Posted: April 13th, 2023
Lab#1Due Date: Monday, September 10, 2018 11:59:00 PMNumber of Submissions: 3For this lab, you will solve two problems that require from you to input some data and do some calculation. The two problems should be solved inside the main function with comments in between.Don’t write two main functions. Please use only one main function, and the answer for the two problems should be inside that single main function.Think about the possible data types for each data in every problem.Choose names for your variables that make sense, don’t use any variable name that is one character only. Use good, multi-character, meaningful identifiers (variables) names. There is a 5% penalty for not doing that.Document your work by putting comments at the top of your program. The possible comments that you need for this program are the program prolog (name of the programmer, your class and section, the date when you finished working on the program and the purpose of the program). There is a 5% penalty for not doing that.In addition to that, you have to write some comments between the lines of the code to show why you write your code this way. Remember that comments in Python are either: Starts with // in case the comment is one line only.Or it is between /* */ if the comment is taking more than one line.
Problem 1: Finding the Surface Area of a Cylinder50 pts
Inside the main function, do the following:Write a code-segment that finds the surface area of a cylinder. Your program asks the user to input two values: A height value and a radius value. Your code then finds the surface area of the cylinder and it outputs the result to the screen.The Surface Area is calculated using the following equation 2 × p × r × (r+h),where r is the radius and h is the height. and p is the PI value (use 3.14 for that).
Here is a sample run:
Enter the height value: 7
Enter the radius value: 2
The Surface Area of a Cylinder is 113.097
Problem 2:
Finding the Area of a Triangle50 pts
After you finish working on the first part of this lab. Write some comments about the following problem.Write a code-segment program that reads 2 numbers, the first one represents the base of the triangle, while the second one represents the height of it. Your program then calculates the area of the triangle. The area is calculated using the following equation: (1/2)base * height.
Here is a sample run:Enter the Base value: 16
Enter the Height value: 10
The triangle area is 80