Posted: September 5th, 2023
Math Curriculum Reform Issue
Among the subjects learnt by students, Mathematics is among the subjects that are unpopular among the students. They perceive it a very hard subject especially to girls who think the subject should be reserved for boys. However, mathematics learning will be increased by the proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989. The curriculum proposed is very comprehensive and is likely to improve mathematics performance that has deteriorated for sometime now.
One of the most important aspects that has contributed to student performance as a result of proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989 was due to emphasis the curriculum has put on geometry and spatial. Learning of Geometry has developed student’s understanding and appreciation as far as world’s geometric concepts are concerned. As far as children are concerned, they develop and enhance their ability to learn measurement ideas and learn number. These concepts also help students to be able to understand advanced mathematics that are learnt at higher levels. [1]
Another most important concept that has improved student performance in Mathematics is because Geometry is introduced from Pre K to 12. It is very important for people to support the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that was introduced in 1989 since it enhanced students’ performance in the subject. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum has promoted egalitarianism among the students as this was the main aim and objective of its development.
The proposed Mathematics by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is due to the fact that the ability of the student to be able to solve problems after studying the Mathematics. This is because, in the current world for one to survive comfortably, one has to go with the technology which is comes hand in hand with knowledge of Mathematics.
The curriculum proposed is likely to promote student’s learning skill since they removed basic skills that were unnecessary and instead they focused on most important issues since they knew calculator and computers would eliminate calculation which is tedious.
Another issue that can make us to support the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum is that previously, the curriculum had not been focused on all students as it had only focused on analytical, deductive and linear analytical that only met White (Anglo) learning style. For this case, the main aim and objective of the proposed National Council of Teachers of Mathematics was to develop a comprehensive curriculum that would cater for the needs of all students. [2]
Currently, student performance in Mathematics has improved and the subject is no longer perceived as a hard subject like it used to be previously. The subject is now popular even to girls and it is should be encouraged since knowledge in Mathematics enhances understanding of other subjects.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989): Curriculum and Evaluation
Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991): Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks –
In Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (p. 25). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
[1] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989): Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
[2] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991): Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks in Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (p. 25). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.