Posted: November 8th, 2022
IT Acquisition
IT Acquisition
Discussion Question 8-1. The practices associated with project success are documented in many books, discussed at conferences, and taught in many courses. If the elements of project success are known and the consequences of failure are so undesirable, why don’t more government and commercial organizations use these success factors or practices to prevent project failures? (one or two paragraphs)
Discussion Question 8-2. Most professionals in the IT acquisition field have experience in preparing the traditional SOW (statement of work) that stresses how the work should be done more so than the desired results. Many are finding it difficult to prepare a PBWS (performance-based work statement), which stresses the results rather than how the work is to be done. Consequently, there are far fewer performance-based contracts than expected. In your view, what is the biggest challenge in preparing a performance-based work statement and what can be done to overcome that challenge? (one or two paragraph)
IT Acquisition
Even though all knowledge on success has been documented. It is quite a task for businesses to experience this success even when they try follow the methods suggested. A number of reasons that cause this failure in implementing a successful strategy according to Sid Peimer (2014) working for Stratplanning include:
1. The strategy chosen does not suit the structure of the business
2. Not everyone cooperates
3. Some managements fail to improve their strategies every now and them
Tom Wright (2015) claims that another reason for failure of strategies is because people forget them too fast. He says that firms set up strategies with complex objectives and fail to involve everyone within the strategy. In no time, members of the organization neglect the strategy.
Creating a Performance-Based Work Statement is one of the best means to ensure a business generates results. The meaningful work of every employer generates outputs that are desirable. However, generating a PBWS is met with several challenges. OCI, an Organizational Communications company, claims that the intense detail that is required for a successful PBWS can require competent skills (2009). These challenges range from how the PBWS will be proposed and managed. Understanding Tools and techniques are required for the project to be successful. The complexity of the statement is the main challenge faced since not most managers are trained.
Sokolow, also known as The Proposal Guru, claims that a creating tabular PBWS makes work easier since the columns and rows are easy to understand. OCI supports training, whereby interested managers are taught on the techniques of creating PBWS’. Sokolow also suggests using narrtives divided into Contract Line Item Numbers or program areas.
OCI. (2009). The Challenge of Performance Based Service Contracts – OCI Wins. Retrieved from
Peimer, S. (2014). The 10 reasons why strategy implementation fails. | Retrieved from
Sokolow, J. (2014). Developing a performance based work statement. Retrieved from
Wright, T. (2015). 7 Top Reasons Why Strategic Plans Fail. Retrieved from