Posted: October 16th, 2022
Levels of Social Change – Individual, Families/Groups
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change. You must apply concepts from at least 3 different topic areas. 2-3 pages double-spaced. Use 5 concepts from the list next to the larger topic area. For example, talking about communities within levels of social change is considered 1 concept.
TOPIC AREAS CONCEPTS-5 from this side within at least three topic areas (e.g., 2 levels, 1 theory, 2 patterns, or some combination) Levels of Social Change – Individual, Families/Groups, Organizations, Communities, Society, Global Context Sources of Social Change – Technology, Ideology, Competition, Conflict, Economy, Globalization, Structural Strains Theories of Social Change – Evolutionary Theory, Conflict Theories, Structural-Functional Theories, Social-Psychological Theories, Patterns of Social Change – Cultural Evolution, Cultural Diffusion, Acculturation, Revolution, Modernization, Industrialization, Urbanization, Bureaucratization Spheres of Social Change – Family, Population, Stratification, Power Relations, Education, Economy
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As discussed in class, social change is complex and analysis of social change is best done utilizing various terms, concepts, and theories. For the purpose of this assignment, you are to analyze social change utilizing dimensions, theories, patterns, and spheres of change. In other words, utilize content from Weeks 1-4 on Blackboard. Here are the steps to this assignment: 1. Identify an area of social change that you want to examine. It might be easiest to highlight a social issue and you can examine this social issue across time. Some suggestions: Drug Use; Poverty; Mental Health (perhaps something specific like depression); Homelessness; Equal Employment; Cost of Higher Education; Some area within Inequity (might be too much to look at Race/Ethnicity/Gender/Disability/Sexual Orientation as one, select a more specific example); Unemployment; Child Welfare; etc. You may examine past change and/or future 2. Define the issue 3. Discuss the issue in context of the terms from class. You can move between a current and historical discussion to apply the terms. Utilize the terms to discuss their influence on past change and/or future change. Here is a list of terms/concepts/theories that you may apply to your discussion: Guidelines – Apply at least five concepts to your discussion of the social issue as it relates to social change. You must apply concepts from at least 3
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