Posted: July 9th, 2022
Knowledge and understanding of the principles of international humanitarian law (IHL)
International Law
Assignment Task
TOPIC 1 – knowledge and understanding of the work of the Committee on the Rights of the Child – knowledge and understanding of children’s digital rights and associated challenges – ability to carry out independent research – ability to critically analyse and evaluate sources (both primary and secondary) – ability to form an opinion supported by evidence from independent research – ability to reference in accordance with academic conventions
TOPIC 2 – knowledge and understanding of the CEDAW Committee’s work on VAW – knowledge and understanding of the CEDAW Committee’s cases concerning VAW – ability to carry out independent
research – ability to critically analyse and evaluate sources (both primary and secondary) – ability to form an opinion supported by evidence from independent research – ability to reference in accordance with academic conventions
TOPIC 3 – knowledge and understanding of the principles of international humanitarian law (IHL) – knowledge and understanding of feminist critiques of IHL – ability to carry out independent research – ability to critically analyse and evaluate sources (both primary and secondary) – ability to form an opinion supported by evidence from independent research – ability to reference in accordance with academic conventions. International humanitarian law (IHL) is a set of rules that seek to protect people who are not participating in hostilities and to regulate the conduct of hostilities during armed conflict. It consists of two main bodies of law: the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Regulations. The Geneva Conventions are a series of four treaties that set out the basic principles and rules of IHL, while the Hague Regulations are a set of rules that govern the conduct of warfare on land.
IHL is designed to protect the lives, dignity, and rights of individuals who are not taking part in hostilities, including civilians, prisoners of war, and the wounded and sick. It also sets out rules for the treatment of prisoners of war, the protection of cultural property, and the prohibition of certain weapons.
IHL is a key component of the rule of law and plays an important role in upholding the values of humanity and respect for human rights. It is intended to mitigate the effects of armed conflict on civilians and to ensure that conflicts are fought with as much humanity as possible. IHL is binding on all parties to an armed conflict, whether they are states, non-state armed groups, or international organizations.
TOPIC 4 – knowledge and understanding of international law applicable to children in armed conflict and post-conflict situations – knowledge and understanding of case-law from international courts concerning children – ability to carry out independent research – ability to critically analyse and evaluate sources (both primary and secondary) – ability to form an opinion supported by evidence from independent research – ability to reference in accordance with academic convention
International Law
Essay 1. (Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Persons)
Task: Please choose
• One of the following topics,
• A specific state and
• The level of international protection: either universal (UN) or regional (European)
1. The compliance with international law (universal or regional) of national law of a selected state regarding the right to use of a minority language in official matters
2. The compliance with international law (universal or regional) of national law of a selected state regarding the use of a minority language in legislation and in courts
3. The compliance with international law (universal or regional) of national law of a selected state regarding the right to use of a minority language in education
4. The compliance with international law (universal or regional) of national law of a selected state regarding freedom of religion for persons belonging to national minorities.
• Indication of original sources of international treaties/documents (UNTS, CETS, etc.)
• Interpretation of legal norms (interpretation rules: Art. 31, 32 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties)
• Comparison of international norms with national norms
• Discussion of scholar’s opinion
• Discussion of relevant case law.
Essay 2. (Rights of Women and Children)
Please choose only one of the following topics.
Word count: 2500 words
TOPIC 1- On 4 February 2021, the Committee on the Rights of the Child published a General Comment on children’s rights in relation to digital environments. Critically discuss and evaluate this General Comment, commenting on whether it adequately captures challenges to children’s rights posed by digital environments.
TOPIC 2- Critically discuss and evaluate the CEDAW Committee’s work on violence against women. Illustrate your discussion with relevant examples of the CEDAW Committee’s jurisprudence.
TOPIC 3- Critically discuss and evaluate feminist critiques of IHL rules concerning women in armed conflict. As a part of your answer, discuss whether these rules are fit for purpose in 21st century.
TOPIC 4- Critically discuss and evaluate to what extent international law has been successful in achieving post-conflict justice for conflict-related violations of children’s rights.