Posted: March 3rd, 2022
IST Chapter 7
In-Class Discussion
Chapter 7: E-Business and E-Commerce
1. Define e-commerce, and distinguish it from e-business.
2. Differentiate among B2C, B2B, C2C, and B2E electronic commerce.
3. Identify some benefits and limitations of e-commerce.
4. Discuss the reasons for EC failures.
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Alejandra Guerrero
Chpt 7
E-commerce can be conducted between varies parties, that of which often include but are not limited to business-to-consumer electronic commerce (B2C), business-to-business electronic commerce (B2B), and business-to-employee (B2E). In a B2C, sellers are organizations and the buyers are individuals. B2C are often more complex as they involve a large number of buyers in comparison to the small and relative number of sellers that exist. Due to this, there are often two major challenges that exists for sellers: channel conflict and order fulfillment. In a B2B, both sellers and buyers are business organizations. B2B, covers a broad spectrum that allows enterprises to form electronic relationships with distributors, suppliers, customers, and other partners through the usage of applications. Lastly, in a B2E, organizations use e-commerce to provide information and services to its employees. These services or goods can be sold at discounted rates. In a B2E, companies can allow employees to manage their own benefits along with purchasing discounted insurance, travel packages, and event tickets. Employees are also able to purchase supplies and materials needed.
Rene Sanchez
Activity #8/Chapter 7 Discussion
#3 Identify some benefits and limitations of e-commerce.
Some of the benefits of e-commerce include:
1. National and International Markets are more accessible
2. Lowers costs of processing, distributing, and retrieving information
3. Provides access to a vast number of products and services 24/7
4. Deliver Information, services, and products to people in cities, rural areas, and developing countries
Some of its limitations that have restricted its growth an acceptance include both technological and non-technological limitations.
Technological Limitations
1. Lack of universally accepted security standards
2. In less developed countries telecommunications bandwidth is often insufficient, and Web Access is expensive
Non-Technological Limitations
1. Perceptions that e-commerce is insecure
2. Unresolved Legal issues( Ex: copyright protections are hard to enforce)
3. Lacks a critical mass of buyers and sellers