Posted: February 26th, 2022
Introduce your chosen organisation from the provided list. (Approximately 1 sentence)?
1. Introduction & Background
? Introduce your chosen organisation from the provided list. (Approximately 1 sentence)?
? Provide a short description of the chosen case organisation (e.g. nature of the business, the industry, market share and etc.). (Approximately 2-3 sentences)?
? Identify ONE issue/problem/challenge your chosen case organisation is facing at the moment because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Approximately 3-4 sentences)?
Make sure to use relevant references where necessary and required.
2. Discussion
? Briefly discuss why and how “Systems Thinking” and its tools and techniques (e.g. Rich Picture and CATOWE analysis) can help and support in overcoming the issue/problem/challenge for the chosen case organisation. (Approximately 6-7 sentences).?
? Make sure to draw the Rich Picture for this assessment. The Rich Picture should be first introduced in your writing and then inserted as a Figure in your assessment and should be numbered and labelled appropriately (e.g. Figure 1: Rich Picture for …..).
Then it will need a brief explanation/description. (Approximately 3-4 sentences)?
? Make sure to state the CATWOE analysis AFTER the Rich Picture. You can use a Table to highlight the CATWOE analysis information and then in a short paragraph discuss it in depth. Please keep in mind that the Table should be numbered and labelled appropriately (e.g. Table 1: CATWOE Analysis for …..), Then it will need a
brief explanation/description. (Approximately 3-4 sentences)?
? Identify intended or unintended consequences on various stakeholder of your chosen organisation (Approximately 2-3 sentences)?
? Recommend/propose alternative policies/procedures using Systems Thinking approach to overcome the problem (Approximately 2-3 sentences)?
Make sure to use relevant references where necessary and required.
3. Conclusion
The conclusion section is where you will need to wrap up your discussions in a clear and simple way. Please keep in mind that the “Conclusion” section is not a summary of the main points covered in your assessment but a synthesis of the main points. Overall, the Conclusions section reminds the reader what the paper has been about. (Approximately 2-3 sentences)
4. References
A minimum of 3 academic related references (e.g. journal articles, books chapters, university resources, conference papers) and at least 2 other references (e.g. newspaper, magazines, websites and etc.) in your post for MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A). Please make sure to list the used references in your report, alphabetically. References do not need to be numbered or inserted with bullet points. Please make sure to use more recent references (from the last five years). It is essential that you use APA 7th Edition for citing and referencing research. References are not included in the word count.
? It is highly advised to have Assessment 1 (Part A) submitted as ONE WORD DOCUMENT (.doc OR .docx) via the MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) Discussion Forum Thread.
? Please make sure to insert all the sections one after another and NOT on separate pages.
? MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) should be Maximum 500 Words.
? MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) is 20% of the final mark.
? The Cover Page and References are not included in the word count.
? There is NO need for an Executive Summary or Table of Contents.
? All Figures/Tables require being labelled and numbered appropriately (e.g. Figure 1: Rich Picture …., Table 1: CATWOE Analysis ….., etc.).
? All Figures/Tables require being initially stated and introduced and then discussed indetail and in-depth.
? The sources/references for the used information within the Tables also require being clearly stated.
? The Rich Pictures requires being drawn by hand or by any application on your laptop. Please keep in mind that all hand drawn Rich Pictures require being scanned appropriately.
? Please make sure to review the MGT603 Assessment 1 Brief and the Marking Rubric and be in touch with your Lecturers if any further clarification is required.