Posted: May 1st, 2022
Introduction to Business studies
Introduction to Business studies
Module Title: Introduction to Business studies Module Code: FY021
Assignment No/Title: Task 3 – Case Study Assessment Weighting: 25%
Submission Date: CW 2 (Task 3 & 4) – 29th April 2022 before 2pm Feedback Target Date: In 3 weeks
Module Co-ordinator/ Muhammad Bhuiyan
Submission Instructions:
This assignment is to be submitted electronically as part of CW 2 using Blackboard
Task 3
Case-Study – Motivational Techniques at Jack stores
Recently Tesco announced opening of new discount stores “Jack” as part of their ongoing strategy to compete against Aldi and Lidl. These stores will have competitive pricing similar to Aldi and Lidl (BBC, 2018). The management is keen to display that new stores will be well looked after and funded just like other Tesco stores. They have assured that “Jack” stores will have similar culture and carry same values as Tesco stores. They also want to make sure the employees are highly motivated to work for “Jack” stores.
Motivation plays a very important role in increasing employee productivity. Motivated employees have high job satisfaction and loyalty. They tend to be less absent and sick. They show high commitment and dependability towards their work. Tesco management wants to make sure that new employee needs are well understood and taken care of.
You are a HR Assistant at Jack Store.
An Overview of Business Studies
Introduction to Business Studies is the title of this module.
FY021 (Module Code)
Assignment No./Title: Task 3 – Case Study Evaluation 25 percent weighting
Submission deadline: CW 2 (Tasks 3 & 4) – April 29, 2022, before 2 p.m.
Feedback deadline: in three weeks
Muhammad Bhuiyan, Module Co-ordinator
Instructions for Submission:
This assignment is due electronically as part of CW 2 via Blackboard.
3. Assignment
Motivational Techniques at Jack Stores – Case Study
Tesco recently announced the opening of additional “Jack” bargain stores as part of their continued attempt to compete with Aldi and Lidl. These stores’ prices will be competitive with Aldi and Lidl (BBC, 2018). The management is keen to display that new stores will be well looked after and funded just like other Tesco stores. They