Posted: April 13th, 2023
Introduction To Forensic Science – CRJU 1072 Course Final Project essay
Computerization and the Internet have placed new strains on law enforcement in the United States. Your assignment is to design a program using at least three strategies to prevent Cybercrime. This analysis should use such concepts as the Intelligence Model versus the Traditional Crime Control Model. Please include information to justify the why each strategy is needed and outline how it will valuable in the prevention of cybercrime. Your assignment must be saved as a word document and uploaded to the drop box provided prior to the due date specified by the instructor.
Essay Guidelines:
· APA format (minimum of 1,000 words)
· Must have a cover page, an abstract and a works cited page. All of which DO NOT count in your 1000 words.
· Include citations for all sources used (3 minimum)
· Ex: data, books, magazines, and credible Internet resources (not Wikipedia)
Remember to include the following:
1. Define cybercrime and identify forms of cybercrime.
2. Explain how Computerization and the Internet have placed new strains on law enforcement in the U.S.
3. Describe your program for preventing cybercrime
· What aspect of cybercrime prevention will your program focus on?
(Ex: Education, Technology, etc…)
· List the three strategies of prevention.
4. Outline each of the 3 strategies of prevention utilized within your program
· Describe each strategy.
· Explain how it works to prevent Cybercrime.
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