Posted: October 31st, 2022
LSBU Discovery Project Assessment Brief
Assessment Brief
Read this assessment brief carefully, it tells you how you are going to be assessed, how to
submit your assessment on-time and how (and when) you’ll receive your marks and
Module Code BAE_4_LDP
Module Title LSBU Discovery Project
Module Leaders Jo Goodey/Chris Matthews
% of Module Mark 50%
Distributed W/C 26th September 2022
Submission Method
Presentations will be in your timetabled seminar
session during weeks 8 and 9
Week 8 starts Monday 14th November 2022
Week 9 starts Monday 21th November 2022
Slides must be submitted online via this Module’s
Moodle site by the deadline below
4:00pm on Monday 14th November 2022
Release of
Feedback will be available online by Friday 16th
December 2022
Release of Marks
Provisional marks will be available in the
Gradebook on Moodle from Friday 16th December
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module students
will be able to:
• Apply idea generation techniques, and
critical thinking to identify key issues and,
develop, evaluate, select and communicate
solutions to issues within a business project.
• Evaluate, elect and apply key project
management techniques and tools such as
PID, WBS, Gantt Charts, CPA to a business
• Evaluate and reflect upon decisions and
actions to respond more effectively to
changes in the business environment, and
society as a whole.
• Identify, develop and apply effective and
appropriate coaching skills to enable
successful team development including
awareness of personality differences and
sensitivity to cultural norms.
You must submit your slides for this presentation on Moodle by:
4:00pm on Monday 14th November 2022
All team members must submit the full set of team slides by this time.
You team will present during your seminar session in week 8 or 9
Your seminar instructor will give you an exact time and date that your group will
present during the seminar and it is your responsibility to be ready on time.
• Each member of the team should have a complete copy of the slides in case
any member does not show up on the day.
• If a team member does not show up on the day, they will be given a mark of
0. The other team members must present in their absence.
• The team must share their presentation on the screen in the classroom
You will be required to work in groups of 4-5 people to complete this assignment.
As a group, you will deliver a 15-minute presentation supported by PowerPoint
The presentation will explain your business plan, for your social enterprise, that
responds to an issue within the community where one or more of your team
members live/come from. You will be expected to evaluate the decisions that you
made throughout the project and explain how you used the tools and frameworks to
complete your work as a team.
To complete this assignment, your presentation must:
1. Create an introduction that:
i. Briefly introduces the team
ii. Briefly explains the overall aim of the presentation
iii. Introduces the United Nations Social Development Goals (UN
SDGs) and states how social enterprises are supporting the
realisation of these goals
2. Explain the scope of the issue you have found within the community
and state which of the UN SDGs this issue is linked to.
3. Explain the process that you went through to develop your solution to
the problem. You must include:
i. Problem analysis – what are the underlying factors that cause
this issue?
ii. Ideas Generation Techniques – which idea generation
techniques did you use, and what solutions did you come up?
iii. Evaluation Techniques and final selection of the solution – show
how you scored 4 of your ideas using appropriate criteria to
select your final business idea.
4. Explain and evaluate how you used the Gantt Chart to assign the key
tasks of the project, as identified in your Project Initiation Document, to
ensure that work was completed effectively and on time.
5. Use the Social Blueprint Business Design Framework to explain your
completed business idea, and explain how you would evaluate its
success, based on the Method of Evaluation stated in your Project
Initiation Document.
6. Explain and evaluate how your team used coaching skills to ensure
that you formed a strong and cohesive unit to complete this project
7. Conclude with your key learning from the project.
Each member of the team should have a complete copy of the slides
Assessment Details:
Type: Group Presentation
Resources: Background reading and resources are stated
below the marking rubric.
Time Limit and
Each group will have 15 minutes to present.
Students should aim to present for a minimum of 13
minutes and 30 seconds and a maximum of 16
minutes and 30 seconds. Presentations that exceed
this time limit will be stopped. A time warning will be
delivered at 15 minutes.
Presentations will be delivered ‘live’ in class during
weeks 8 and 9 of seminar sessions. Students MUST
present to achieve a mark for this module. Students
who do not present will be awarded a mark of 0, even
if they have contributed to the development of the
Presentation slides (saved as a PowerPoint) must be
submitted by each member of the group as a file on
Moodle, in the correct area.
Each member of the group’s full name and student ID
must appear at the front of the PowerPoint.
Referencing: Harvard Referencing should be used, see your
Library Subject Guide for guides and tips on
Regulations: Make sure you understand the University
Regulations on expected academic practice and
academic misconduct. Note in particular:
▪ Your work must be your own. Markers will be
attentive to both the plausibility of the sources
provided as well as the consistency and
approach to writing of the work. Simply, if you
do the research and reading, and then write it
up on your own, giving the reference to
sources, you will approach the work in the
appropriate way and will cause not give
markers reason to question the authenticity of
the work.
▪ All quotations must be credited and properly
referenced. Paraphrasing is still regarded as
plagiarism if you fail to acknowledge the source
for the ideas being expressed.
TURNITIN: When you upload your work to the
Moodle site it will be checked by anti-plagiarism
Learning Outcomes
This assessment will fully assess the following learning outcomes for this module.
• Apply idea generation techniques, and critical thinking to identify key issues
and, develop, evaluate, select and communicate solutions to issues within a
business project.
• Evaluate, elect and apply key project management techniques and tools such
as PID, WBS, Gantt Charts, CPA to a business project.
• Evaluate and reflect upon decisions and actions to respond more effectively to
changes in the business environment
• Identify, develop and apply effective and appropriate coaching techniques to
enable successful team development and management skills including
awareness of personality differences and sensitivity to cultural norms.
Assessment Criteria and Weighting
Marking criteria have been developed to help tutors give you clear and helpful feedback on your
work. They will be applied to your work to help you understand what you have accomplished, how
any mark given was arrived at, and how you can improve your work in future.
Coursework 1 Criteria and Weighting
Each task is being marked according to the marking rubric in the table below.
Please note, that to achieve maximum marks for each section, the information needs to
be presented in an engaging and professional business appropriate manner. Marks will
be deducted, from each section if the information is not clear, logically developed and
presented in an engaging manner. Further, there is a 15% mark allocation for the overall
professionalism of the presentation and the academic skills demonstrated.
Section Mark
Create an introduction that:
i. Briefly introduces the team
ii. Briefly explains the overall aim of the presentation
iii. Introduces the United Nations Social Development Goals (UN SDGs)
and states how social enterprises are supporting the realisation of
these goals. 15%
Introduction of the Problem
• Explanation the scope of the issue
• State which of the UN SDGs this issue is linked to (there may be more
than one)
Finding Solutions – Ideas Generation
• Explanation of the process that the team went through to develop a
solution to the problem:
i. Problem analysis – what are the underlying factors that cause
this issue?
ii. Ideas Generation Techniques – which idea generation
techniques did you use, and what solutions did you come up?
iii. Evaluation Techniques and final selection of the solution – show
how you scored 4 of your ideas using appropriate criteria to
select your final business idea.
Evaluating and Application of Project Management Tool 10%
• Explanation and evaluation of use of the Gantt Chart to assign the key
tasks of the project, as identified in your Project Initiation Document, to
ensure that work was completed effectively and on time.
Evaluating and Justification of Business Decisions
• Use of the Social Blueprint Business Design Framework to explain your
completed business idea, and explain how you would evaluate its
success, based on the Method of Evaluation stated in your Project
Initiation Document.
Explanation and Evaluation of Coaching Skills
• Explanation and evaluation of how your team used coaching skills to
ensure that you formed a strong and cohesive unit to complete this
project effectively.
• 3-5 key findings/conclusions that discovered from completing this
project – MUST be linked to what has been presented
Presentation and References
• Engaging and articulate with concepts clearly explained and logically
developed to support a clear narrative of the project.
• Presentation within the 15-minute time limit (between 14 and 16
• Presenters not reading from slides
• Presenters confidently explaining content on slides indicating
understanding of subject, with engaging tone
• Use of bullet points on slides
• Professionally designed slides
• Consistent font, (with larger headings) and capitalisation etc.
• Use of graphics, charts graphs etc to visually illustrate content
• Use of citations on the slides linked to LSBU Harvard Referencing at
the end of the presentation
• Use of appropriate sources
Please note that all marks go through a rigorous and fair moderation procedure which
involves both internal moderation and moderation from an external examiner.
How to get help
We will discuss this Assessment Brief in class. However, if you have related
questions, please contact me Ann Healey email Chris or Jo soon as possible.
Core Reading
Boysen-Rotelli, S. (2018) An introduction to professional and executive coaching.
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Available from:,shib&cu
Jeff Davidson (2019) Everyday Project Management. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler
Publishers. Available at:
Pallas, J. (2019) The perfect little project management toolkit: the only tools you need
to start managing successful project teams, today!!! Atlanta, GA: JD Pallas
Consulting, LLC.
Passmore, J 2021, Excellence in Coaching : Theory, Tools and Techniques to
Achieve Outstanding Coaching Performance, Kogan Page Limited. London
Simon, P. and Murray-Webster, R. (2018) Starting out in project management. Third
edition. Princes Risborough: Association for Project Management. Available from:
Social Enterprise Alliance (2010). Succeeding at social enterprise : hard-won lessons
for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs. San Francisco, Ca: Jossey-Bass.
Academic Journals & Reports
Bradford, A., Luke, B. and Furneaux, C. (2020) ‘Exploring Accountability in Social
Enterprise: Priorities, Practicalities, and Legitimacy’, Voluntas: International Journal of
Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations, 31(3), pp. 614–626. doi: 10.1007/s11266-020-
Nicholls, J. (2007). Why measuring and communicating social value can help social
enterprise become more competitive.
Cabinet Office: Office of the Third Sector.
Harvard Business Review (2004). Leading by Feel. [online] Harvard Business Review.
Available at:
Martin, L.R. and Osberg, S.R. 2015. Two Keys to Sustainable Social Enterprise.
Available from:
Mintel News (2018). #GivingTuesday: 73% of Americans consider companies’
charitable work when making a purchase. [online] Mintel. Available at: (n.d.). Determining The Right Legal Structure | Learning Area | UnLd
|. [online] Available at:
United Nations (2015). The 17 sustainable development goals. [online] United Nations.
Available at:
Other Optional Reading
Arnold, J. (2016) Coaching skills for leaders in the workplace. Second edition.
London: Robinson.
Cottrell, S. [no date] Critical Thinking Skills: Effective Analysis, Argument and
Rynehart, R. (2018) Boosting impact and innovation in higher education: the
knowledge entrepreneur and high diversity groups in universities. United Kingdom:
Emerald Publishing. Available from:,shib&custid=s983
Schroeder, B. (2016) Simply brilliant: powerful techniques to unlock your creativity
and spark new ideas. New York: AMACOM. Available from: