Posted: October 2nd, 2022
Marketing Plan Outline
Marketing Plan Outline
They are 4 members assign roles
a company in new jersey
outline example attached
Please submit an outline for your final group project here. The outline should include your product or service, a breakdown of your marketing plan and the roles per each of your team members (who will be doing which part). Everyone in your group must submit an outline. Let me know if you have any questions.
Group Marketing Project (30% of final grade)
You will complete a term-long group project that will culminate with an original marketing plan that you will present in Class 7. Each group member will also submit a peer teamwork assessment. The written plan and teamwork assessments are also due in Class 8. While this is a group project, you will be graded on your individual efforts.
Your group is a self-managed team of marketing consultants tasked with developing a marketing plan, including specific recommendations for launching or re-launching a service or product, to pitch to the target company.
Identify a product/service Choose a product, service, or brand in need of marketing support (i.e., it hasn’t yet launched, is underperforming, or has the capacity to increase market share). You do not need to have inside knowledge of this business, nor do you need access to marketing research on this business. I strongly discourage you from selecting a Fortune 500 company or another large business with a robust marketing department as it is unlikely that your group will able to markedly improve upon the existing marketing practices of such a company in seven weeks. If you wish to study a large business, be aware that your marketing plan must include new, original marketing ideas, rather than a summary of the company’s existing practices.
Develop a marketing plan Your plan should follow an established format for marketing plans, such as the one outlined in Iacobucci Ch. 17. If your group wishes to use a different format, consult with the professor first.
An outline of your plan—including the names of your group members; the product, service, or brand you will focus on; and an outline of the sections of your marketing plan with 1-2 sentences/phrases under each section—is due via Canvas in Week 3.