Posted: May 1st, 2022
LDR-462 The IDEAL Problem-Solving
LDR-462 The IDEAL Problem-Solving
LDR-462 The IDEAL Problem-Solving Method
The purpose of this assignment is to apply the IDEAL problemsolving method to relevant business scenarios.
Professionals recognize the need to integrate problem solving
skills in the work environment. The IDEAL problem-solving
method developed by Bradford and Stein is implemented by
Identifying the problem, Defining the problem, Exploring
strategies, Acting on ideas, and Learning from experience.
Review the “Problem Solving Scenarios” and select one relevant
business scenario. You are required to address the following
questions in a 300-500 word outline:
1-Examine the behaviors presented in the selected scenario.
Apply the IDEAL problem-solving process to the scenario. Be sure
you discuss each aspect (Identify, Define, Explore, Act, and Learn)
of the method as it relates to the scenario.
2-Determine whether the behavior in the scenario could be
described as unethical or illegal and how this should be
addressed professionally.
3-Describe how you would resolve this issue using the IDEAL