Assignment 2
This assignment is in three sections:
Section 1
Design a pedagogic intervention, activity or resource to improve student learning in your
subject-specialist area (equivalent to 500 words).
For example:
A teaching strategy designed to provide additional challenge for learners in a specific area
of your specialist subject. This might involve grouping learners differently, trying out new
questioning strategies or an aspect of flipped learning.
An activity designed to motivate learners in an aspect of your subject that they may find
challenging. This could take the form of a practical task or game.
A resource designed for an individual learner who may need help with an aspect of your
subject. This might address issues arising from a specific learning difficulty, such as
Produce evidence of the intervention, activity or resource (equivalent to 500 words) which
may consist of:
• A written outline of the intervention or activity
• A copy of the resource itself or photographic evidence, depending on the nature of
the resource.
You are not expected to have carried out the intervention or to have trialled the activity or
resource in practice.
Section 2
Write an account of the intervention, activity or resource in which you justify and evaluate it
in relation to research-informed principles of learning, assessment and motivation
(approximately 1500 words).
In your account you should:
• Discuss how the intervention, activity or resource fits into a specific programme of
study or Scheme of Work (A1)
• Discuss how theories and models of learning have informed your designed
intervention, activity or resource (KU2, A2)
• Explain how your intervention, activity or resource would allow you to assess learning
(KU3, A3)
• Identify the English, maths or digital skills involved in the proposed intervention,
activity or resource (KU5)
• Discuss how you believe this intervention, activity or resource will contribute to
student learning and motivation in your subject-specialist area (KU4)
• Reflect on your own learning as a result of this assignment and consider how it has
helped you to progress against the Professional Standards (A5)
Section 3 References
Use the University’s standard referencing system to list the sources you have referred to in
this assignment (for example: books, official publications, organisational documents, journal
articles, web pages, awarding body course specification documents).
The Course Handbook contains a section on academic referencing and your tutor will
provide further advice if necessary.
Professional practice, module outcomes and the ETF
Professional Standards
You must address all module outcomes in this portfolio but you can choose how and
where you address them. The following table provides suggestions for the ways you might
address the outcomes and suggests related ETF Professional Standards (PS) which you
might also consider relevant to the outcomes:
Knowledge and Understanding:
Learning Outcomes How you might address
them in your teaching
Which ETF Professional
Standards (PS) you might
KU1 Discuss the
implications of
educational setting and
current policies for the
care and learning of
young people and adults.
Assignment 1 Section 1:
The relevant section of
O1/a Preparation for
Teaching for your micro session should be
completed to show your
knowledge and
understanding of the
sector and relevant
policies and how they
apply to teaching and
learning in your subject
with relevant examples.
PS12 Understand your teaching
role and responsibilities and how
these are influenced by legal,
regulatory, institutional and
ethical contexts.
KU2 Evaluate theories
and models of learning
relevant to the design of
inclusive subject-specific
teaching and learning
Assignment 2 Section 2:
The account of the
intervention, activity or
resource in which you
justify and evaluate it
should refer to research informed principles of
learning, assessment and
motivation and show how
it will be inclusive.
PS9 Critically review and apply
your knowledge of educational
research, pedagogy and
assessment to develop
evidence-informed practice.
PS1 Critically reflect on and
evaluate your practices, values
and beliefs to improve learner
PS5 Value and champion
diversity, equality of opportunity,
inclusion and social equity.
KU3 Distinguish key
principles underpinning
the selection of strategies
for assessment.
Assignment 1 Section 1:
The relevant section of
O1/a Preparation for
Teaching for your micro session should show your
knowledge and
understanding of
assessment, principles
and strategies and how
they apply to teaching
and learning in your
subject with relevant
PS19 Apply appropriate and fair
methods of assessment and
provide constructive and timely
feedback to support learning and
PS9 Critically review and apply
your knowledge of educational
research, pedagogy and
assessment to develop
evidence-informed practice.
examples, as well as in
your planned micro session.
Assignment 2 Section 2:
The account of the
intervention, activity or
resource should include
reference to how it allows
you to assess learning.
KU4 Recognise factors
influencing the motivation
and behaviours of
Assignment 1 Section 1:
The relevant section of
O1/a Preparation for
Teaching should show
that you recognise what
may motivate the
Assignment 2 Section 2:
The account of the
intervention, activity or
resource in which you
justify and evaluate
should refer to research informed principles of
learning, assessment and
motivation. It should also
discuss how your
intervention, activity or
resource will contribute to
student motivation.
PS9 Critically review and apply
your knowledge of educational
research, pedagogy and
assessment to develop
evidence-informed practice.
PS13 Promote and support
positive learner behaviour,
attitudes and well-being.
PS14 Apply motivational,
coaching and skill development
strategies to help learners
progress and achieve.
KU5 Discuss the use of
English, maths and digital
skills within subject specific teaching and
Assignment 1 Section 1:
The relevant section of
O1/a Preparation for
Teaching for your micro session should be
completed to show your
knowledge and
understanding of English,
maths and digital skills
and how they apply in
teaching and learning in
your subject with relevant
examples, as well as in
your planned micro
PS16 Select and use digital
technologies safely and
effectively to promote learning.
PS17 Develop learners’
mathematics, English, digital and
wider employability skills.
A1 Plan effectively to
meet the needs of
different learners through
appropriate learning
outcomes, activities and
Assignment 1 Section 1:
Lesson plans and
relevant documents such
as resources, activities,
progress and assessment
Assignment 1 Section 2:
O2 Observation of your
teaching showing you
have achieved the
required standards
Assignment 2 Section 1:
An intervention, activity or
resource which you have
planned and prepared for
a specific purpose
PS9 Critically review and apply
your knowledge of educational
research, pedagogy and
assessment to develop
evidence-informed practice.
PS15 Plan and deliver learning
programmes that are safe,
inclusive, stretching and relevant
to learners’ needs.
A2 Justify own practice in
planning and delivering
learning with reference to
relevant evidence and
Assignment 1 Section 1:
The relevant section of
O1/a Preparation for
Teaching for your micro session should show your
knowledge and
understanding of relevant
evidence and theory, how
they apply in teaching
and learning in your
subject with relevant
examples, as well as in
your planned micro session. (You will not
necessarily be required to
do this to this extent in
subsequent O1
submissions in your
teaching practice)
Assignment 2 Section 2:
The account of the
intervention, activity or
resource in which you
justify and evaluate
should refer to research informed principles of
learning, assessment and
PS1 Critically reflect on and
evaluate your practices, values
and beliefs to improve learner
PS9 Critically review and apply
your knowledge of educational
research, pedagogy and
assessment to develop
evidence-informed practice.
A3 Plan effective
assessment of student
needs and progress and
Assignment 1 Section 1:
Lesson plan and relevant
section of O1a
Preparation for Teaching.
PS19 Apply appropriate and fair
methods of assessment and
provide constructive and timely
Foundation Assessment Criteria
All assessment tasks should:
• Meet all module learning outcomes
use assessment to
support learning.
Assignment 2 Section 1:
You may choose to
develop an assessment related intervention,
activity or resource.
Assignment 2 Section 2:
Your justification of your
intervention, activity or
resource should include
reference to how it will
allow you to assess
feedback to support learning and
A4 Plan, prepare and
teach a learning session.
Assignment 1 Sections 1
and 2: O1/a, O2 and O3,
showing evidence of
planning, preparing and
teaching your micro teaching session.
PS3 Inspire, motivate and raise
aspirations of learners by
communicating high
expectations and a passion for
PS14 Apply motivational,
coaching and skills development
strategies to help learners
progress and achieve.
PS15 Plan and deliver learning
programmes that are safe,
inclusive, stretching and relevant
to learners’ needs.
A5 Reflect on own
learning within the
module and progress
against the relevant
professional standards.
Assignment 1 Section 3:
O4 Reflection on your
learning through your
micro-teaching session
and your progress against
the Professional
Assignment 2 Section 2:
The account of the
intervention, activity or
resource should include a
reflection on your own
learning through this
module and your
progress against the
Professional Standards.
PS1 Critically reflect on and
evaluate your practices, values
and beliefs to improve learner
• Demonstrate effective practical, professional and reflective skills, knowledge and
values in own subject area
• Make reference to relevant reading
• Demonstrate an understanding of key issues
• Link theory and practice where appropriate
• Be written and presented in a clear academic style
All assessment tasks must be passed.
4Teacher Course /Course Code EDSQ Entry 3 / Level 1
Venue Curriculum Area Digital
Duration 34 weeks Hours per week 2.5 hours per week
Entry Requirements Entry 2 ICT & English Awarding Body Gateway
Intent of Course and Course Objectives
This qualification focuses on bridging the gap between the digital first (individuals who own multiple digital devices and interact with online content on a daily basis) and the digitally disengaged (individuals who have little or no experience of using
digital devices and accessing online content).
Research conducted in 2019 found that 8% of the UK adult population have no basic digital skills, 22% of people do not have the essential digital skills needed for day-to-day life and 53% of UK employees do not have the digital skills required for
With innovations in technology and the increasing demand for online services, it is important to ensure that all individuals are able to participate in life, work and further study by providing them with the opportunity to gain these increasingly
important digital skills. Without these skills, individuals will be at a significant disadvantage. It was found that on average, adults who lack these basic digital skills earn less than those who are competent in the 5 skill areas covered in this qualification.
They are also less likely to progress in their careers and are missing opportunities to save money and better manage their finances.
The skills acquired through this qualification will allow learners to be digitally mobile and access important governmental services, transact online and explore technologies, which will improve their social interactions with family and friends.
This Curriculum takes learners from the first steps towards becoming more digitally independent and able to use the skills for work and further learning. This is through offering a range of programmes that enables the learners to develop the 6 key
foundations skills:
1 To develop essential digital skills necessary for work, life and further study
2 To interact with digital devices and handle information appropriately
3 To create, edit and store digital content
4 To share content and communicate effectively using digital devices
5 To develop transacting skills necessary for work and life
6 To be safe, confident and responsible online
Implementation of Course / Delivery Model
The Study Modules aim to help learners acquire the skills that are outlined in the Gateway specification for Essential Digital Skills for Work & Life
The structure of Study Modules and lessons
Topics have been organised in a logical order, which does not always reflect the sequence in which they appear in the specification. The standards covered are given at the start of each Study Module and lesson. Modules will be delivered by
interleaving multiple subjects during enabling the learners to move students progressively toward stronger understanding, skill acquisition, and learning.
Assessment, feedback, target setting and monitoring of progress:
Learners have a robust initial assessment which allows them to understand their starting point. Learners are all given an Individual Learning Plan that accompanies them on the course and reflects their short and long term goals. Learners set their
own personal targets to provide a holistic approach to developing behaviours and skills. Each topic has formative and summative assessments to monitor progress. Quality feedback is provided in a timely manner so learners are being stretched
and challenged towards next steps. This is achieved by providing scaffolding to support learner confidence, constructive feedback and the systematic removal of scaffolding as learners develop their skills.
Induction provides information about the study requirements and expectations of the course. It includes signposting towards support services and progression routes as well as key information about the college.
Content and Sequencing
Topics that have been organised in a logical order to aid the development of the digital skills. Core skills are developed and built upon until all areas of the learner’s digital needs are met. Interleaving and spacing will help to improve learner
retrieval and recall of different subject areas in order to embed the skills and knowledge required to both pass the assessments and to achieve digital confidence.
Method of Formative and Summative Assessment:
Learners will be required to complete formative assessments along with summative assessment.
The summative assessment is composed of 2 distinct methods:
• Two scenario driven practical assessments which are uploaded onto the secure platform, by the learner, when they sit the online knowledge test
• An online knowledge test
The marks from the practical assessments and the online knowledge test will be awarded as a final accumulative mark as either pass or fail.
Two Scenario Driven Practical Assessments
The practical assessments are marked by the tutor using the Gateway tutor marked online platform. The mark schemes sit on the online platform and are available to view during the marking process
Online Knowledge Test
The online knowledge test is computer marked.
The test is taken on a secure online platform and includes different question types, for example:
Multiple choice questions
Interactive hotspots
Drag and drop
Short answers
Matching/pairing answers
This has been designed in a way that demonstrates learner interaction with digital devices and encourages the learner to use the underpinning digital skills they have developed during the course
In this qualification, Gateway have implemented a unitised structure. The assessments are holistic and allow skills to be explored in a real world context and demonstrate the transferability of the various skill sets.
Development of English and Maths, Digital, Academic and Wider Skills Opportunities to develop employability skills and for employment focused learning
Mathematics: Maths opportunities are discussed at the beginning of the course and learners are referred to Maths
courses if needed. Maths is embedded seamlessly into sessions through the use of ICT e.g. how to use a calculator on
your phone or computer. Maths errors are corrected, and personal targets linked to Maths are set if necessary.
English: English opportunities are discussed at the beginning of the course and learners are referred to English courses if
needed. Learners will need to be able to follow verbal and written instructions in English at Entry Level 2 and above.
They will need to demonstrate appropriate communication skills. English is embedded seamlessly into sessions through
the use of ICT e.g. how to use spellchecker or predictive text to check spelling. English grammatical errors are corrected,
and personal targets linked to English are set if necessary. New terminology is introduced on a weekly basis.
Interactive ICT/Moodle
Microsoft Office is the foundation of the course. Learners will also develop internet and email skills and access to the
college learning portal – Moodle.
Students will be directed to additional educational websites for practice outside of classes, where interactive resources
will be introduced. Learning Packs can be accessed on Moodle and links to interactive activities.
All learners are asked their employment status and are supported to achieve their personal goals linked to Employment.
These could be:
1. To gain employment/a voluntary role
2. Develop skills to improve career progression or support existing employment.
Employability skills are embedded into sessions.
• Verbal and written communication
• Teamwork
• Commercial Awareness
• Problem solving/ analysing and investigating
• Initiative, self-motivation and drive
• Planning and organising
• Time management
Purposeful work-related learning is incorporated to the curriculum.
Personal targets linked to Employability are set if necessary.
EDI & Inclusivity – Planning for learner needs and adaptive teaching
Safeguarding (how do you ensure Students are safe in the lesson)
Within induction safeguarding is covered to ensure learners are safe and feel safe. They will have a good understanding of how they can raise concerns if they do not feel safe.
Health & Safety inc COSHH:
Venue audits and risk assessments are carried out on all venues and learning environments prior to courses being run. All learners are briefed on Health and Safety of the venue within induction. If online/blended learning takes
place learners are encouraged to audit their own home working environment. Induction includes computer safety and learners are continually reminded to be careful around wires, drinks near computers and correct posture.
Health and Safety linked to ILT is taught throughout the curriculum including internet safety, emails and online transactions. Individual PEEP’s are completed where necessary.
Prevent and British Values
Enrichment activities allow learners to explore personal, social and ethical issues and take part in life in wider society and Britain. Discussions about current affairs will be encouraged and supported where appropriate. Learners’
understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a learner and, where relevant as an employee, as citizens and consumers in the community; and how they work co-operatively with others and promote good and productive
working relationships with their peers.
British Values will be explicit in the course curriculum, and activities will encourage learners to increase their knowledge of the five British Values:
• Democracy
• Rule of Law
• Individual Liberty
• Mutual Respect
• Tolerance for different faiths and beliefs
The induction process will introduce the Prevent Agenda, and activities will increase learner knowledge around the subject. Resources will incorporate topics such as radicalisation and propaganda, different extremist groups and
identify the local Prevent footprint in different areas of Lancashire.
E-Safety: Students will be introduced to E-Safety and a group discussion will take place through the induction process. There is also an E-Safety Policy up in the classroom. This will also be promoted throughout the course, and learners will be and
asked to sign that they have seen and will abide by the College E-Safety policy and agreement.
Sustainability: Sustainability will be promoted throughout the course, by ensuring that learners receive as much information about printing and not printing for unnecessary purposes. Learners will be encouraged to save work on USB, Moodle or
the computer rather print paper copies. Sharing E-resources where ever possible and developing resources on Moodle. Using quiz sheets and workbooks that are re-usable.
Equality & Diversity: Students will be able to:
1. Reflect on own values and beliefs
2. Use appropriate language and other forms of communication that are free of bias, stereotyping or discrimination
3. Identify and evaluate the negative impact of stereotypical and discriminatory beliefs, attitudes and action.
4. Describe the contribution made in relation to the area of learning by minority and disadvantages groups within society.
Inclusive Learning
Learners are initially assessed at the beginning of the course and ALS referrals completed where necessary or ALS strategies put in place. Different levels of learning/abilities – provide a range of exercises to enable all students
to work at the appropriate pace and level of skills knowledge and ability. Additional outcomes to be added if appropriate. Adaptive teaching methods will be used to support all students.
Personal Development
High expectations of learners and constructive feedback encourage learners to take pride in their work, become self-confident and self-assured. Information is given where necessary on relevant career pathways to help them
develop challenging and realistic plans for their future careers. Embedded into the curriculum are topics that support learners to become fit and healthy, both physically and emotionally. Attendance requirements explained and
punctuality to all sessions is expected. Guidelines for behaviour and conduct explained in induction, group agreement created by learners. Behaviour and conduct continually reinforced.
Development of independent learning through participation in distance learning activities, such as on-line learning through the use of virtual learning platforms.
n No.
Session objectives,
including knowledge
and skills (including
wider skills)
feedback and
learning (e.g.,
flipped learning,
homework, e packs)
Employability skills
English, Maths and Digital
Personal Development
(inc. Tutorial and Prevent,
Safeguarding, Health and
Well-Being E Safety,
E&D, British Values,
Enrichment Activities,
preparing for life in
modern Britain),
Behaviour and Attitudes
1 Induction &
Complete enrolments
Identify Colleges’ relevant
services and policies
Introductions and course
Health and safety
Partially Complete ILP
Decide Ground rules
Group: Tutor lecture re Health and Safety and Venue
information. Introductions – Why are you here and
what do you want from the course? Post it note activity
Individual: Completion of enrolment forms
Group: Tutor lecture re course content and
expectations and College Services and decide together
group ground rules
Individual: Complete ILP, front page and self assessment)
All learners complete Initial Assessment (returning and
the learners who attended assessment/taster session)
Any new learners complete Digital Skills Assessment
enrolment process
Open questioning
List of class rules
ILP (front page and
English through completion of
enrolment form and IA, ILP
Explain there are free English courses
and refer where necessary.
Explain there are free Maths courses
and refer where necessary
Communication – discussion
presenting and answering questions
ILT use of internet/PC to complete
enrolment process
Personal Development
Completion of questions on
enrolments form.
Health & Safety lecture.
Learner Handbook
Class Rules and Learner
Agreement to be discussed,
understood and signed.
Class Rules and Learner
Agreement to be discussed,
understood and signed
Assist with on-line
enrolments – have paper
enrolment forms in case
of issues
2 Complete
Using devices
Identify starting point
Explore Moodle
Categorise digital devices
BKSB Diagnostic
ILP target setting, smart target prompt sheet
Discussion about digital devices, hardware and
software and input and output devices.
Entry 3 – Digital Devices Task
Level 1 – List types of hardware and software
Discovery Learning
Open questions
Deliberate practice…
Deliberate practice
Big picture
All learners to
complete the Test
Your Knowledge Quiz
– Digital Devices MCQ
Entry 3 – Digital
Devices Quiz
Level 1 – Digital
Devices Quiz
English Completion of quizzes and
worksheet. Through Completion of
Activities, Fill the Gap, and Verbal
system, digital devices
Time bound activities that learners
need to try to complete on time
Communication – Written
work/discussion presenting and
answering questions
Interactive ILT
Using the PC
Using the Mouse
Using the Keyboard
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Learners recognise that devices
can be changed to suit the user
Extension activity: Create
a document that explains
how changing settings can
benefit people with
Entry 3 learners will be
encouraged to complete
the Level 1 tasks to stetch
and challenge.
3 Managing and
Understand file structures.
Identify where to store
Understand how to take
Demonstrate compressing
Identify how files can be
stored on a computer
(different types of
Identify Data Storage
Name common file types
Recap – Kahoot Quiz
Discuss what file management involves and why we
need to keep our files organised. Demonstrate how to
create folders and subfolders. Explain how to save a
document to a specific folder and use appropriate file
E3 – Creating a Folder and Saving a Document Task
L1 – Creating Folder Task 1
L1 – Creating Folder Task 2
Show learners how to take a screenshot using 2
different methods. Explain why this is useful and how
to use them.
E3 – Capturing Information Using Screenshots
E3 – Taking Screenshots Task
Explain the benefit of compressing a folder.
L1 – How to Make a Zip File
Discuss and identify different ways to store files using
external devices and cloud storage. Why would we use
different types of storage and what for?
E3 – Different types of Storage Task
L1 – Data Storage Task
Discussion about different data storage amounts.
Learner to research these and identify them.
L1 – Data Storage Task
Discussion on file extensions for different software.
Learners to use the internet to research file types.
E3 & L1 – File Types Task
Formative Assessment
E3 –Managing & Storing Information Final Task
L1 – Managing & Storing Information Final Task
Open questioning
Higher order
Through reading of task, completion
of activities verbal Discussion
Organisational skills
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work in discussion
activity – valuing people views
and opinions.
4 Finding &
Identify the difference
between web browsers
and search engines.
Name the areas of a web
Evaluate selected websites
Discuss bookmarking web
Identify how to spot a fake
Explain the use of webpage
filters tool
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning on operating
system, hardware software
Discuss the difference between web browsers and
search engines and to name the areas of a web
Activity: Name the web browsers & search engine
Discuss and name the areas of a web browser and their
Activity: Label a Browser
Introduce Black History Month – theme 2021 proud to
be… Tutor state what they are proud of….
What are learners proud to be?
Demonstrate how to use a search engine and
understand search results. Show how to Bookmark
E3 – Internet Search Quiz (no bookmarking)
L1 – Booking marking Search Quiz
Discuss and show how to identify areas of a website
that indicate a fake site.
Activity: Spot a Fake Task (2 answers for E3 & 5 for L1)
Demonstration on how to use a website search facility
and how to use filters to narrow down search results.
E3 – Using a Websites Search Bar Task
L1 – Use a Website Filter Task
Formative Assessment
E3 – Black History Month Search Activity
L1 – Black History Month Bookmarking Activity
Retrieval practice
Big picture
Open questions
Open questions
Completion of quizzes, gap fill
exercise and worksheet – written
Discussion verbal communication
Keywords website, browser,
hyperlinks, URL, search engine,
keywords, bookmarks
Through Completion of Activities, Fill
the Gap, and Verbal Discussion
% Resolution on screen
Adding up how much has been spent
in the search bar activity
Problem solving and finding relevant
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Personal development
Self-reflection on personal
E & D Understanding and
valuing contributions from all
Extension activity:
Learners to open a
website such as BBC news
and look at personalising
the site for speakers of
other languages
E3 learners will be
encouraged to complete
tasks at level 1 by adding
their search results to
Level 1 – Image search
5 Communication Understand different types
of communication
Recognise the terminology
relating to public and
private online
Be able to add and edit
Create, send, and receive
emails and messages
Discussion to recognise and understanding the
different methods of communication.
E3 Types of Communication
Explain how different means of communication is used.
E3 Communication Uses
Discussion on different type of emailing uses (personal
and workplace) and the etiquette that should apply to
E3 Email Etiquette
Watch video which will explain how to write a
professional email
Open questions
Higher order
Assessment Activity
Worksheet do’s &
don’ts with email
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
File sizes
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Words of the day: – inbox body,
signatures, recipient, subject,
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Extension – what is wrong
with the email tasks,
identify then re-write
Activity: Writing a Formal Email
Activity: Appropriate Email Writing
Demonstrate how to add contact details to their
accounts/apps and how they will differ depending
upon the device they are using.
Activity: Add teachers email address to your email
Learner to demonstrate ability to send appropriate
Activity: Sending Messages
Explain how to reply to emails.
Activity: Replying to Messages
Formative Assessment
Online Communication in the Workplace
Typing email checking spelling and
discussing email etiquette
Understand and following verbal and
written tasks
Minimum of 2 emails
Numbers are used correctly as part of
email addresses
Developing work skills using email
ensuring that spelling and letter
format is used as part of sending
Identify how different Apps have
different implications for work-based
Completing activities on time and
completing homework task
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
6 Transacting Access and use online
services to complete online
forms using text boxes and
multiple-choice answers.
Analyse how to use online
services to buy and/or
request items or services
and manage online
account settings and
Tutor/group: Discuss with learners the possible
interactions they currently have with the internet in
terms of transactional services.
Display the different types of services on PPT.
Individual: what makes a strong password? Ideas on a
post it. Q How many characters? What should it consist
Tutor/group: feedback – Q what ideas have they come
up with. Why is this important? What could be the
consequence? What could the consequence then lead
too? Show video on how to create strong passwords.
Individual: Create three different passwords after using
the tips from the video (on post it)
Tutor: Instruct Learners now test the strength of their
passwords using strength-test/
Tutor/group: Demonstrate user preferences
(cookies/subscribe etc…) to learners by using website
on PPT
Individual: Learners to visit the “Ready set bank” site
complete practice transactions and take screen prints
of EACH completed task.
TP#/screens/211496299 (NO LONGER WORKS???)
Closed question
Deliberate practice
Open questions
Higher order
Creating strong
passwords video
Closed question
Open question
Higher order
Deliberate practice
E3-L1 Learners
instructed to take
screen prints of
completion of each
activity on site
keywords: – passwords, verification,
validation, captcha. Comprehend
and follow verbal and written tasks
Currency, pin numbers, account
numbers, sort code numbers and
Completion of on-line forms such as
applications for jobs, colleges,
Completing activities on time and
completing homework task
E-Safety – How to keep
yourself when making online
transactions; paid and non paid transactions
Individualisation and E&D
Identifying individuals personal
experiences on using
transactional services and how
different types of services are
suitable dependent on the
Development of Personal and
Welfare (Safeguarding)
Recognising the different types
of scam and be aware of what
signs to watch out for e.g.
Barclays website for live
demonstrations of how
fraudsters work and speak
The rule of law
What responsibilities do banks
have as financial authorities
when it comes to handling your
Individual liberty
This week will require L1
learners to largely
participate on Moodle due
to the large amount of
online content to cover
using external websites to
physically practice.
Demonstrate complying
with data validation and
verification checks when
completing online forms
Tutor: Explanation and demonstration of CAPTCHA,
reCAPTCHA, audio CAPTCH & image CAPTCH
Q have you seen this used? Where? What is the
purpose? Why is it important?
Individual: visit securimage/ to practice CAPTCHA examples
Individual: Direct learners to
Complete different types of on-line forms, take
screenshots to show progress
Tutor: Show image of debit/credit card for discussion:
Q. What information do they contain?
Individual: Complete worksheets
• identifying elements from debit/credit cards
• setting up an online payment transaction
Level learners tasked with flipped learning using
Moodle to practise online resources and evidence as
they progress
Tutor: Demonstrate to learners that as part of their
assessment they will be required to upload files. This
also occurs in real life when they need to upload a CV
or evidence
Individual: Use the handout “E3-L1 Uploading Files
activity to upload files” and screen-print as they go
along as described in activity.
E3-L1 Learners
directed to screen
prints to identify
completion of filling
in forms
Open question
Active learning
E3/L1 – Worksheet
identifying elements
of cards
E3/L1 – Fill in the
online card payment
example – setting up
online transactions
E3-L1 Uploading Files
Self-directed learning
‘fake’ credit cards
E3 transacting
vocabulary sheet
Deep approach to
Active learning
Transacting skills
Revealing information at
correct opportunities when
using the internet and not
exercising individual liberty
when typing as this can put
yourself at risk
Mutual respect
Getting in to the mind of the
victim will help empathise and
think before committing to any
fraudulent acts.
7 Managing
traceable online
Identify what is a digital
Recognise activities that
leave a trail of data that
can affect your digital
Discuss what precautions
can be taken using digital
devices for personal safety
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning on social
media platforms
Discussion to recognise and understanding what is a
digital footprint? Do you have one?
Activity: Identifying which of the activities leave a trail
of data that can affect your digital footprint?
Retrieval practice
Closed questions
Open questions
Video on digital
Open questions
Higher order
Assessment Activity
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion and Activity:
What’s wrong with these social
media post
Numbering within social media posts
Information that employers could see
about you online
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Complete week
Examining social media
Demonstrate to learners when searching my name on
Google what details can be found about me
Activity: Learners to ‘Google’ themselves
Discussion on what details where found on Google and
what precaution to take when using digital devices
personal safety
Activity: Whats wrong with these social media post
Formative Assessment
E3- What does digital footprint mean questionnaire
L1 – What does online identity mean questionnaire
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety
learners recognise own
8 Creating and
Identify different
formatting tools and
Analyse the use of
formatting techniques
Demonstrate ability to
insert images
Use a suitable application
to enter, edit and format
Recap – Q&A on split screen and importing text.
Learners to identify all software that can be used to
create documents.
Teacher led talk about different formatting techniques
in Microsoft Word
Activity: Formatting Ribbon Task
L1 – Can learners identify where they would change
margins, linespacing and orientation
Learners to look at New Shop Opening poster and
identify what formatting techniques have been used
E3 – 3 techniques
L1 – 5 techniques
Teacher to demonstrate how to insert an image and
reposition using text wrap.
L1 learners will be shown how to insert multiple images
and how to use crop.
E3/L1 create H & S poster,
E3 use min 3 formatting techniques
L1 Use min 5 formatting techniques
Extension Tasks available.
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Dual Coding
Types of document
mind map
Open questions
Higher order
E3 London task
L1 Newsletter task
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting review
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
Extension: Create a poster
to advertise an event such
as an online auction,
charity fun day, menu for
a party. Use your internet
search skills to find
suitable images to use in
your poster.
Extension: Tables and
Footers Task
9 creating and
Recognise the need to use
processing software when
presented with relevant
Recap and Recall Previous weeks advice on safe
passwords. What makes a safe password?
E3 consolidate learning and complete exam style task
on Word, Bumblebee
Retrieval practice
Open questions
English – Use of spellchecker to help
with spelling.
Identifying the meaning of key terms
which are transferrable between
E-Safety – Discussing safety of
Individualisation and E&D
Extension E2: Create a
poster on
Prevent/Safeguarding/E safety
Identify 2 common layouts
of presentation and word
processing software
Implement 3 pages into
your presentation or word
Compile at least three
E-safety rules into your
presentation or poster
Evaluate your current skill
level using the skills tracker
L1 Learners to identify the benefits of a presentation
software in comparison to word processing software as
a group – Work through PowerPoint Book
Update ILP’s and complete skills analysis of unit and
end point assessments on the assessment tracker.
E3 – Bumblebee
Presentation on E Safety
L1 – PowerPoint
Maths –The size of text and being
able to identify appropriate sizes of
text for accessibility.
Identifying angle of knee and elbow
when sitting at computer.
Employability – ensuring text isn’t
lengthy for the purposes of
presenting to an audience and using
as a prompt as opposed to a script.
ICT/Digital – Use of a specific program
(Presentation software) for a given
Personal choices in their
chosen answers in quizzes
Development of Personal and
Welfare (Safeguarding)
Identifying strategies to
protect yourself from threats
The rule of law
Looking at copyright legislation
as part of presentation activity.
Individual liberty
Be respectful when talking and
address individuals in the
correct manner in order to
avoid offending or causing
Mutual respect
Ensure that you always engage
appropriately with all
individuals so that they are not
offended or affects them.
10 Creating and
Use a suitable application
to enter, edit and format
Justify the use of
formatting techniques
Use simple formula to
calculate data
Create charts from data
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning on formatting
Introduce learners to the concept of spreadsheets,
what they are used for in life and work contexts, for
example: Finance, Forms, Education, Lists & Sports
Show learners the YouTube video as an introduce to
spreadsheet terminology.
E3 – Excel spreadsheet workbook
L1 Excel Spreadsheet workbook
L1 Snow exam style question
Complete ILP’s
Retrieval practice
Closed questions
Open questions
Flipped learning
Deliberate practice
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Extension activities: Min
max & count worksheet
11 Communicating
Understand sharing digital
content through electronic
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning
Discussion to recognise and understanding sharing
digital content through electronic methods.
Retrieval practice
Closed questions
Open questions
Open questions
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbering within social media posts
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Recognise different forms
communication tools to
make video calls
Demonstrate the use of
video call
Examine of Blogs/ Vlogs
and social media to
communicate to friends,
family and employers
Discussion Activity: recognising different electronic
methods to share digital content and what their uses
Discussion to recognise different forms communication
tools to make video calls,
Activity: Researching different methods of video calling
Demonstrate the use of Video calling to the learners
and creating groups
Activity: Learner to video call tutor
Discussion to recognise and understanding of Blogs/
Vlogs and social media to communicate to friends,
family and employers
Activity: Identifying what’s wrong with examples of
public social media posts
Higher order
Assessment Activity
Open awards E3/L1
Appropriate language for a potential
Activity: Identifying what’s wrong
with examples of public social media
Ensure E&D is part of
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Development of Personal and
Ask learners why they are
attending the course and what
they hope to achieve. ILP and
goal setting.
12 Creating and
Identify different
formatting tools and
Analyse the use of
formatting techniques
Demonstrate ability to
insert images
Use a suitable application
to enter, edit and format
Recap – Q&A on previous week Learning.
Learners to identify all software that can be used to
create documents.
Discussion about different formatting techniques in
Microsoft Word
E3 Interfaith formatting task
L1 Interfaith Presentation using PPT
E3 create a card using Word
L1 create a card in PPT
Completion of ILP’s
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Dual Coding
Types of document
mind map
Open questions
Higher order
Discovery Learning
E3 – Christmas task
E3 – Design an E-Card
in Word
L1 – Image Enhancing
L1 – Design an E-Card
in Presentation
Holiday quiz
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting review
13 Transacting compare different
products online and select
best buying option
Evidence the process of
uploading documents and
Tutor: How information can be accessed maliciously
Group: Discuss with learners if they have experienced
scam emails and websites. Q What happened, did they
know they were being scammed, how did they know,
Deep approach to
Active learning
keywords: – passwords, verification,
validation, captcha. Comprehend
and follow verbal and written tasks
E-Safety – How to keep
yourself when making online
transactions; paid and non paid transactions
Individualisation and E&D
This week will require L1
learners to largely
participate on Moodle due
to the large amount of
online content to cover
photos when required to
complete online
Identify different payment
methods, such as
credit/debit card for
making payments for items
or services online
Recognise how to avoid
risks and threats when
shopping online to protect
privacy and data
Identify and avoid scam
websites when shopping
what did they do? Allow them to share experiences
with others.
Individual: complete transacting vocabulary sheet.
E3 transacting vocabulary sheet
Access and complete tasks on quiz/#/
Individual: Learners to complete Unit 4 skills checklist
Open award – E3
using the in
Transacting skills
Open awards E3:
Using the Internet for
L1: Using the Internet
Currency, pin numbers, account
numbers, sort code numbers and
Completion of on-line forms such as
applications for jobs, colleges,
Completing activities on time and
completing homework task
Identifying individuals personal
experiences on using
transactional services and how
different types of services are
suitable dependent on the
Development of Personal and
Welfare (Safeguarding)
Recognising the different types
of scam and be aware of what
signs to watch out for e.g.
Barclays website for live
demonstrations of how
fraudsters work and speak
The rule of law
What responsibilities do banks
have as financial authorities
when it comes to handling your
Individual liberty
Revealing information at
correct opportunities when
using the internet and not
exercising individual liberty
when typing as this can put
yourself at risk
Mutual respect
Getting in to the mind of the
victim will help empathise and
think before committing to any
fraudulent acts.
using external websites to
physically practice.
14 Digital
Recognise what is classed
as personal data
Examine at least 3 pieces
of information
organisations can hold
about you.
Identify one way to protect
your data online
Identify 2 elements of
browser security
Discover what cookies are
and how they affect you
Research threats to a you
via a digital device
Distinguish the difference
between basic level
protection and advanced
protection methods
Describe the advantages
and disadvantages of
online storage
Recap and Recall Previous weeks safety tasks and
identify what they used in their presentation/poster
BUT what other risks are there online?
Teacher and learners to discuss and mind map “What is
personal information?”
When would you share this information?
to show how easily data can be obtained by fraudsters
Direct learners to websites in the “How to protect
personal information E3” activity
Learners to complete “E3 Protecting Privacy Quiz”
upon completion of previous activity
Introduce learners to browser tracking and cookies.
Hand out “L1 Browser tracking resource”
Upon completing appropriate section direct on to
L1 – Mix and Match activity
Teacher to discuss privacy settings on social media as
well as mobile devices. Use L1 Teacher resource for
Teacher has a discussion with learners on Malware and
how this can affect your device.
Learners to carry out activity on matching the different
threats L1 Recognise the threat
Learners given NCSC poster of key cyber security terms
E3-L1 Cyber security terms poster
Teachers and learners to discuss what advanced levels
of protection are available to use.
Learners tasked with describing the different levels of
advanced protection L1 – advanced protection
Class discussion on advantages of online storage.
Learners to engage in discussion and complete tasks
citing their opinions in discussion.
E3 Protecting Privacy
L1 – Mix and Match
Learners identify
different social
media platforms
using E3/L1 Identify
social media
E3 – Protecting data
L1 – Protecting data
Signpost learners to
the online courses E3
Risks and Threats
Resource Flipped on
to Moodle
L1 – Advantages and
disadvantages of
cloud computing –
English – Identifying key
components of scams and spelling
errors can be a big clue to a scam
Maths – Identifying the amount of
time spent on social media and what
risks this poses
Employability – research tasks used
on Moodle for identifying solutions
(to keeping oneself safe)
ICT/Digital – Using Moodle to interact
with the classwork (flipped learning
E-Safety – Discussing a variety
of threats and online scams to
be aware of
Individualisation and E&D
All learners will be shown that
it is their responsibility to
protect themselves and that
everyone is at risk. Not having
a “won’t happen to me”
Development of Personal and
Welfare (Safeguarding)
Looking at potential threats
and upcoming threats to
ensure you are aware of what
risks are out there.
The rule of law
Ensuring you are following
instructions (law) at all times
and looking at consequences of
your online behaviour.
Individual liberty
Be respectful when talking and
address individuals in the
correct manner in order to
avoid offending or causing
Mutual respect
Respecting your equipment
and people so that you are not
disrespectful by using online
Extension activities:
Create a poster to
advertise an event such as
an online auction, charity
fun day, menu for a party.
Use internet search skills
to find suitable images to
use in the poster
15 Creating and
Identify different
formatting tools and
Analyse the use of
formatting techniques
Recap – Q&A on previous week Learning.
Learners to identify all software that can be used to
create documents.
Discussion about different formatting techniques in
Microsoft Word
Internet search on climate change
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Dual Coding
Types of document
mind map
Open questions
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Demonstrate how to
search for specific
information on the
Use a suitable application
to enter, edit and format
Analyse day to day
personal impact on climate
E3 Create a resource that explains how day to day
activities can impact on climate change
L1 create a presentation on climate change
Completion of ILP’s
Higher order
Discovery Learning
E3 – Poster on
climate change and
L1 – Climate change
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting review
16 Exam Practice
Identify the different
components of an EDSQ at
E3 or L1
Demonstrate how to Bring
together two given types
of information
Describe meaning and
suitability of information
for the purpose of an
Recap and Recall Previous weeks learning on creating
complex spreadsheets using formulas to create graphs
and charts.
Kahoot Quiz – How to use different print settings
Teacher – Introduction to assessments – what does the
whole ‘test’ look like? Discussion on the elements of
the EDSQ examination online and the processes used
to complete. Teacher questioning on multi-screen
usage and moving between screens.
Spend time looking at the mark schemes in order to
clarify the importance of good practice in health and
safety, opening and closing systems and files.
Marks are lost when learners are not familiar with
Display a range of documents (some including errors)
and discuss the requirements for the exam. Discuss
where the screenshots need to be
Learners to complete a Mock assessment at their
individual level. Paper version to the teacher for
secondary marking.
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Mock examination
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Excel activities and MCQ’s on exam
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Completing activities on time
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Extension – Use BKSB to
practice areas that have
been identified from the
mock assessment
17 Exam Practice Describe meaning and
suitability of information
for the purpose of an
Retrieval for the purpose
of a mock examination of
subject knowledge learnt
Recap and Recall on last week’s Mock assessment –
strength’s and weakness identified and questioned
Explain how todays online mock examination will take
place. Teacher to remind learners on the use of multi
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Excel activities and MCQ’s on exam
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Development of Personal and
Demonstrate knowledge of
curriculum content
Review learning areas of
development to be able to
set goals and targets
Learners – Complete a Mock assessment at their
individual level. Paper version to the teacher for
secondary marking.
Extension – Use BKSB to practice areas that have been
identified from the mock assessment as areas for
Learners – Update and review ILP – Identifying goals
and targets from the mock examinations.
Teacher – Setting of homework for the half term
period to help them prepare for the examination.
Mock examination
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Completing activities on time
ILP and goal setting.
Examination Execute final examination
All learners to complete Examination – following Awarding bodies instructions and all rules and regulations
Once examination complete – learners to leave the room quietly.
19 Induction &
Complete enrolments
Identify Colleges’ relevant
services and policies
Introductions and course
Health and safety
Partially Complete ILP
Decide Ground rules
Group: Tutor lecture re Health and Safety and Venue
information. Introductions – Why are you here and
what do you want from the course? Post it note activity
Individual: Completion of enrolment forms
Group: Tutor lecture re course content and
expectations and College Services and decide together
group ground rules
Individual: Complete ILP, front page and self assessment)
All learners complete Initial Assessment (returning and
learners who attended assessment/taster session)
Any new learners complete Digital Skills Assessment
enrolment process
Open questioning
List of class rules
ILP (front page and
English through completion of
enrolment form and IA, ILP
Explain there are free English courses
and refer where necessary.
Explain there are free Maths courses
and refer where necessary
Communication – discussion
presenting and answering questions
ILT use of internet/PC to complete
enrolment process
Personal Development
Completion of questions on
enrolments form.
Health & Safety lecture.
Learner Handbook
Class Rules and Learner
Agreement to be discussed,
understood and signed.
Class Rules and Learner
Agreement to be discussed,
understood and signed
Using devices
Identify starting point
Explore Moodle
Categorise digital devices
BKSB Diagnostic
ILP target setting, smart target prompt sheet
Discussion about digital devices, hardware and
software and input and output devices.
Entry 3 – Digital Devices Task
Discovery Learning
Open questions
Deliberate practice…
Deliberate practice
Big picture
English Completion of quizzes and
worksheet. Through Completion of
Activities, Fill the Gap, and Verbal
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Extension activity: Create
a document that explains
how changing settings can
benefit people with
Level 1 – Create a table of the hardware and software Open/closed
All learners to
complete the Test
Your Knowledge Quiz
– Digital Devices MCQ
Entry 3 – Digital
Devices Quiz
Level 1 – Digital
Devices Quiz
system, digital devices
Time bound activities that learners
need to try to complete on time
Communication – Written
work/discussion presenting and
answering questions
Interactive ILT
Using the PC
Using the Mouse
Using the Keyboard
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Learners recognise that devices
can be changed to suit the user
Entry 3 learners will be
encouraged to complete
the Level 1 tasks to stetch
and challenge.
Managing &
Create a student folder
and understand file
Know how to save a
document to a specific
location using an
appropriate name
Understand how to take
screenshots and paste into
a new document.
Be able to zipped
(compress) a folder
Identify how files can be
stored on a computer
(different types of storage)
Identify Data Storage
Amounts/Sizes (MB,KB,GB)
Research and name
common file types
Recap – Kahoot Quiz
Discuss what file management involves and why we
need to keep our files organised. Demonstrate how to
create folders and subfolders. Explain how to save a
document to a specific folder and us appropriate file
E3 – Creating a Folder and Saving a Document Task
L1 – Creating Folder Task 1
L1 – Creating Folder Task 2
Show learners how to take a screenshot using 2
different methods. Explain why this is useful and how
to use them.
E3 – Capturing Information Using Screenshots
E3 – Taking Screenshots Task
Explain the benefit of compressing a folder.
L1 – How to Make a Zip File
Discuss and identify different ways to store files using
external devices and cloud storage. Why would we use
different types of storage and what for?
E3 – Different types of Storage Task
L1 – Data Storage Task
Discussion about different data storage amounts.
Learner to research these and identify them.
L1 – Data Storage Task
Discussion on file extensions for different software.
Learners to use the internet to research file types.
E3 & L1 – File Types Task
Open questioning
Higher order
E3 –Managing &
Storing Information
Final Task
L1 – Managing &
Storing Information
Final Task
Through reading of task, completion
of activities verbal Discussion
Organisational skills
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work in discussion
activity – valuing people views
and opinions.
Formative Assessment
E3 –Managing & Storing Information Final Task
L1 – Managing & Storing Information Final Task
Finding and
Use the internet to
perform effect searching
using variety of tools on
different search engines.
Know how to interpret
search results to inform
choices on products and
Use a website search/filter
facility to find specific
Demonstrate an ability to
Bookmark Webpage,
Use a websites
search/filter facility
Understand about the
Boolean Search Technique
Demonstrate how to create a new Week 21 Folder on
Document and how to save screenshots to it.
Activity: Create a new folder called Week 21
Demonstrate how to make an effect search on the
internet. Bookmark webpages. Recap on how to take
screenshots and paste them within a Word document.
Activity: NHS Bookmarking and Screenshots
Demonstration on how to use a website search facility
and how to use filters to narrow down search results.
E3 – Complete an Online Form
L1 – Search and Save Using Filters
Learn how to use a comparison website to help make
informed choices about products.
Activity: Comparison Websites
Teacher to demonstrate how to shop online, adding to
basket and proceeding to the payment screen.
E3 – Clothes Shopping Online
L1 – Boolean Technique Arranging a Holiday
Scaffold Learning –
Discovery Learning
Open questions
Deliberate practice…
Retrieval practice,
closed questions
Deliberate practice
Big picture
Open questions
E3 – Test Your
L1 – Test Your
Through Completion of activities on line & in person discussion,
appropriate use of language
Presentation & language in a
professional situation
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
23 Communication Identify different types of
Recognise the terminology
relating to public and
private online
Demonstrate add and edit
email contacts
Create, send, and receive
emails and messages
Recap of previous week learning
Discussion on different forms of communication using
digital devices .
E3 Different types of Communication when using
digital devices
Discussion on how different communication methods
are used.
E3 Communication Uses
Discussion on different type of emailing mannerisms
and the etiquette that should apply to messages.
E3 Email Etiquette
Watch video which will explain how to write a
professional email
Open questions
Higher order
Assessment Activity
Worksheet do’s &
don’ts with email
Communication in
the Workplace
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
File sizes
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Minimum of 2 emails
Developing work skills using email
ensuring that spelling and letter
format is used as part of sending
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Activity: Writing a Formal Email
Activity: Appropriate Email Writing
Demonstrate how to add a new contact to a email
Activity: Add teachers email address to your email
Learner to demonstrate ability to send appropriate
Activity: Sending Messages
Explain how to reply to emails.
Formative Assessment
Online Communication in the Workplace
Unit 4
Understand and comply
with data validation and
Manage online accounts
and settings
Know the pros and cons of
using different payment
Identify important
vocabulary relating to
protecting privacy and
data in the context of
Be able to compare
services available using
different platforms
Explain the importance of complying with data
validation and verification checks. Watch the video
Q&A session on learners understanding of video.
Explain how different types of CAPTCHA are used for
data verification in online forms
E3 Data Verification & CAPTCHA
L1 Online Forms
Talk about the types of online payment methods they
have used in a life/work context to share experiences
(PayPal, credit cards, apple pay)
E3 Methods of Payment
Identify important vocabulary relating to protecting
privacy and data in the context of online
E3 Protecting Privacy & Data
Introduce learners to the concept of transactional
service websites (Doctors, Dentists, Hairdressers,
Utility Providers, Financial Services, Job Recruitment
Providers. Explain that it is good practice to manage
account settings and preferences.
L1 Manage Setting and Preferences
Show learners how they can compare services
available online by using different platforms to get
the best service.
L1 Comparing Services Task
Scaffold Learning –
Discovery Learning
Open questions
Deliberate practice…
Retrieval practice,
closed questions
Deliberate practice
Big picture
Open questions
Through Completion of Activities
and Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying
what they have learned on
home device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
Watch the videos and step-by-step tutorials to learn
the tools to start banking online.
L1 Online Banking Simulator
Complete ILP’s
Issue Extension Tasks and Homework
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
25 Digital
Identify what is personal
Discussion on What is
personal information?
Understanding of what
browser tracking and
cookies are
Discussion on and mind map “What is personal
When would you share this information?
to show how easily data can be obtained by fraudsters
Activity: E3 How to protect personal information E3
Discussion on browser tracking and cookies.
Activity L1 Browser tracking resource
Learners to work on the exam style questions at
appropriate level
mind map
Open questions
Higher order
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
26 Creating and
Use a suitable application
to enter, edit and format
Justify the use of
formatting techniques
Use simple formula to
calculate data
Create charts from data
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning on formatting
Introduce learners to the concept of spreadsheets,
what they are used for in life and work contexts, for
example: Finance, Forms, Education, Lists & Sports
Show learners the YouTube video as an introduce to
spreadsheet terminology.
E3 – Spreadsheet Terminology Kahoot (IT LAL Teachers
Discuss the areas of the spreadsheet screen.
E3 – Label a Spreadsheet
Demonstrate how to enter data, adjust column widths,
alignment and how to copy & paste from a txt file.
E3 – Basic Skills Task
Explain that numeric data can be formatted in currency
decimals, percentages, dates etc.
Demonstrate some of the different number formats
available and how to change currency & decimal place.
E3 – Match Number Formats Activity
Demonstrate how to insert rows and columns or show
learners the tutorial videos and modify
cells (formatting and merging cells).
E3 – Inserting Rows & Columns & Modifying Cells
Explain formula used to add, subtract, multiply or
divide and that all formula starts with an equal sign =
Retrieval practice
Closed questions
Open questions
Deliberate practice
Worksheet ‘London’
Peer review sheet for
assessment – peer
Deliberate practice
assessment –
Formatting final
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Extension activities:
Create a poster to
advertise an event such as
an online auction, charity
fun day, menu for a party.
Use internet search skills
to find suitable images to
use in the poster
Demonstrate how to use the Fill Handle
E3 – Adding Formula and Using Fill Handle
Demonstrate how to sort data and filter data
L1 – Sorting and Filtering Data Task
L1 – Filtering Practice
Demonstrate how to create and format different types
of charts or show learners the videos.
L1 – Creating Charts
L1 – Creating a Bar Chart
Formative Assessment
Learners to complete a formative assessment that is in
the exam style of questioning
Complete ILP’s Issue Homework
Spreadsheet Quiz
& 28
Unit 1 Finding
and Evaluating
Unit 2 Creating
and Editing
Research products and
services online
Create documents
displaying research
Demonstrate today’s task by searching the internet
and incorporating the information into an appropriate
software. Suggest some topics if necessary.
Instruct learners to research a topic of their choice
using the internet.
Create an information poster/flyer/PPT using the
research information found.
Scaffold Learning –
Discovery Learning
Open questions
Deliberate practice…
Retrieval practice,
closed questions
Deliberate practice
Big picture
Open questions
Research Project
Create Research
Through Completion of Activities
and Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying
what they have learned on
home device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
29 Unit 3
Understand sharing digital
content through electronic
Recognise different forms
communication tools to
make video calls
Demonstrate the use of
video call
Recap – discuss previous week’s learning
Discussion to recognise and understanding sharing
digital content through electronic methods.
Discussion Activity: recognising different electronic
methods to share digital content and what their uses
Discussion to recognise different forms communication
tools to make video calls,
Activity: Researching different methods of video calling
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Numbers – font size
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Group work valuing people
views and opinions.
Independent learning
Learners to continue to
practice at home applying what
they have learned on home
Examine of Blogs/ Vlogs
and social media to
communicate to friends,
family and employers
Demonstrate the use of Video calling to the learners
and creating groups
Activity: Learner to video call tutor
Discussion to recognise and understanding of Blogs/
Vlogs and social media to communicate to friends,
family and employers
Activity: Identifying what’s wrong with examples of
public social media posts
Formative Assessment
E3- Sending email to tutor activity
L1 – Quiz
device such as saving
images/text on devices
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
Health & safety learners
recognise own environment
and how to stay safe
30 Transacting compare different
products online and select
best buying option
Evidence the process of
uploading documents and
photos when required to
complete online
Identify different payment
methods, such as
credit/debit card for
making payments for items
or services online
Recognise how to avoid
risks and threats when
shopping online to protect
privacy and data
Identify and avoid scam
websites when shopping
Tutor: How information can be accessed maliciously
Group: Discuss with learners if they have experienced
scam emails and websites. Q What happened, did they
know they were being scammed, how did they know,
what did they do? Allow them to share experiences
with others.
Individual: complete transacting vocabulary sheet.
E3 transacting vocabulary sheet
Access and complete tasks on quiz/#/
Individual: Learners to complete Unit 4 skills checklist
Deep approach to
Active learning
Open award – E3
using the in
Transacting skills
Open awards E3:
Using the Internet for
L1: Using the Internet
keywords: – passwords, verification,
validation, captcha. Comprehend
and follow verbal and written tasks
Currency, pin numbers, account
numbers, sort code numbers and
Completion of on-line forms such as
applications for jobs, colleges,
Completing activities on time and
completing homework task
E-Safety – Discussing a variety
of threats and online scams to
be aware of
Individualisation and E&D
All learners will be shown that
it is their responsibility to
protect themselves and that
everyone is at risk. Not having
a “won’t happen to me”
Development of Personal and
Welfare (Safeguarding)
Looking at potential threats
and upcoming threats to
ensure you are aware of what
risks are out there.
The rule of law
Ensuring you are following
instructions (law) at all times
and looking at consequences of
your online behaviour.
Individual liberty
Be respectful when talking and
address individuals in the
correct manner in order to
avoid offending or causing
Mutual respect
Respecting your equipment
and people so that you are not
disrespectful by using online
This week will require L1
learners to largely
participate on Moodle due
to the large amount of
online content to cover
using external websites to
physically practice.
Exam Practice Describe meaning and
suitability of information
for the purpose of an
Retrieval for the purpose
of a mock examination of
subject knowledge learnt
Demonstrate knowledge of
curriculum content
Review learning areas of
development to be able to
set goals and targets
Mock on Moodle at level appropriate for learner
Explain how todays online mock examination will take
place. Teacher to remind learners on the use of multi
Learners – Complete a Mock assessment at their
individual level. Paper version to the teacher for
secondary marking.
Extension – Use BKSB to practice areas that have been
identified from the mock assessment as areas for
Learners – Update and review ILP – Identifying goals
and targets from the mock examinations.
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Mock examination
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Excel activities and MCQ’s on exam
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Completing activities on time
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
32 & 33
Exam Practice
Describe meaning and
suitability of information
for the purpose of an
Retrieval for the purpose
of a mock examination of
subject knowledge learnt
Demonstrate knowledge of
curriculum content
Review learning areas of
development to be able to
set goals and targets
Recap and Recall on last week’s Mock assessment –
strength’s and weakness identified and questioned
Explain how todays online mock examination will take
place. Teacher to remind learners on the use of multi
Learners – Complete a Mock assessment at their
individual level. Paper version to the teacher for
secondary marking.
Extension – Use BKSB to practice areas that have been
identified from the mock assessment as areas for
Learners – Update and review ILP – Identifying goals
and targets from the mock examinations.
Teacher – Setting of homework for the half term
period to help them prepare for the examination.
Retrieval practice
Open questions
Mock examination
Through Completion of Activities and
Verbal Discussion
Excel activities and MCQ’s on exam
Creating documents fit for purpose,
understanding the audience
Completing activities on time
Inclusive Learning
Additional tasks and activities
available to complete.
Development of Personal and
ILP and goal setting.
34 Examination
Execute final examination
All learners to complete Examination – following Awarding bodies instructions and all rules and regulations
Once examination complete – learners to leave the room quietly.
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