discussing the issue in some depth, providing your own thoughts or questions on the matter. Ideally, I’d like you to connect and integrate the discussion prompt to the course textbook readings and/or homework and web assignments (whenever possible). The more evidence that shows you are doing the assignments and readings and engaging with them, the better. In your posting, avoid making unsubstantiated assertions and claims. Support your point with evidence from the textbook or other websites, whenever possible. Some possible ideas to write about include: describing any connections between the readings or course materials, expanding on a concept or idea that struck you in the course material, or offering another explanation or illustrative example.
You are also required to reply at least twice to the posts of your peers by the end of the week to keep the dialogue flowing. Additionally, I expect you to read the postings of your colleagues to further the discussion (and avoid repeating what others have posted).
In sum:
your postings should be substantive and engage with the material;
your postings should avoid unsubstantiated claims and assertions, and be supported with evidence from the textbook or websites
your postings should be written in proper English (DO NOT use “r” for “are,” and “u” for “you”, etc.); should not contain excessive typing errors; and should reflect proper etiquette.
your postings should not merely repeat what others have said. Be original, reflect on what has already been said, and extend the discussion further.
your postings should be a minimum of one short paragraph, and a maximum of two paragraphs.
I will be grading your contribution to the discussion, evaluating its quality (not quantity) on the basis of it being excellent, good, sufficient, or insufficient, and assigning corresponding points.