Posted: November 19th, 2022
Leadership and management
Leadership and management are two distinct concepts that tend to be confused. According to Crossman and Valiga (2017), leaders are change agents that formulate goals and shape people’s thinking. Hence, leading entails setting directions, inspiring, and motivating followers by forming an emotional bond with them. In contrast, managers focus on goal achievement (Waidi, 2017). (Waidi, 2017). This means that management entails planning and directing goal achievement without forming close bonds with subordinates.
As an advanced registered nurse, one can efficiently lead by formulating healthcare goals and shaping how the nursing staff thinks. Primarily, these goals should standardize healthcare by leveraging evidence-based practice. At the same time, one can manage by ensuring these goals are met. Managers are not involved in goal formulation. However, they effectively ensuregoal achievement (Crossman & Valiga, 2017; Waidi, 2017). (Crossman & Valiga, 2017; Waidi, 2017). Hence, as both a leader and a manager, an advanced registered nurse can formulate reasonable patient care goals and oversee their achievement.
One strategy underlying efficient leadership and management is empowering others through duty delegation and open communication. No one can do it all. Hence, to ensure outcome efficiency and staff engagement and commitment, oneneeds to empower them by delegating specific duties that lead to greater patient outcomes. This shows trust and dedication to developing one’s staff. Another efficient strategy is fostering aculture of accountability. This goes a long way in ensuring that each staff member upholds their professional responsibilities.
Grossman, & Valiga, T. M. (2017). (2017). The new leadership challenge : creating the future of nursing (Fifth edition). (Fifth edition.). F.A. Davis Company.
Wajdi, B. N. (2017). (2017). The Differences between Management and Leadership. Synergy: Scientific Journal of Management Science, 7(2), 75-84.