Posted: September 1st, 2023
All journal entries should be two pages written in APA format. Your journal entry should reflect the assigned course readings. In addition, please use citation or paraphrase from the chapter readings. For example, Woodside M. & McClam T. (2015) stated ” human beings are not always able to meet their own needs.” Remember this is an example, do not use the same quote, and lastly, remember to proofread before submission.
If you have never searched for an article in the Library’s database below are the instructions.
You will need to search for the journal article from the TCC Library Database.
*On the TCC home page click the Library Tab and it will take you the the TCC Library
* In the large section type in ” Type in the title of your article” In this case the article you are to write on is..
Improving Human Service Effectiveness Through the Deconstruction of Case Management: A Case Study on the Emergence of a Team-Based Model of Service Coordination
When you locate this article you can read it by clicking the title or selecting the HTML full text of the PDF Full text.
*Read the article then summarize what you have read and write your paper.