Posted: March 2nd, 2022
MAT-144 Major Assignment 2
MAT-144 Major Assignment 2 Instructions
Please follow these instructions when completing Major Assignment 2. You will be completing a Microsoft Word template and an Excel template for the assignment. Refer to the assignment rubric for details about how the assignment will be scored.
You have decided that 5 years from now, you will spend 12 weeks implementing a project to provide humanitarian assistance to people in your local community. At that time, you will take a break from work or retirement and spend at least 30 hours per week for 12 weeks engaged in this project. You will be in charge of your own project working directly with people in need, not simply volunteering with an existing organization. In the 5 years between now and the start of the project, you will devise a plan and prepare funding.
Project details in Word
For your project, you will identify a group of local people to assist with a need from the provided list. You will develop a project that has the potential to improve their lives in both the short and long run. Choose one project from the list below to use for Major Assignment 2. The list is organized under different topics to help you find a project that interests you.
An afterschool tutoring program
School supply distribution
Day camp for kids
Vocational training
Health Care
Pop-up clinic for vaccines, general health care, etc.
Health care awareness program – mental health, nutrition, maternity care, etc.
Mental health support groups
Help lines/call centers
Community Improvement
Home rehabilitation
Community safety program
Other Service Projects
Food distribution
Clothing distribution
Companion program for senior citizens
Homeless assistance
You will contact experts or representatives from local churches, charities, non-governmental and/or governmental organizations to get information about areas of need in your community and/or additional information about what is necessary to run a project like this.
For your project, you will provide specifics of what you will achieve and how the success of your project should be measured.
You will also identify the people, resources, and materials needed to provide your service. Your project must include the assistance of other people, either whom you will recruit as volunteers, whom you will pay for expert assistance, or both.
You will complete the Microsoft Word template by answering the questions using 1,500 to 2,000 words to explain specifics of your project implementation (approximately 60 to 80 words on average for each question). For full credit, you must address each point in each section. The objective is to demonstrate that you have thought through in detail what it would mean to provide a certain type of assistance.
Although you may cross-reference points between sections, the questions from each section must be answered in that section to get credit for your response. The amount of credit you receive will depend on how thoroughly you have considered your implementation: you should attempt to write so that a reasonable reader would need to ask few or no follow-up questions to clarify your overall objective, people you will help, assistance provided, project management, timeline, assessment procedures, ethics and CWV analysis, and reflections. Write-ups that leave many questions unanswered or with significant gaps will earn less credit. Be sure to support your claims with evidence and reference to your Excel Spreadsheet for budgeting values/quantities.
Here are the sections that you will be completing in the Microsoft Word template:
A title for your write-up, including your name, the date, the course, and your instructor’s name. Your title should capture the essence of your project (e.g., “Tiny Homes for the Homeless in Mendenhall, MS”)
Whom will you help?
What assistance will you provide?
How will you start up and manage your project?
What will you accomplish in the main part of your project?
How will you wrap up and evaluate your project?
Ethics and Christian Worldview analysis
Summary and Reflections
References: A short description and APA citation of at least three scholarly sources (journal articles or official government websites) and approximately 10 sources overall. Include sources you used for your Excel Template here.
Financial computations in Excel
Separately from your presentation to sponsors (the project details in Word), you will complete calculations in Excel detailing your expected costs, sponsorship and fundraising contributions, and loan details. A template is provided for this part of the assignment, including additional information to assist you.
As part of your financial calculations, you will develop the following:
A budget for your project, including personnel, administrative, outreach, and program costs, plus a percentage breakdown of each type of cost and an estimated cost per person that you expect to assist. Budget costs will be in current dollars.
A 5-year forward projection of your budget cost, using extrapolation of CPI values from 5 years that you will look up in a table.
A 5-year projection of a sponsorship amount; the sponsorship amount will be a given percentage of your 5-year budget projection and will accrue interest at a given APR.
A 5-year fundraising total that you expect to raise through monthly donations; the monthly donation amount and APR will be provided.
A 5-year loan payment calculation in which you calculate the monthly payment amount required to pay off monthly, over a period of 5 years, the difference between the cost of the project and the sum of your sponsorship and fundraising totals. (The loan would be taken out at the time the project is implemented.)
Financial formulas
The following formulas, given symbolically and in Excel format, may be useful for completing Major Assignment 2:
Compound interest formula: If an initial amount P grows at an annual rate r with n compoundings per year, then the value A of that amount after t years is given by the formula
A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)
Future value of periodic payments: If an amount P is contributed at the end of each of n periods per year for t years and the balance earns interest at an annual percentage rate of r, the total amount A accrued after t years is given by
A=P (((1+r/n)^nt-1))/(r/n)
A = P*((1+r/n)^(n*t) –1)/(r/n)
Loan payment formula: The amount PMT that must be paid n times per year for t years to pay off a loan principal amount of P at an APR of r is given by
PMT=P (r/n)/((1-(1+r/n)^(-nt) ) )
PMT = P*(r/n)/(1 – (1 + r/n)^(-n*t))
Inflation rate formula: Given an old CPI value at one point and a new CPI value n years later, the n-year inflation rate IR is given by
“IR”=((“new CPI” -“old CPI” ))/”old CPI”
IR = (new CPI – old CPI)/(old CPI)