Posted: May 15th, 2022
Letter to an Elected Official
Letter to an Elected Official
This assignment asks you to demonstrate the course competency of Global Engagement by improving your understanding on an issue related to the Miami community.
Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course / in school / in this field / in professional life beyond school:
• Propose a policy change to a major problem or issue in contemporary America
• Assemble evidence in support of your argument and present it in a clear and compelling letter to an elected official.
Assignment Tasks
This assignment involves writing a clear and compelling two-and-a-half-page letter to an elected official identifying a federal or state policy problem that is meaningful to you, proposing a solution to the problem, and conducting and interpreting research to bolster the letter. In the letter, This assignment is to write a two-and-a-half-page letter to an elected official that is clear and convincing. In the letter, you will describe a federal or state policy problem that is important to you, suggest a solution to the problem, and do research and explain it to back up your letter. In the letter, you have to explain how this problem affects you and the people around you. you must analyze how this problem impacts you personally, people in your community, people in your state, and, if a federal issue, people across the United States. You must recommend at least one legislative solution. You can create your own original legislative solution, or you can support or oppose a portion of a bill that is currently pending before Congress or the state legislature. You must support your solution with data and examples from at least two outside sources (books, journals, reliable internet sources) and discuss why your solution is better than other options. All outside research must be properly cited. The letter must be 750 words in length.