Posted: November 19th, 2022
Kotlin Programming
Kotlin Programming
See below tasks, and share back the respective .kt file for each question.
Write a Kotlin program with delcares a variable assigns it a value between 0 and 23. Write an if statement that prints “good morning” if the variable is less than 12, “good afternoon” if the variable is between 12 and 18 and good evening if the variable is greater than 18. (3 pts.)
Write a Kotlin program that contains two loops. A for loop that prints out the numbers 1-10 and a while loop that prints out the even numbers between 0 and 30. (4 pts.)
Write a Kotlin programs that contains a CourseRating class with the following properties: class name, instructor name, rating and one other property of your choice. In the main function, declare an instance of the class and set the properties. Print out the class instance. (10 pts.)
Write a Kotlin program that creates an Array of at least 3 course ratings, using the class from exercise 2. Loop through the array printing out each course rating. (5 pts.)