Posted: April 13th, 2023
Mary Goll Assignment essay
Mary Goll Assignment
For the next assignment there are 100 possible points. After reading the article, “When Liberian Child Soldiers Come of Age”, answer the following questions using the Bio-socio-ecological system models 5 subsystems and the Psychosocial theory (Erikson, 1963, 1980):
1. As a young child, where was Mary in Erikson’s stage theory? Support your response with 1 example from the article. (5 pts)
2. As an adolescent, where was Mary in Erikson’s stage theory? Support your response with 2 examples. (5 pts)
3. Using the theories and concepts in the main textbook, in 3 sentences discuss Mary’s parenting as a young child and when she became a parent. (10 pts)
4. What was the role of peers in Mary’s life? Discuss any positives and negatives using the theories and concepts in Chp 8 of the main textbook. (40 pts)
5. What was the role of the macrosystem in Mary’s socialization? (10 pts)
6. What, if anything, disturbed you most about this article? Why? (Do not write more than 3 sentences.) (10 pts)
7. What, if any, protective factors did Mary possess, give 2 examples OR support your belief that she only had risk factors. (10 pts)
8. What is your prediction for Mary’s life trajectory? What is your rationale? Use theories and concepts from both textbooks. Support your response with examples from the article. (10 pts)