Posted: May 11th, 2022
It was obvious to many that the collapse of Enron and Worldcom had led to the enactment of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX 2002). The downfall of…
It was apparent to many who the collapse of Enron and Worldcom had led to the enactment of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX 2002). The downfall of…
This query is US SOX on accounting fraud for the three instances (Enron, Worldcom and HealthSouth).
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It was apparent to many who the collapse of Enron and Worldcom had led to the enactment of
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX 2002). The downfall of those corporations was caused by
huge accoun±ng frauds. Shortly aFer the SOX 2002 enactment, accoun±ng scandals had been additionally
uncovered at one other big organisa±on, HealthSouth Corpora±on.
Related analysis supplies on the aforemen±oned three instances (Enron, Worldcom and HealthSouth)
in addition to the speci²c provisions of SOX 2002 to reply the next ques±ons. The complete provision of
SOX 2002 is accessible by way of h³ps:// guidelines/soa2002.pdf.
(a) ´or every of the three instances, consider only one (1) main accoun±ng fraud which you assume had led
to the downfall of the organisa±on. In your evalua±on, you’ll describe the character of the accoun±ng
fraud, the precise or assessed affect of the fraud on the ²nancial statements of the organisa±on and
the way it may have been prevented or detected ought to there be correct inner controls in every of
these organisa±ons at that ±me.
(b) Cri±que which key provisions of SOX 2002, had they been in place at that ±me, may have
prevented or detected the three main accoun±ng frauds you will have iden±²ed in 1(a) above.
(c) Utilizing the identical three accoun±ng frauds from 1(a), study why the auditors at that ±me didn’t
uncover the main accoun±ng frauds ±mely sufficient and assess whether or not the auditors would have
uncovered the fraud had they been extra vigilant within the efficiency of their audit.