Posted: October 13th, 2022
Journal Summary #1
Journal Summary #1
Four authors Erdvik, Haugen, Ivarsson, Säfvenbom (2020) discuss about the relation of self-esteem and the motivation of participating in physical education. The research are shown that adolescents who do not involve enough in sport-actives or physical activities reduced the basic need satisfaction. Therefore, competitive and self-skill are not shown up which potentially lower self-worth.
When people interact with environment, three basic need theory have been used to measured human psychological behaviors and self-worth has been seen like the base for them all. Erdvil et al. (2020) this study will lead to 2 aims. Firstly, the study will evident for the relationship of global self-esteem with basic need satisfactions among adolescents who participate in sport activities. Secondly, when the relationship of self-worth in physical education have been created, adolescents tended to had high demand on basic psychological need satisfaction, specially self-organized.
3049 random 13 and 16 years old students who were involved in physical education, organized sport and self-organized activity from 42 different school participated in study to collect data. The questionnaire data were collected from each school with respect 13 years old children under parental consent and 16 years old adolescent based on independent consent. The completion of the questionnaire took 60 to 90 minutes and there were all anonymity.
The result indicated that the adolescents just only enter physical education in school had significantly lower level of self-worth than other who take part in sports-active. Moreover, comparing to adolescents in this study, high active in organized sports and self-organized activities, had lower demand on three basic psychological needs. Erdvik et al. (2020) gave the result for the second aim that the strongly relative connection between physical education and global self-worth in all students. The reports also analyzed that participants who were involved in physical education and self-organized sport had less basic need satisfaction compared with student played active sports.
Erdvik et al. (2020) shown the study of the relation of self-esteem, physical education and basic psychological need satisfaction. The more activities students participated in, the more demand on basic need satisfaction. Furthermore, the study suggests physical education can promote self-worth and activities outside school. Based on this relationship, the school and physical education teacher should design the curriculum or course that can promote, encourage student spent their leisure time in sports, or physical activities outside school.
Erdvik, I. B., Haugen, T., Ivarsson, A., & Säfvenbom, R. (2020). Global Self-Worth among Adolescents: The Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Physical Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(5), 768–781.