Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Latin Restaurant or TV Station Website and Business Plan
Create a business plan and a website (you can use for – 1. A new Latin/Spanish language TV Station or 2, A new Latin Cafe/Restaurant Your business must start and operate out of Miami, with an expansionist vision (Nation and Worldwide). Mini website that will include the components of your business. A Word document with your business plan – 8 pages Min excluding your abstract page and references page. All type must be double spaced. Paragraph indentations are required. Citations in the written text of the work and references at the end of the paper. Type font must be either Arial or Times New Roman 12 Pt. Due Date Sunday August 16th 2020 midnight. No Late Papers will be accepted. You must include the following – Abstract page with your Concept explained. Design of your company’s LOGO. What is your Mission and Vision? Sample Menu or Sample TV Schedule. Location and Target Market. List of major competitors and with which ones will your company compete against, and how? Financials and future Expansion plans, Develop this Business Plan, by approaching a strategy that Incorporates Business Principles learned in class, to further your vision… Be creative…