Posted: July 5th, 2022
Mandatory Draft of Crisis Intervention Model and Skills
Instructions for Mandatory Draft of Crisis Intervention Model and Skills
Make sure your paper is in APA Format and 6 – 8 pages long (not including cover page
and references).
Paper focus: To create an individual case study and apply a crisis intervention model and skills
to the situation.
Instructions: In this paper, you are the assigned counselor working with an individual in a crisis
situation. This person should be fictional. The sections below are required to be in your paper.
Sections to be included:
1. Cover Page
2. Case Study. The client should be described with appropriate demographics (e.g.,
gender identity, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, relationship status,
employment, spiritual identification) and a brief history of the client given. The crisis
that has occurred and client’s position in the crisis should be described (e.g., if it is a
school shooting, is the client a student, teacher, parent, community member, etc.).
3. Description of the Crisis. Describe the crisis that has occurred. When did it occur,
who was involved, how many people killed or injured, impact on the community, and
local response. This is required to be based on an actual crisis (e.g., a hurricane,
school shooting, war) that has been reported in the news in the last 10 years.
4. Background information on the Crisis Intervention Model to be applied. What is the
history of the model you chose? Who developed it and why? What does the research
say about the efficacy of the model and when it should be applied?
5. Application of this Model to your Case Study. Describe how you would apply each
step of your chosen model to your case study.
6. Future Resources for the Client. As you are doing crisis intervention with your client,
it is unlikely you would provide on-going counseling. Describe what resources would
be needed to assist in the client’s recovery and long-standing wellbeing.
7. Reference page(s)
List of Crisis Intervention Models to Choose from (and initial page it appears in your textbook;
these models may be described in multiple places in your textbook):
– ABC-X (p. 15)
– Double ABC-X (p. 15)
– Psychological First Aid (p. 4; more detail on p. 297)
– Critical Incident Stress Management (p. 374)
– Task Model of Crisis Assessment and Intervention (p. 7)
– Richmond et al.’s (2012) Domains of De-escalation and Associated
– If you would like to focus your paper on a model not listed here, please message me
in Canvas or ask during class.