Posted: March 2nd, 2022
Leadership Week 11
Mod11 Discussion – Course Reflection
Discussion Topic
Course Reflection
As you reflect on this course, answer the following questions in your discussion.
Describe how you achieved each of the course competencies.
Initial Post
Provide at least one example of new knowledge gained related to each competency and explain how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.
1. Integrate leadership and management principles and attributes in nursing practice.
2. Use evidence-based practice to guide clinical reasoning and clinical judgement as a basis for nursing decision making.
3. Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes.
4. Demonstrate principles of professional identity and professionalism for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards.
5. Analyze agencies that influence the provision of nursing care in the healthcare system.
6. Formulate decisions based on the legal and ethical underpinnings that improve healthcare.
Reply Post
Respond to at least one of your peers. Expand on your peer’s ideas.
• “Expand on your peer’s ideas” needs more than 1 – 2 sentences for an acceptable reply.
• If you refer to a website or article, be sure to cite it in APA format. This prevents plagiarism and allows your fellow students to review the cites and increase the class knowledge base.
Amber Rochon
6 hours ago, at 1:17 PM
1. Integrate leadership and management principles and attributes in nursing practice. For this course competency, we were instructed to write a memo informing the management team of an unfortunate event that occurred in the hospital that may have been influenced by one of the nurses. We had to list the steps we were taking to collect data appropriately. We also had to record at least five leadership attributes for nurse leaders and improve client outcomes. I learned how to structure a memo for a professional team, which I will take with me into my nursing career.
2. Use evidence-based practice to guide clinical reasoning and clinical judgment as a basis for nursing decision-making. For this course competency, we were to write a paper about identifying which specific activities we would delegate to the LPN and CNA while prioritizing the shift. I enjoyed this assignment as it helped me think through the delegation process. In module 3, we also had to write a discussion post about how we would be involved with the decision-making process using the decision model. This was the first time I had learned about this formula. First, we will Define the problem. Next, we would Establish the criteria, third, and we would consider all the alternatives, next we would Identify the best choice, Develop and implement a plan of action, and lastly, Evaluate and monitor the solution and provide feedback as necessary. I enjoyed learning about this and will take the DECIDE approach to practice problem-solving in my nursing career.
3. Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes. Collaboration in healthcare is vital for improved patient outcomes. In module 5, we learned that collaboration differs from cooperation in that something new is being created due to our collaboration effort. I knew that ingenuity and creativity are essential in collaborating in healthcare. I will take this further information to my nursing career as I learn to navigate the healthcare world and develop interpersonal relationships with other team members who will likely be involved in collaboration in the future of my nursing career.
4. Demonstrate professional identity and professionalism principles for the nurse within the context of regulatory and practice standards. We were instructed to make an infographic about a valuable team member for this course competency. I learned that you begin developing your professional identity even in nursing school. Nurses uphold actions that reflect integrity and commit to safe and quality care while advocating for their diverse patients throughout their nursing careers. I will take this professional identity into my nursing career as I navigate my professional identity development.
5. Analyze agencies that influence the provision of nursing care in the healthcare system. For this course competency, we explored identifying all individuals and groups that help orchestrate quality care. In module 9, we were to discuss disaster planning for our unit. I learned that there are so many more pieces to this puzzle that I had not considered before this assignment. Many stakeholders play essential roles in ensuring the patient’s needs are being met. Client’s families, healthcare employees, contractors, suppliers, investors, and government policymakers all play a part in healthcare. I will take this newfound understanding out into my new role as a nurse, and it will help me problem solve and work through issues within my nursing career.
6. Formulate decisions based on the legal and ethical underpinnings that improve healthcare. To formulate conclusions based on legal and moral support, we learned it is crucial to understand quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality control. These techniques are considered standard across the board and help make changes in the delivery of services. I will take this new information with me into my nursing career. I will utilize it when a problem arises that involves multiple facility departments to prevent issues from happening again.