Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Macroecos essay
For this assignment, find an article (since January 1, 2021) that reports on a piece of macroeconomic data. You are writing an annotation about the article and then posting it with the URL of the article to this forum.
The post is supposed to be at least a couple of paragraphs long and be more than just a summary of the article. You need to talk about what it means or why you think it relates to macroeconomics or what you think will happen….You can say things the article says but also go beyond that in your post.
I suggest first creating your post on your computer in a form that you can save a local copy as a back up. Then copy your post and paste it into this forum as a new thread. Click on this forum and then click on Create Thread. Title your post based on the data that your article is about. Copy (don’t attach) your post in the text box. Copy a link to your article as part of your post.
This forum is moderated so you will not be able to see your post or the posts of other students until after the due date