Posted: November 19th, 2022
IT Executive Summary for Apple Company
Create a 3-page Executive Summary of the IT analysis for Apple.
Include the results of your analysis and recommendations for a strategic path forward.
IT Executive Summary for Apple Company
Apple Company is aimed at making simple products through sophisticated technology to meet the customers’ needs. The idea of making simple products originated from Steve Jobs who championed the idea. The company deals with a wide range of services which includes but not limited to design, marketing of personal computers and iPhone, digital music players and media devices. On the other hand, Apple Company provides other IT services and products such as software, services related to their products, networking solutions, third-party digital content and other peripherals.
Apple company headquarters is based in Cupertino, California and this year it has close to 132000 employees. Apple Company has been recording a significant increase in revenue, though it continues to phase competition from similar service providers. The company has the IT strategies which are sustainable and competitive. Most of the IT development activities in the company are done through a high level of secrecy. For instance, during the design and manufacture of iPhone, a high-level secret was maintained. The process is always done internally though in some cases external teams are involved in conducting some of the projects. The company extends this to their workers through important guidelines that help in maintaining the top secrets of the company. This is to ensure that their products remain competitive in the market and expand to meet a wider market. Apple evaluates competition that exists in the market and decisions are made where appropriate. The company has a good strategy for marketing their products that keep off the competitors (Lessambo, 2018).
Generally, the Company concentrates on making few and competitive products that meet the needs of the customers. Through this approach, the company makes significant profits as compared to other companies. The technology in the Apple Company is improved by good design and using sophisticated technologies in producing their products. The company conducts a good marketing exercise that is within the prescribed laws and standards.
Apple Company is known for various strengths in all operations that involve their products. The company deals with hardware and software. The hardware contains corresponding software that runs in it. The products are of good design; hardware and software are user-friendly and competitive in the market. Unique products have brought rivalry among the competitors in the market. The company enjoys strong marketing and advertising of their products. On the other hand, the company faces some challenges in providing IT services to the consumers. Some of this challenges are patent infringement, premium prices for their products, instability in the management because of continuous change and lack of innovation (Nazeer, 2018). The weakness of the company has made it lose a portion of their market to competitors.
The company is cooperating with a number of shareholders in delivering the IT products and services. The marketing of the products is strengthened through close interactions with the shareholders. The common shareholders are the financial institutions, employees, software developers and suppliers.
The company has employed close to 132000 employees across the world. Most of the employees are based in the United States. Apple has a wide range of manufacturing and marketing of the IT products. The provision of services and IT products is not limited to the United States but in most of the countries worldwide (Malfona, 2018).
The suppliers of the company are found in many countries in the world and therefore they have to follow the company’s culture when dealing with its products. The suppliers should provide high standards IT products and services and ensuring the social responsibility is well adhered to.
The company uses the best approach to marketing their products and services. It employs good marketing procedures and tools. One of the most important tools is branding. Branding is incorporated in the IT products to ensure that they are unique and meet the needs of the customers. The branding helps in building the trust and innovation in their products.
From the analysis, the Apple Company is focusing to expand and develop unique products and services that will increase competition in the market. The company employs recent technological development such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing technology. To reduce stiff competition from rivals such as Microsoft and other Information Technology companies, the company is aimed at strengthening their products by adding more functionality. There is an increase in competition in the market because the competitors have accessed the market with new products of cheaper prices than products from Apple Company. The junk market is full of low-quality products have made Apple Company strengthen on the strategies buy developing few and quality products (Zurawski, 2018).
On the other hand, the company has a strategic approach to adding new updates on their products. The updates are expected to be done on the operating systems of the hardware. Addition of more functionality improves the stability of the system.
From the results and analysis, the company is focusing on improving their products through sophisticated technologies. It is therefore recommended that the company should ensure that security is a priority. New threats in the market are as a result of improved technology. The company should invest in strong security measures.
Lessambo, F. I. (2018). Apple and Microsoft Case Study. In Financial Statements (pp. 331-351). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Malfona, L. (2018). The Apple Case. Ardeth, (03), 53-72.
Nazeer, M. N. (2018). A Study on Marketing Strategy with reference to Apple Mart Supermarket Kadri. SDM College of Business Management.
Zurawski, R. (Ed.). (2018). The industrial information technology handbook. CRC press.