Posted: November 19th, 2022
Materials that cause pollution in dentistry and their treatments
TOPIC: A systematic literature review
TOPIC: A systematic literature review of the materials that cause pollution in dentistry and their treatments.
MSc Dissertation Guidance
BS7202 Moodle Essential Facts
– Any submission delay of up to 24 hours will result in a 5% mark penalty.
The maximum number of words allowed is 8,000. There are no minimum or maximum limits for each section (except for the abstract).
Quality trumps quantity every time!
Structure Abstract – Maximum of 300 words
– Should include an objective, a brief background, results, and conclusions.
In general, no references are required.
Acknowledgements – You may want to express your appreciation to someone.
Content tables – Text sections (with page numbers)
– Figures list (with page numbers)
– List of abbreviations (In alphabetical order)
Introduction – The introduction should include all of the necessary information to allow the reader to understand the project’s rationale and the potential significance of the results. The introduction should also reassure the reader that you are well-versed in current literature.
– You cannot reuse the introduction from the research proposal. If you believe you have already written an exhaustive introduction for your proposal, place it in an appendix titled ‘Additional background information previously presented in my research proposal’ (Turnitin will flag it as plagiarized, but you will not be penalized). You should still write a brief introduction that allows the reader to understand your project without having to refer to the appendix. All papers cited in the brief introduction and appendix should be included in your reference list. You should only include your’research proposal’ introduction in the appendix if you received a high grade on your proposal. Otherwise, you should take advantage of the opportunity to improve your introduction. It is quite common for your project to deviate from the proposal, necessitating the creation of a more appropriate introduction. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited.
The introduction should be divided into subheadings. These must be numbered (1.1, 1.2 etc)
When reproducing figures from published material, you must cite the source.
Materials and Procedures
– These should be written clearly so that anyone can replicate your results.
– Methods should not include a list of the experiments you conducted.
– Each method should be titled and numbered (2.1, 2.2 etc)
– If you are working on a library-based project, describe your sources of information and explain your strategy for including/excluding resources.
Results – The results must be presented clearly. Take special care with figures, making sure they are properly labeled and that any statistical feature is explained.
Each figure should have a clear figure legend that allows the reader to understand the experiment without referring to the text. It should also include any statistical values as well as the number of samples or repeats used (if appropriate).
A clear narrative should guide the reader through the experiments in the results section (Just including figures and figure legends is NOT enough). There will be some repetition in the results text and the figure legends.
You can divide the results into subsections, each with its own title and number (3.1, 3.2 etc)
– If you are writing a library-based dissertation, the result section will be where you focus on a more narrowly selected set of publications (as opposed to the introduction) and critically analyze them to extract novel information or conclusions.
Discussion – The length and style of the discussion will be determined by the style of your results.
– You should comment on how the results can be interpreted, their reliability, the reliability of the technique, and their statistical significance (where relevant)
– You should explain how your findings relate to previously published data (referring back to your introduction)
– Make suggestions for possible improvements to the technique or research design, as well as for future experiments.
A concluding paragraph is recommended.
References must be formatted in Harvard Style.
Appendices (optional – they do not contribute to word count) (optional – they do not contribute to word count)
– You may include raw data in an appendix if you believe it will help your report (not obligatory and in most cases unnecessary)
– As previously discussed, you can include the introduction used in the research proposal as an appendix.
– Additional useful material, such as the text of a questionnaire or information about the subjects studied, etc.
Dissertation Presentation
The Masters Dissertation must be submitted in accordance with the following guidelines:
Standard: It is expected that submitted work will meet a high level of literacy and include appropriate terminology. For more information, go to
A4 word processing format
Arial font in size 12.
1.5 or 2 line spacing
The word count is 8000.
o If the word limit of 8000 is exceeded, a 10% penalty will be applied and deducted automatically from the final grade.
Front Cover, Contents Pages, List of Tables/Figures, Terms of Reference, Acknowledgements Reference List/Bibliography, and Appendices do not count toward the word count.
o The total word count must be displayed on the dissertation’s front page.
1 Referencing
Cite Them Correctly
Cite Them Correctly
A Structured Literature Review Example of Suggested Content and Structure
Cover page with word count and declaration
Abstract (300 words .) (300 words .) A concise synopsis of your research that includes:
• Aim s• Background s• Methods s• Results s• Conclusion Acknowledgments Contents Page
As appropriate:
Tables’ list Figures’ list
Appendices list
List of abbreviations/reference terms
Introduction to Chapter 1 (1700 words approx.)
Background information for the study; a critical review of existing literature demonstrating current knowledge base and current debates; The study’s rationale for conducting the re SLR; leading to the establishment of the Research Question/Aim and Objectives, concluding with the review’s relevance.
• Critical exploration and evaluation of key literature • Identification of key themes within the current knowledge base • Identification of gaps in current knowledge • Justification for study
Methodology (Chapter 2) (1200 words or so)
Critical discussion of the systematic processes used in relation to study types, participants, interventions, and outcomes. The following sections should be included:
• Justification and research question
o The research question
o Research angle (qual/quant)
• Design of a research study • Search strategy
o Databases
o Keywords/Boolean operators/subject headings (for example, MeSH) o Additional search tools (e.g. truncation)
o Delimiters, such as English language and time period currency
o Criteria for inclusion and exclusion (this should reflect PICO or other framework)
o Finding eligible studies, i.e. screening procedures (PRISMA flowchart)
o Data administration/storage (e.g. Refworks)
o Refer to the Appendix, where a full search is replicated (e.g. screenshot)
• Data gathering and analysis
o Data Extraction – Using appropriate tools, such as a review-specific data extraction form o Methodological quality assessment – Using an appropriate tool, score, and how it will be used (i.e. exclusion of studies or just reporting, justify with rationale)
o QUALITATIVE SLR should include the identification of a framework for thematic synthesis.
Results of Chapter 3 (2550 words approx.)
Specific outcomes include:
• PRISMA flow chart – study selection from database search;
• Included study characteristics (brief); cross-reference to a table/Appendix
o One or more tables containing participant information, intervention/theme details, outcome measures, and any other pertinent information.
o Tables must be described in the text and shown in tabular form.
• Methodological quality assessment results – o discuss the general criticism, such as a lack of detail about blinding; o cross reference to a table or appendix where full detail is displayed
• Narrative synthesis of results: synthesis of outcome measures/themes results
o Wherever possible, the results should be discussed collectively, e.g., four of the six studies had a large sample size ranging from 50-100 participants, rather than writing about individual papers. You should try to back up all of your findings with critical analysis. For quantitative studies, large sample sizes are required; power calculations should be used to determine the appropriate sample size.
Discussion in Chapter 4 (2000 words approx.)
A critical examination of the SLR’s findings, implications, and review process.
o Overview of SLR findings o Overview of Methodological quality /deficits shortcomings o SLR Strengths and Limitations o Comparison of SLR findings with the current knowledge base o Implications for policy and practice o Recommendations for future research
Conclusion to Chapter 5 (650 words approx.)
The overall conclusion of the research study in terms of meeting the specific aims and objectives
19.1.1 Master’s Dissertation Component Parts
Whether conducting empirical research or conducting a structured literature review, the major component parts of the dissertation should be similar in that they should contain discrete sections and chapters that reflect the following:
Front Cover Page – contains information about the study title, the student’s name, the Degree Programme, the Matriculation Number, the date/month/year presented, and the word count (see Appendix 4)
The abstract orients the reader by providing a concise outline of the study approach and findings.
Section I: Table of Contents Page – by-page listing of major sections and sub-divisions, with page numbers
Tables/Figures/Illustrations/Appendices/List of Appendices Substantive Chapters Abbreviations/Glossary References Appendices
19.1.2 Title Page for Dissertation Specimen
Number of Matriculation
This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Science [insert Exit Award] degree from xxxxxx University.
[Submission Month and Year] [Word Count] Formalized paraphrase
This dissertation/project is my original work, and it has not been submitted elsewhere in order to fulfill the requirements of this or any other award.
Masters Standard Assessment Matrix 19.1.9
Grade: 70-plus Grade: 60-69%
Grade: 50-59%
Grade: <50% Refer/Fail
Engages in techniques that support the pursuit of own research/advanced scholarship.
Outstanding ability to comprehend and engage with the task’s complexity in order to present a structured, fluent, and coherent piece of work
As an independent learner pursuing advanced level study, you have demonstrated excellent initiative, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.
Outstanding ability to assimilate, manage, and synthesize information in order to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Highly capable of comprehending and engaging the task’s complexity in order to present a structured, fluent, and coherent piece of work.
As an independent learner pursuing advanced level study, demonstrates strong initiative, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
Solid ability to assimilate, manage, and synthesize information in order to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Capable of approaching the task’s nature and complexity in order to present a structured, fluent, and coherent piece of work
In order to pursue advanced level studies, you must be capable of making decisions and solving problems.
Adequately manages information sourcing and retrieval to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Inability to demonstrate competence in dealing with the task’s complexity by failing to present a structured, fluent, and coherent piece of work
Inability to demonstrate decision-making and problem-solving abilities in advanced-level study
Inability to assimilate, manage, and synthesize information in order to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Shows a systematic understanding and critical awareness of contemporary issues.
I used a wide range of current and seminal sources to thoroughly investigate major issues in my field of study.
Good use of a wide range of relevant sources, both current and seminal, to thoroughly investigate major issues within the field of study.
Incorporation of relevant sources to investigate key areas within the field of inquiry is satisfactory.
Obvious gaps in obtaining relevant literature required to thoroughly investigate the field of inquiry
Master’s Level
Grade: 70-plus Grade: 60-69%
Grade: 50-59%
Grade: <50% Refer to/Fail knowledge in the field of inquiry Excellent use of appropriate literature to establish clarity, focus, and communicate a line of reasoning skillfully.
Outstanding depth of understanding, exceptional ability to synthesize knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry
Maintains a coherent and well-developed argument by using relevant literature to establish clarity and focus.
Solid comprehension demonstrated, demonstrating the ability to synthesize knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry.
Uses relevant literature to support a critical argument and present a credible line of reasoning.
Based on the exploration of key concepts within the field of inquiry, a satisfactory level of understanding is presented.
Incapable of presenting and establishing clarity, focusing on, and communicating a line of reasoning
Partial awareness, but overall lacks comprehension and insight within the field of inquiry
Displays conceptual understanding and critical evaluation based on command of the topic/field of inquiry
exceptional ability to
Examine the relative worth of various points of view objectively.
Analytical and evaluative skills that are highly developed, resulting in sophisticated reasoning that is exceptionally cogent
interrogates and critically examines the relative worth of various points of view
Demonstrates well-developed analytical and evaluative skills in order to present, debate, and refine a persuasive argument
demonstrates the ability to present a variety of opposing viewpoints
Appropriate analytical and evaluative abilities are used to present a compelling argument.
Inability to provide evaluation due to a lack of understanding of alternative/different perspectives
Poor evaluative skills have resulted in material being recapitulated, compromising the ability to present a cogent argument.
Inability to articulate one’s own positionality in order to offer personal advice
Master’s Level
Grade: 70-plus Grade: 60-69%
Grade: 50-59%
Grade: <50% Refer/Fail Eloquently defends one’s own position by presenting personal judgment based on research evaluation and advanced scholarship. Ability to clearly justify one’s own positionality by presenting personal judgments based on research appraisal and advanced scholarship. Can demonstrate and present personal judgments based on research and advanced scholarship research and advanced scholarship judgments
Originality in the creative and contextual application of knowledge
Exceptional insight and thought independence that is creatively applied within the field of study
Excellent at contextualizing and justifying the meaningful application of theory to practice.
Outstanding demonstration of knowledge advancement as a self-assured and independent learner.
Independent thought that is insightful and creatively applied within a field of study
A demonstrable ability to contextualize and justify the practical application of theory
As a confident independent learner, he convincingly demonstrates knowledge advancement and skill in its application.
Some evidence of independent thought within the field of study
Capable of justifying the use of theory in practice
As an independent learner, demonstrates knowledge advancement and application.
In the field of study, there is a lack of independent thought.
Inability to articulate how theory is applied in practice
Insufficient evidence of knowledge advancement and application as an independent learner