Posted: February 21st, 2022
Home>Human Resource Management homework help
150 words
There are three outcomes for the first meeting between a case manager and a person or applicant who wants or needs services:
the applicant feels free to express him- or herself
the applicant leaves confident of being able to work with the case manager toward a satisfactory solution
rapport is established between the two participants
Clearly this first meeting or initial intake interview is important to the assessment phase and establishes a beginning tone to the case management process.
An intake interview can take place anywhere. Choose one of the following locations and potential clients, and describe how you would structure or arrange the setting in order to most effectively interview the individual(s) who needs or desires services.
A homeless person living on the streets who agrees to meet you at a fast-food restaurant
A teenager who lives in a group home where you will meet her after school
A single mother who invites you to her apartment in the projects
Home>Homework Help>Human Resource Management Homework Social
175 words
The initial encounter between a case manager and a person or applicant who wants or needs services has three outcomes:
The applicant has the freedom to express himself or herself.
The applicant leaves feeling optimistic that he or she will be able to collaborate with the case manager to find a good solution.
A rapport is formed between the two participants.
Clearly, the first encounter or initial intake interview is critical to the evaluation phase and sets the tone for the case management process.
An intake interview might take place at any time and in any location. Choose one of the following places and potential clients, and describe how you would structure or arrange the setting to most effectively interview the individual(s) who requires or wants your services.