Posted: November 19th, 2022
Many governments in different nations
Many governments in different nations have taken the initiative of developing their infrastructure. One of the major sectors that nations have concentrated and developed is the transport sector. Every mode of transport has a fundamental different technological solution, which requires separate environment. the transport sector mainly consists of air, truck, rail, water, and pipeline systems. a good transport system must be easy and convenient to use. It must also be safe, clean, fast and affordable to the consumers (Vuchic, 2002). Many governments in various countries have taken the initiative to develop their infrastructure. The transportation sector is one of the major sectors in which nations have concentrated and developed. Every mode of transportation has a fundamentally different technological solution that necessitates its own environment. The transportation sector consists primarily of air, truck, rail, water, and pipeline systems. A good transportation system must be simple and easy to use. It must also be safe, clean, fast, and reasonably priced for consumers (Vuchic, 2002). In many developed and developing nations, the daily sector especially milk transportation has been a major challenge on which transport means to use. As a group we visited the daily sector in the state of Texas to find out the recommendable means of transport for the farmers and the sector used for transporting milk from the farmers to the daily sector where milk is processed. In order to come into a conclusion on the most affordable mode of transport, we have to compare
Air transport ranges from small trainers and also recreational to large airliners and militally cargo aircraft Its means of transport is airplanes. Its the second largest mode of transport after space transport .commercial jets have a speed of 955km/h while piston powered aircraft have a speed of 345kn/h which comes with higher cost of energy use and also a big impacts to the environments and particurally to the global climate .Although air is the fastest means of transport and convenient for transporting milk since it is a perishable good, it has a lot of disadvantages that outweighs its advantages. To transport milk by air is considered extremely expensive which the sector cannot afford from the little profit the gain. It is also expensive to establish an airline as well as manage it. Furthermore, the planes cannot be used to transport milk form the framers to the final destination and hence an intermediary is created which adds cost for the transportation (Fleming, 1986). Planes also expose milk to extreme temperatures which can make it go bad and resulting to losses.
The sector also discouraged water as a means of transport. For water transport to take place, existence of marine time routes must be a must which is not the case in many regions that are involved in daily farming this makes it difficult for the farmers to use water as a means of transport. Additionally, for areas that have marine times routes there are a lot of risks involved in its transportation such as milk since a storm may exist which will hinder transport and since milk is a perishable product, the means cannot be convenient.
It’s a means of conveyance of passengers and goods by means of wheeled vehicles running on rail track known as railway. Railway carries passengers or freights .Railway vehicles moves with less friction than rubber tires on paved roads, making train more energy efficient bt not as efficient as ships .It have a speed of up to 430km/h. Railway as a means of transport is mainly used as a mode of human transportation. Railway transport is well known for its high capacity in carriage. The system is also known to contain containers which can facilitate milk transportation. However, the ancient trains are known to be slow while many areas have no access to modern electrical trains especially in rural and plantation where daily farming takes place. The modern trains are mainly located in the urban centers (Grandin, 2000).
Pipeline as a means of transport can be laid on land or under water. It is mainly used in gas transportation and milk .on the one hand, it is favored since it requires little human labor and is considered fast. On the other hand, the system faces various challenges in its constructions such as landscapes and subarctic environments. It is also considered expensive to construct. The product is also prone to theft and leakage which may lead to loss of the product being transported.
Road transport is an identifiable route of travel usually surfaced with gravel, asphalt or concrete .It involves passenger vehicle which carries its own motor .Automobile offers high flexibility but are deemed with high energy and area use ,its also the main source noise and air pollution in cities .buses allows for more efficient travel at the cost of reduced flexibility Truck as a means of transport is the most favored in daily industry. Due to the improvement in the infrastructure, roads have been developed making trucks as a means of transport be fast, safe, convenient, and the most affordable means of transport. The trucks containers are sterilized to ensure the milk remains fresh and free from contamination during the transportation duration (Weber, 2008). In many developed and developing nations, trucks are the commonly used means for transport in the daily industry since the roads are accessible from the farm to the final destination.
Weber, c. l., &Matthews, h. s. (2008).Food-miles and the relative climate impacts of food choices in the united states. environmental science & technology, 42(10), 3508-3513.
Hayes, p. s., Feeley, j. c., Graves, l. m.,Aajello, g. w., &Fleming, d. w. (1986). Isolation of listeriamonocytogenes from raw milk.applied and environmental microbiology, 51(2), 438-440.
Vuchic, v. r. (2002).urban public transportation systems. στοtskim (επιμ.), encyclopedia of life support systems, unesco.