Posted: September 5th, 2023
Marketing research – Place for Hair Shampoo Brand
We’d also like to express f thanks to the numerous shop-owners at T. Magna who helped us in conducting the survey. And lastly we thank the various customers, buyers and consumers who readily provided us with their insights about the products that they used.
Survey Location: We surveyed the following locations:
* Spence’s, Bellyacher
* Phoenix Mall
* T. Magna Methodology used:
First our team decided to choose a specific body part I. E. Hair and then we have listed all the product forms for that body part.
Among those product forms we picked two- shampoo and hair oil and listed all the brands that we found for the two product arms. Then we approached the shopkeepers, managers and buyers of the above mentioned locations . We asked them question regarding those two product forms like what brands they prefer and why, are they willing to change the brands or not and noted the responses. Then with the help of those data we found the two most preferred brand of products and studied their market share, reasons for which people are buying them and reasons for which some people want to switch from those brands in detail.
Marketing By Chagrining
1. Introduction- Hair
2. Types of Product Forms for hair
3. Types of brands for hair oil
4. Types of brands for shampoo
5. Oil Market Share
6. Parachute Coconut hair oil-Brand Loyalty, reasons of use
7. Parachute Coconut hair oil-reasons for switching to other products
8. Baja] Almond Drops hair oil- Brand Loyalty, reasons of use, reasons to switch
9. Shampoo Market Share
10. Dove Hair therapy Shampoo- Brand Loyalty, reasons of use
11. Dove Hair therapy Shampoo- reasons for switching to other products
12. Head & Shoulders- Brand Loyalty, reasons of use
13. Head & Shoulders- reasons for switching to other products
14. Significant Learning HAIR
As the study required us to select a body part, hence we have decided to begin this study from the top; therefore our chosen body part portrays the same I. E. Hair.
As hair today plays a vital role for one to define his personality, hence people have become concerned and conscious about taking right care for them. In today’s world, hair care is not only segmented to the women section of the society, but also caters to men of all ages who feel a need to take care of their hair .
The same concern has been observed and hence profitably utilized by the hair care industry of today. The hair are industry have not only grown in terms of market revenue and market penetration but have also diversified there portfolio offerings. There are many categories of products available in the market today for hair care, catering to different needs and wants, some unisex and some gender specific. Depending on the targeted segment and positioning almost all of them seem to have found a market for them.
We have tried to encompass many of the categories of hair care products available in the market today. Shampoo: Since ages in India we have been using various natural concoctions and soaps to keep our hair clean, the hair care industry as used the same need to create a market for them by bringing in shampoos. This has been a difficult process, because as far as India goes, as we already had many options available for cleaning the hair hence the Shampoo industry had to step further and add value to their product, to make their product’s need felt.
Today’s shampoos are not only limited to the need of cleaning/washing the hair, but they seem to have the power to solve multiple problems, rather cleaning is a presumed and precluded objective. Today’s shampoo focus on things like
* Dandruff control
* Anti hair fall
* Intensive repair
* Oil therapy Protein therapy
* Color protective Oil:
This has also been a traditional product of an Indian house hold, which has been used traditionally as nourishment to the hair; various parts of India have been using various kinds of oils, depending upon the environment.
But the usually being restricted to coconut and mustard oil. Hair Oil industry has found their market here too, by segmenting there offerings on the basis of age and usage. The Oil industry has also added value to their products by introducing diverse offerings catering to needs like:
* Hair strengthening Oil
* Anti – Dandruff oil
* Anti – Hair fall oil Light Hair oil
* Menthol added oil Conditioner:
Conditioner though new to the Indian culture, still the hair care industry has been able to create a market for conditioners in the urban customers.
Though this is supplementary when compared to shampoo and oil, still people use it for extra nourishment and smoothening of their hair. There have been many new conditioners that have been introduced in the market today
* Anti – hair fall conditioner
* Menthol added conditioner
* Damage control conditioner
* Scented conditioner Color:
Though the usage of hair coloring was restricted to elderly with grey hairs, UT in today’s generation the Coloring industry has been able to make its need felt for fashion purposes. People today, even without grey hairs, color, to follow the new trends in fashion.
People are going in for coloring to change their natural hair color or to add color streaks. The color industry has though, kept their product portfolio segmented in this case, wherein they have separate products for men and other for women.
Hair Gel: This product is mostly used by urban youth, to set and style their hair into different patterns. Today’s hair gel industry has further added alee to their product by bringing in various ‘look characteristics to the gel, like neon glow, wet look etc, which has been appreciated and accepted by the market.
Hair Spray: They, though not yet that popular in the market, provide an alternative to the hair gel. The advantage of these being that, one can use them after styling, to keep the style of hair in place.
Hair Serum: Hair serum is a hair care solution which makes the hair shine and stops it from tangling. It protects the hair from the damages done by overexposure to the sun, hair styling products and chemical colors. Serums are used for various purposes like air smoothing, growth, conditioning, moisturizing, and hair fall and hair regrowth.
The major reason that came out is the availability of many new products in the same market. The monopoly that Head and Shoulders use to enjoy, when they were the only major player in the Anti-Dandruff shampoo category, is slowly withering away and a major caveat has been the competition. Hence Head and Shoulder needs to refocus on their resent marketing strategy to retain their market. Also they need to reconsider their pricing strategy and think of introducing new products especially for the market using coloring products.
Significant Lessons Learnt: Our group surveyed the market for shampoos and hair oils and we had an overview of the market trends, the mentality of the consumers, the way the products are perceived by the consumers and so on. Here are the few lessons that we came to understand from our market survey:
* Hair Oils are not used by everyone. A few youngsters do not use it for the stickiness of the oils. Shampoos are used by everyone. The reason being our survey was mostly concentrated in the urban areas.
* Coconut oils are a rage among consumers. They believe it keeps the hair strong and give it essential nutrients.
* An affluent section goes for hair spas at salons. Some of them can spend a lot for better quality and imported variety.
* Advertisements play a small role to influence consumers. Rather recommendations by relatives/peers play the key role to change consumer mentality about products.
* Shampoos and hair oils, being FMC products, are driven by the brand loyalty in the market and also n the distribution of the product in a particular area. Though people are not ready to compromise with quality, but the middle class section has a want for standard quality product at a cheaper price.
* Most of the people stick to the brands that they are using since childhood.
* Some young people love trying new varieties. They experiment many products and choose the one that suits them best, rather than sticking to the same old variety.
* It all depends on how the product is positioned in the minds of consumers. Quality is not determined by the manufacturer; rather it is dependent on how the consumers assume it to be.