Posted: April 20th, 2022
Week One: 9/9-9/15 This post from September 13th is a generally good post. The photo is people based and shows the non-profit’s work in action. It features their app and the phones being used. The text in the post uses hashtags and tags another group the D-Tree is working with. It also offers some numbers to show the scope of the work D-Tree is doing.
This tweet from September 10th is great for connectability. It links to their blog, utilizes hashtags, as well as tagging another group that they are working with. They are also specific about where the work is happening. While it’s not the most interesting tweet it is very informative.
This post from Amref on 9/10 uses a popular hashtag in its post. This helps connect them to younger audiences. Their post also features a person-centric, interesting photo that adds to the information in the description. They are also very clear about what they are doing to help.
Week Two: 9/16-9/22
This post is from 9/18. I think it does a good job of showcasing the work that the non-profit is doing. This offers very concrete evidence of how the non-profit is completing their mission. They also connect a link to their blog in the description. However, this post is not very visually appealing. They could have chosen a more cinematic or dynamic way to showcase they app such as photographing or taking video of the app being used in real life rather than an illustration on a plain white background. They also didn’t include any hashtags or reply to the comment they received, even after six days.
This post is very similar to the Instagram post. It showcases the new app and links to their latest blog post. This one has slightly more in-depth information about the app in addition to the pictures of it. It doesn’t use any hashtags.
This post brings up relevant concerns for PATH and highlights the work they are doing to deal with these issues. However, despite the presence of an important person (Robert Redfield) he and his organization are not tagged. There are also no hashtags. In addition, the post mentions the methods PATH is using but does not expand on that in any way.
Week Three: 9/23-9/29 This post has a great focus on the volunteers. It shows that D-Tree is taking into account the people it’s serving when it creates its products. However, the photo quality is low. The post also doesn’t share much of a story. It doesn’t let us know who these people are (beyond that they are CHVs) or how they ended up here, simply that they are working on the design on the new app. The post does use hashtags, but I think it could have included some more effective ones as well. Maybe about where they are.
Once again this similar post from D-Tree’s Instagram is very people focused. However, the framing of the photograph is pretty awful. The water bottles and clutter distract from the people and there’s a large amount of empty space that isn’t be filled or utilized and makes the photo boring. For Instagram, the picture is the most important part of the post. It should draw the viewer in and tell a story, and this photo does not do that. D-Tree also did not take the time to reply to the comment on the post. While this comment is not exactly an individual’s comment about D-Tree, the lack of reply still makes it look like they don’t really care.
This post from Amref is for World Heart Day. It is visually appealing and utilizes graphic design and photography to draw in the viewer. It also uses a popular hashtag and event to promote AMREF’s message.
Week Four: 9/30-10/6 This tweet is very informative but doesn’t really draw people in or invite much interaction. There’s nothing eye-catching about the photo or the title to the article. It does utilize hashtags and tags other organizations that are involved with this topic, which is good.
This post doesn’t have any people in and also features the logo of PATH instead of D-Tree. It isn’t very interesting to the average viewer but does show some professionalism for D-Tree and links them with other similar organizations. A more interesting and dynamic picture could have been more beneficial.
This post from Amref is very effective in that it uses a person-centric photo of the people that are being helped and which helps tell their story. It tells the important facts of what the organization is doing and where and uses a relevant and popular hashtag that will help get their post seen by a wider audience.
Week Five: 10/7-10/13
In this tweet, D-Tree does a good of summarizing the important facts about their article to draw their reader in. It clearly states what they are doing to make a change. However, the tweet could be more focused Bi Jokha and telling her story to create a more emotional appeal and get the audience interested.
This tweet from later in the week features the same article. It does start with a more storytelling driven approach by including a quote, but the same article didn’t need to be posted twice on the same platform. I think the second example of the post was a little more effective in drawing the audience in as it is more personal. Therefore it was able to gain more engagement then the first post did.
This post from Living Goods offers a bright, person-centric photo. It links another organization that is involved with their work and gives some quick information to draw you into reading the full article. However, it doesn’t utilize any hashtags. Considering the article starts with some info about World Contraception Day, #worldcontraceptionday probably would have been good to use at the very least.
Week Six: 10/14-10/20
These pictures are person focused but are not of the best quality. The top picture is taken from a little bit far away. The bottom pictures focus up close on a detail which is interesting. The post does not really have a call to action or offer any way for the audience to engage with it very much. It does use hashtags and showcase the work D-Tree is doing and how they take advice from their constituents.
This post on Twitter is generally the same as the Facebook post from this day. I think the post worked better on Facebook, but once again they use hashtags and showcase their work well. In this post, it’s even more evident that the pictures were taken from too far away.
This post starts with a question to engage the audience and draw the person in. It has a link to a video, which is a little too long but is still interesting and engaging. However, the post once again doesn’t use any hashtags or tag anyone to increase the reach of the post.
Week Seven: 10/21-10/27 The picture featured with the post is great in terms of having people or being person-centric, being framed close up, and featuring great vibrant colors. They utilized hashtags but the caption doesn’t tell much of a story. We know what they are doing but it’s unclear who exactly we are looking at in this photo.
D-tree shared this post from Little Sun that talks about how they have made a difference in Tanzania with mobile technology. The photo is very interesting and good quality. It focuses on people and shows the technology that is being used. It tags D-tree and D-tree reposting it increases their connectivity and visibility.
This post from Living Goods has a colorful and interesting graphic. It gives the most important info at the very beginning of the post but doesn’t explain what the organization’s exact role in the conference is. It has a hashtag but doesn’t tag any of the other organizations at the conference.
Week Eight: 10/28-11/3
This post starts with a quote which is a great way to draw people in and start telling a story. The picture is a little contrasty and blurry but it is well-framed in that the people take up the whole frame. However, they look kind of sad.
This post is pretty boring. The picture doesn’t show the speakers face and is rather dark. The caption doesn’t do much storytelling or tell us who exactly is speaking and why. Instead, it offers us a bunch of technical information.
This tweet was part of an ongoing live tweet session that VillageReach did of a speaker for their organization at an event. They posted a very interesting quote from the speech and tagged both the speaker and the event as well as utilizing a hashtag. Overall, as part of a live tweeting session, I think this a great tweet. Week Nine: 11/4-11/10
D-tree reposted another organization’s post about a panel that they were speaking on. They used the hashtag for the organization and connected with the other organization. The original post included an explanation of the panel but the graphic included is pretty boring.
The picture from this post is too far away and low quality. It’s hard to see the faces of anyone involved. The caption doesn’t tell us much about who is there and just uses a lot of formal titles and technical language. They use lots of hashtags, but don’t tag anyone who was involved.
This post from LivingGoods has a great picture. It’s people focused, uses all the space in the frame, and also has the LivingGoods logo in with the community health worker. The caption uses hashtags and tells the story of the people in the photo in the hope of getting people to open the blog post and read the full story. Week Ten: 11/11-11/17
This post is okay. It’s not longwinded and doesn’t offer as much technical talk like a lot of D-Tree’s other posts. It uses hashtags for an event but doesn’t tag anyone in the photo or at the event. They also didn’t respond to the comment on the post. The picture is good, it’s colorful and filled with people.
D-tree retweeted this tweet about Rachel on the THS panel. It’s great that they are interacting with those who mention them as it increases their visibility and reach. The photos are from a little far away, but obviously, they couldn’t do much to control that.
This post from VillageReach has a great photo. It’s person-centric and shows joy. They also use graphics to increase the interest and fill up the negative space in the photo. They have a concise caption that captures their mission and a clear call to action for the viewer (visit the global experience map). However, they don’t utilize hashtags. Week Eleven: 11/18-11/24
This post has an up-close an interesting photo that is detail-focused. It tags another relevant organization and uses hashtags. The caption is short and gets straight to the point. It kind of has a call to action with #EndTB.
The photo here is great. It shows all the people up close and taking up the whole frame. The caption has a good amount of hashtags and D-Tree tagged other organizations involved. However, it’s god more technical information then storytelling. Week Twelve: 11/25-12/1
These photos are great. They are person-centric and taken from close up. They show people working and training. They tag the organization they are working with and have hashtags. The caption is short and tells the story of what they are doing immediately.
This post looks a bit like a screenshot of a website rather than a graphic that was made from Instagram. I’m not sure the photo gives much to the graphic. The caption is pretty long and has a lot of technical explanation. It mentions partnerships with other organizations but doesn’t name them. It does have a really strong call to action (visit
This post is from VillageReach’s Giving Tuesday. They say exactly what a donation will do, incentivise larger donations by having the board of directors offer to match donations over $100, and have a strong call to action. They use several relevant hashtags and have a strong high-quality picture that is relevant to the content of the caption and utilizes graphic design elements.
Week One: September 9th-9th, 2015 This post from September 13th is a good one in general. The photograph is of people and depicts the non-work profit’s in action. It shows their app and the phones that are being used. The text in the post includes hashtags and refers to another group with which the D-Tree is involved. It also provides some numbers to demonstrate the scope of D-work. Tree’s
This tweet from September 10th is excellent for connecting with others. It includes a link to their blog, hashtags, and tagging another group with whom they are working. They are also specific about the location of the work. While it isn’t the most interesting tweet, it is extremely informative.
This post from Amref on 9/10 makes use of a popular hashtag.