Posted: May 1st, 2022
It is expected that the final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper
Final Paper (Week 7): 150 points
It is expected that the final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper will be 8-10 pages in length, with 6-8 sources identified. Your paper should be 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, with standard margins. You should have a thesis statement in your introduction identifying the legislation/policy that your paper will be addressing. Please download and review the Grading Rubric for the Final Paper (Links to an external site.).
APA in-text citation is required in addition to listing all of your sources on a Works Cited Page at the end of the document. Your grade will be affected if you do not cite or identify your sources correctly.
Below is a list of questions that should be addressed in the body of your paper.
What is the legislation/policy that will be analyzed in this paper?
What is the problem/issue that this legislation attempts to address?
What is the history of the legislation?
Has (or will) the legislation been effective in addressing the problem or issue?
What group(s) of people have been the most affected by the problem?
Is there any information on the future of this legislation? (Revision, obsolete, status of bill, etc.)
Do you feel that there could have been a non-legislative or free market solution to the problem/issue addressed by this legislation? Please discuss.
Week 7 Final Paper: 150 points
The final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper is intended to be 8-10 pages long, with 6-8 sources cited. Your paper should be double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with standard margins. In your introduction, include a thesis statement that identifies the legislation or policy that your paper will discuss. Please download and study the Final Paper Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.).
In addition to citing all of your sources on a Works Cited Page at the conclusion of the document, you must use APA in-text citations. If you do not correctly reference or identify your sources, your grade will suffer.
A list of questions to consider is provided below.