Posted: November 2nd, 2022
Introduction to Anthropology Mid-Term
Human Evolution and Culture, Books a la Carte Edition
Author: Ember
Edition: 8th
ISBN: 9780133947748
Copyright Year: 2015
Publisher: Pearson Education
Chapter 12 – Social Class and Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Racism
Chapter 15 – Political Life: Social Order and Disorder
Chapter 18 – Global Problems
– Natural Events (page 433)
– Inadequate Housing and Homelessness
– Family Violence and Abuse (page 439)
– Crime (page 442)
– War (page 445)
– Terrorism (page 447)
– Making the World Better (page 449)
Introduction to Anthropology Mid-Term
Answer the following three questions in shorty essay format with 1.5 line spacing. Be as descriptive as possible when answering.
Also be sure to properly cite your references when quoting from the textbook or from another source such as an article and to include a reference page.
* A note to Mac users: If you are using a Mac computer, please submit all assignments as PDF files.
Question 1: Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Racism (30 points)
Using information from Chapter 12 as well as any outside source you may feel is appropriate, describe the major difference between a rank society and a class society.
Question 2: Political Life: Social Order and Disorder (30 points)
Using information from Chapter 15, explain the major differences between band, tribe, and state societies. In which type of societies do we find the largest amount of inequality?
Question 3: Global Problems (40 points)
a) Describe one of the social problems that are listed in chapter 18. Using brief outside research (on a search engine for example), determine how many people are currently affected by this problem.
b) In order to end this mid-term on a positive note, what measures can governments take in order to reduce the amount of suffering caused by this social problem?