Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Master Public Administration
This is an interesting book addressing Performance Information. Usually, you
run across the term “Performance Measurement,” but this replaces
“measurement” with “information” and, I think the difference is significant. OK,
the book uses the term “Performance Management” in the title but attempting to
measure performance is at the heart of what you are reading.
How information is collected, who collects it, subsequently influences policy
decisions regarding what needs to be addressed, or what we might call “reform.”
How exactly is information used once it is collected? So, there is a relationship
between what takes place on one side (all the information collected) and the
other (using all that information in some reasonable and effective ways).
Instead of thinking of the term “Performance Measurement” which sounds
detached, objective, analytical, the term “Performance Information” raises a
whole host of questions associated with a world that is more imperfect, where
the subjective matters. As the author points out, there is information that is
gathered and used to make changes or reforms but, at the same time, there is a
selective process to what is accomplished. As a result, some aspects of
performance measurement are not achieved or even tried.
Issues such as agency leadership (at either the Federal or state level), a
culture that pervades an organization, or other issues, influence the choices made
in what is to be accomplished.
So now it’s your part. Enjoy reading this book. Address the important points
that you got out of the book—and take the time to explain what is
important and why. As part of your conclusion address a word: Cautious. This is
what you want to be, cautious, when it comes to collecting information and going
through the process of figuring out how to use it once collected.
The book that you are reading is:
Donald Moynihan, The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing
Information and Reform (Wash. D.C., Georgetown University Press, 2008)
1) minimum of five pages.
2) Besides covering what you need to from above, comment on what you
think about this book and why. The “and why” means that you want to get
to specifics. Think in terms of, just for example, “Here are three points I
want to raise about this book and here is the reason I want to address
them.” So avoid generalizations regarding your opinions on the book.
This is an intriguing book about Performance Information. Normally, you
You may have heard the term “Performance Measurement,” but this replaces it.
I think the difference between “measuring” and “information” is significant. OK,
The title of the book includes the word “Performance Management,” but it is not an attempt to define it.
What you’re reading is all about measuring performance.
The manner in which information is gathered, as well as who gathers it, has an impact on policy.
decisions about what needs to be addressed, or what we may refer to as “reform”
How exactly is information used once it is collected? So, there is a relationship
between what takes place on one side (all the information collected) and the
other (using all that information in some reasonable and effective ways).
Instead of thinking of the term “Performance Measurement” which sounds