Posted: March 17th, 2023
Is there a winner in the dispute between habermas and lyotard? if so,
25% of the final grade.
o Due by email to the professor at 11:59 pm, Nov. 11.
o A 5% penalty per day, including weekends, will be applied to work that is late without a documented valid excuse.
o Students will write an 8 page, double-spaced answer to the question: Is there a winner in the dispute between Habermas and Lyotard? If so, who wins and why?
o Citation style / format is at the student’s discretion, but please consult regulations below re: academic integrity and plagiarism.
He just send these for tips of the assignment: He doesn’t need history of both philosophers, He is looking for our comprehensive on how to construct our paper and how we argue on both thinkers.
You asked to keep updating you on the paper: He recommended to stick our paper to the books we are reading although further reading can be included. He says we should stick more to the book and add others if we can
The structural transformation of the public sphere -Jurgen Habermas and Jean Lyotard- The differend.