Posted: November 19th, 2022
M4 Team: Dannon 2021 Company Impact Report Critique
11/17/22, 1:35 AM M4 Team: Dannon 2021 Company Impact Report Critique… 1/3
M4 Team: Dannon 2021 Company Impact Report Critique
Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a media recording or a file upload
Case Study Rubric
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Module 4
Assignment: Dannon 2021 Company Impact Report Critique
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To complete this team assignment, first read Assessment of Leading Apparel Specialty Retailers’ CSR Practices as Communicated on
Corporate Websites: Problems and Opportunities ( to understand various corporate
approaches to communicating CSR practices .
Then read and critique Danone’s 2021 impact report ( .
Assess Danone’s CSR, sustainability, or citizenship to efforts that address the triple bottom line. Explain the extent to which Danone
recognizes and takes responsibility for the various social and environmental and governance impacts of its business that you identify.
Be thoughtful and answer the following questions –
1. Explain how the company frames the issues. Are they discussed in terms of ethical or social responsibilities? Do they use frameworks (GRI,
CDP , TCFD, UN Sustainable Development Goals or certification programs) to guide and independently validate their reports? Explain the
extent to which the report illustrates that the company recognizes its social responsibilities among employees, consumers, and other
stakeholders. Cite the specific metrics used in the report and their progress against them.
2. Critical assessment: Reflecting on the issues in the course, do you consider that their sustainability or CSR programs are effective? Who is
responsible for their program. Is Danone doing enough? Or are they primarily directed simply at issues to affect profits? Be critical and explain
what may be lacking. How do they compare to their top 2 competitors?
3. What is the biggest challenge identified for the next 5 years? Are they taking steps to follow the SDGs (the Strategic Development Goals) of the
United Nations?
Your critique should be no-longer than 5 pages, organized with appropriate section headings, and visually appealing.
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Criteria Ratings Pts
25 pts
10 pts
10 pts
5 pts
25 pts
Analysis &
25 pts
Presents a balanced, in-depth, and critical
assessment of the facts of the case in light of
relevant empirical and theoretical research;
develops insightful and well-supported
conclusions using reasoned, sound, and
informed judgments
15 pts
Provides an acceptable analysis of most
of the issues and problems in the case; in
most instances, analysis is adequately
supported by theory and empirical data;
appropriate conclusions are outlined and
10 pts
Simply repeats facts identified in the case and
does not discuss the relevance of these facts;
fails to draw conclusions, or conclusions are not
justified or supported; does not present relevant
research or data; shows no critical examination
of case issues
& Structure
10 pts
Good Structure of the
paragraphs are clear and
easy to follow.
5 pts
Fair Structure of the paragraphs are not easy
to follow. – Paragraph transitions need
2 pts
Poor Organization and structure detract from the message of
the writer. – Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of
Format 10 pts
Good Report follows designated guidelines. Report
is the appropriate length as required for the
5 pts
Fair Report follows most
guidelines. – Report is too long
or too short.
2 pts
Poor Report lacks many elements of correct
formatting. – Paragraphs are inadequate/excessive
in length.
& Spelling
5 pts
Good Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
are followed; spelling is correct. – Language is clear
and precise; sentences display consistently strong,
varied structure.
2.5 pts
Fair Report contains few grammatical,
punctuation and spelling errors. – Language
lacks clarity or includes the use of some
jargon or conversational tone.
0 pts
Poor Report contains numerous
grammatical, punctuation, and
spelling errors. – Language uses
jargon or conversational tone
25 pts
Clearly and accurately describes the unique
perspectives of multiple key stakeholders in
the case; demonstrates insightful analysis of
strategic tensions or conflicts of interest
between the stakeholders
20 pts
With a few minor exceptions, adequately
identifies and summarizes the perspectives
of the principal stakeholders involved in the
case; outlines some conflicts of interest
between company stakeholders
10 pts
Does not identify or explain the perspectives of
any stakeholders involved in the case, or
explanation is flawed in many respects; fails to
recognize any differences between the
interests of the various stakeholders
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Total Points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
25 pts
25 pts
Demonstrates well-developed ability to
integrate and apply principles, theories, and
practices in the functional areas of business
to the analysis of issues in the case-study;
effectively identifies, examines, and analyzes
important cross-functional organizational
issues that are important in the analysis of
the case-study component areas; identifies
and critically evaluates and assesses key
organizational problems and challenges, and
clearly justifies strategic recommendations
and conclusions for action based on strong
analytics and appropriate principles in the
business functional areas
15 pts
Exhibits satisfactory application of
principles, theories, and practices in the
functional areas of business to the analysis
of the case-study; with a few minor
exceptions, the case analysis outlines and
describes some cross-functional
organizational issues that are relevant to the
development of organizational strategy; the
case analysis adequately identifies relevant
organizational problems and challenges,
and lists strategic recommendations and
conclusions for action that are, for the most
part, based on appropriate principles and
concepts in the functional areas of business
10 pts
Shows little or no ability to employ theory and
practice in the functional areas of business in
the assessment of problems and issues in the
case-study; does not recognize or correctly
identify cross-functional organizational issues
relevant to the case-study; the case analysis
does not identify or adequately evaluate
organizational problems and challenges in
light of relevant principles, theories, and
practices in the functional areas of business;
no strategic recommendations or conclusions
are presented in the case analysis, or
recommendations and conclusions are not
appropriately justified or supported