Posted: February 19th, 2022
Justice and Fairness
Justice and Fairness
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The state of equity and fairness governs the social and economic aspects of human life. The legal system and philosophy of law play a major role in solving questions relating to justice, rights and morality thus resolving human rights abortion and international war based on racism and inequality (Wacks, 2014). The video clip presents three principles that govern social and economic inequalities which include recommending the inequalities that increase the overall welfare of society or total utility, recommending the inequalities that affect the least members of the society and promotes inequalities that reward when some people work hard in life than others (“Thought Experiment: John Rawls (Lecture 15),” 2016).
Among these three principles, I would recommend the one that recommends the inequalities promoting the overall welfare of the society. As illustrated Stamford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, democracy involves joint growth and promotion of social and economic equalities. This principle is essential for understanding justice, fairness, and equity, the driving forces for social and economic growth.
The principle of justice and fairness promoting inequality that reward when some people work hard in life than others biblical doctrine of justice. In this case, the Bible recommends the reward according to hard work and effort of an individual rather than generalization of social and economic equity. This principle is essential as it encourages individuals to work hard in life and avoid complaints on injustice and inequality in the distribution of resources. Understanding social and economic inequalities of any society involves meditating the nature and history of that particular society in a broader perspective (“John Rawls (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
John Rawls (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (n.d.). Retrieved from
A Thought Experiment: John Rawls (Lecture 15). (2016, September 30). Retrieved from
Wacks, R. (2014). Philosophy of law: A very short introduction.