Posted: November 19th, 2022
Maternal Stress
Full proposal on Maternal Stress in terms of Pregnancy Risks.
It should be no longer than 2 pages (11 font size minimum) including any potential Figures (optional), but not including references. It should contain a “background/Significance” sections that coherently and concisely reviews necessary previous literature (i.e. it should explain why your research is necessary). You should cite at least 5 scientific sources throughout your proposal (more are fine) to back up your statements. (Hint: it’s best to use the number system [1] so you don’t waste valuable space on in text citations). It should also state your long term and short goals for your research and already give an idea of what it is you want to investigate (but safe the details for your approach section). The background should lead to your “2-3 specific goals” that clearly state what your proposal aims to investigate (and how). Together, these two section should be ~ 1 page in length. Next, describe your detailed “approach” (i.e. how are you going to collect the data) including all necessary information (species, population, samples size, tests, measures, stats, etc). Plan to spend at least 0.5-0.75 pages on this and then finish with your expected outcomes and an “impact statement” to remind the reader again why all of this is worth their (tax payers) money.
Recent research has shown that maternal stress is harmful to a fetus’s neurological development. Maternal mental health is important not only for the mother but also for the fetus. Preterm labor, autism, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are all risks (Eiseigaku, 2016). Maternal stress has an impact on a fetus’s amygdala, which controls their fight-or-flight responses, memory, behavior, social skills, sensory processing, and emotional learning and regulation. (2014) (Zelinsky). Smoking, drugs, alcohol, and pre-existing diseases have all been linked to increased risks when pregnant. Nonhuman research published in 2004 discovered that prenatal maternal distress has a negative impact on their offspring’s long-term learning, motor development, and behavior. DiPietro (2004) Other studies have linked maternal stress to postnatal developmental disorders and psychiatric issues that have long-term consequences. “Animal studies considered a variety of health outcomes, with some serving as useful models for depression, schizophrenia, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in human populations.” 2008 (Beydoun) So, how dangerous is stress during pregnancy? In a study, we can look at how maternal stress compares to things like smoking, drugs, drinking, and pre-existing diseases. Specifically looking at women who report stressors as a factor in their pregnancy and the impact on the babies in comparison to the correlation between other pregnancy risks. The study will include 20 women who report stress as a risk factor and 20 women who report other risks. The primary goal of this research is to educate the public about the dangers of maternal stress on fetal development.