Posted: June 22nd, 2022
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Welfare perspectives, also known as the worldview, are social ideologies, attitudes, values and beliefs of a group of people in the world. The main ideologies as per the political position are conservatism, liberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism and social democracy ideological approaches. These ideologies shape social and public policy debates and strategies that address social challenges. However, the divergent opinions regarding these concepts cause irreconcilable clashes regarding political, economic and social life. This is because of their different perspectives on various core issues of life such as human nature, social problems, needs, role of government and general welfare. Different political perspectives tend to impact the type of social policies that will be accepted at certain times (Gray, 2002). This paper critically analyzes liberal individualism or liberalism as one of the political perspective in the current society in depth, its guiding principles, nature, and position in running social and political structures.
Liberals value change, moderate change which brings progress. They believe people are basically good in their human nature; however, they require structures which reinforce best impulses and habits. The environments that people regularly interact in play a part in the challenges and progresses that they encounter- they are not entirely self-governing. Liberals also believe that family structures change and for this reason, they need government and social support. Finally, liberalism demands that regulations in the society are necessary to ensure fair competition. For instance, to ensure the basic needs of people, the government should step in to control the free market. Liberals often want to increase the government structure to avoid poverty while maintaining the basic structure of systems (Amodio, Jost, Master & Yee, 2007).
Humanist-Positivist-Utopian (HPU) value systems are associated with liberalism (Sherwood, 2010). There are five major perspectives illustrated in this case. First, this is where the main purpose of the society is to accomplish the people’s emotional and material needs. Second, if the needs of people were accomplished in the society, they will achieve a state that HPU system describes as that of maturity, goodness, productivity, or adjustment in which most of the societal and individual difficulties would be resolved. Third, liberals argue that what hinder the societies from attaining the mentioned state are not people themselves, but external controls that are often beyond their control. Some externalities include lack of education, childhood relationship, economic issues, and social environment. Fourth, these externalities are dynamic and can be manipulated by people with sufficient knowledge and technical abilities and those who generally use scientific methods. Finally, when all the above steps are followed, the societies and individuals become ultimately perfectible (Sherwood, 2010).
Liberalism philosophy involves government in economic, political and social structures to ensure all people’s privileges and rights are protected under social justice (Amodio et al., 2007). It favors government driven social and political reforms which involves increase in federal services, economic intervention by the government, guaranteed rights, and government involvement of environmental protection. Liberals advocate for less military in the society.
Liberalism starts from the foundation that everyone is an individual and has a right and freedom. Liberalism has often defended citizens from insults by authorities. Since the 19th century, it has been utilized to protect the propertied interests. Those who uplift new society rights are liberals rather than conservatives.
The core value of liberalism as stated earlier is freedom. However, not all freedoms are equally significant. The main once are freedom of worship, speech and assembly. Liberals maintains that societies can regulate itself if the interference of the state were removed. Research by Gray (2002) states that all the state roles, whatever the intention, undermines people’s freedom. The society is a complex entity that should not be tampered with.
Liberalism denounces both social and economic inequality. Liberals view equality as an essential factor in a society and to attain this state, individuals are obliged to eradicate discriminatory practices. In this regard, Gray (2002) argues that the great gap in impacts of wealth should be lessened. Liberals encourage strong public policies to eliminate these disparities; therefore, they consider the government as the regulator. As the state regulate the disparities, the preservation of civil liberties in this progressive value is as well necessary. In liberalism, the public policy needs to be egalitarian while the government responsibility is to ensure that the citizens access quality education, cheap health services, hygienic environment and societal safety. Liberals also advocate for demonstrations and other programs advocating for affirmative actions (DiNitto & Johnson, 2015). For instance, when mines collapse and buries miners, implementation of affirmative action implies that the children of the deceased, as part of their rights, shall continue to enjoy free education, health covers, and other basic needs catered for by the government.
Liberalism views the society as a system, an organic system that may fail to regulate itself without external interventions. For instance, out of thousands of seedlings planted in a natural state, only few grow to maturity. However, when protected from pests, insects, watered, and fertilized, almost all grow to maturity. The scenario shows that externalities are significant in supporting societies and liberals believe that social systems need regulating as well as nurturing.
Liberals are also optimistic regarding human nature. Liberalism states that all humanity are born with endless possibilities that can be manipulated for good to eliminate being controlled but simply to be covered from the corrupt influences of external factors. Human should have freedom to follow their natural conscience since they have the ability to make their own decisions and choices between the right and the wrong. This means that people deserve competition rights and when equal opportunities avail, they can bloom and prosper. The state must never interfere in case people require assistance.
Liberals believe in a world change for better. They consider history as a progress, and they trust that progressive change means progressive success. Since change makes things better, there is need for the social welfare advocators (Giddens, 2013). Therefore, every government must provide to citizens social welfare. For instance, in certain countries, the 65 years and above old people receive a monthly security pension for their upkeep. However, countries have policies that regulate pension issuance. For instance, in Canada, beneficiaries must be citizens who have at least stayed in the country for 40 years after the 18th year age.
In addition, liberals consider families as a progressive institution which can be pragmatic and flexible depending on the support they receive from the government. Changing families need both government and social support. In United States; for example, family institutions that are unable to provide for their components stable basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing are issued with supplements from the state to prevent and support them from falling into absolute poverty.
Liberals consider social welfare as a mandatory response that will help individuals to attain reasonable, healthy living standard. Social welfare is legitimate and proper in an industrial economy (Gamble, 2001). It is a normal and an accepted procedure to fulfill social basics. Therefore, the society is responsible to support and provide for its members needs and benefits. It is not a fault that certain people are in particular conditions. An example of a social benefit is free primary and secondary education for citizens. This is a service that helps to maintain good living standards.
Liberalism also value friction and diversity in the society. Different subsets have different interests and things that one group may need to sufficiently run it may be a disadvantage to the other groups. Therefore, each subset will only struggle to endorse their interest. In performing regulations, other groups are required to compromise to fit the balance. The government always issue rules and regulations that are fair and open to achieve equality (Giddens, 2013).
Liberals also believe in the presence of the imperfections in the available economic and social systems which can only be corrected by the intervention of the government. In such cases, the intervention of the government is desirable, justifiable and necessary. The liberals view federals as the best unit that provides an environment and a structure where opportunities and adequate services can be availed. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure public participation, particular citizens’ basics are met and their equal rights preserved (Gamble, 2001). For instance, the pension schemes and the retirement benefits ensure that the civil servants do not fall into an abject poverty after retirement. The pensions can sustain the majority for longer time period.
One main critic of liberalism is that it discourages hard work and promotes laziness. When individuals are provided with basic needs, they do not work hard as they should. Liberalism eliminates motivation and discourages those who are able to provide for themselves since they tend to view their efforts as worthless if they can be on an equal level of those who do not sometimes work (Coburn, 2000). Liberalism may also cause class conflicts when people at different castes in many cases receive equal benefits.
In summary, liberalism is the most applicable political ideology in the current society. This is because, every individual regard change as a means of development in life. Everyone desires best living standard. Also, most countries also have priorities to prevent their respective citizens from poverty, poor health, and academic failures. Governments do all in their power to provide necessary programs such as public assistance, social security, food security and minimum wage setting that will ensure their citizens’ needs are well catered for (Melamed, 2006). The above analyses promote liberalism as a welfare ideology.
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DiNitto, D.M. and Johnson, D.H., 2015. Social welfare: Politics and public policy. Pearson.
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Sherwood, D.A., 2010. Acts of the Loving Imagination: Central Themes of Alan Keith-Lucas. Social Work and Christianity, 37(3), p.268.