Posted: February 21st, 2022
Leadership Presentation
Leadership Presentation
Course Name: Leadership and Issues in Nursing
Course Number: NM480
Understand the importance of leadership characteristics and leadership opportunities in quality improvement processes in a health care setting and the impact nursing leadership has on measurable patient outcomes (Learning Objective 5).
Topic and Presentation Requirements (100pts):
Leadership is a very important part of being a professional nurse and understanding the various leadership traits and qualities will aid in being an effective nursing leader. In this presentation the student will select a topic from the list provided and have it approved by the faculty member. The student will research the topic and prepare a presentation discussing the most current information about your topic area. The information provided to the class must be information not previously discussed/lectured on in class. You can use any assistive tool of your choosing (PPT, brochure, handouts, Prezi, etc.).
• Time: 10 minutes in length
• Be creative and think out of the box
• Minor grammatical errors (see rubric).
Presentation of Leadership
Nursing Leadership and Issues is the name of the course.
NM480 is the course number.
Understand the significance of leadership qualities and opportunities in quality improvement processes in a health care context, as well as the impact nurse leadership has on measured patient outcomes (Learning Objective 5).
Requirements for the topic and presentation (100 points):
Leadership is an essential component of being a professional nurse, and understanding the many leadership traits and skills can help you to be a successful nursing leader. The student will choose a topic from the offered list and get it approved by a faculty member for this presentation. The student will conduct research on the issue and make a presentation on the most recent information on the subject. The information given to the class must be accurate.