Also, remember to provide documentation for your resources, including both in-text citations, and a Reference page, using APA format.
Task 1 – Identifying a Cause/Issue
Find a cause or issue that you are passionate about. Write a 2-page reflection about why it is essential to the study of Sociology. Remember to discuss the following about your cause:
1. What is the problem or issue being addressed?
2. What are your thoughts on why this problem exists? You may also include common stereotypes that relate to the issue/cause.
3. Has the problem gotten worse or better in recent times? How has it affected society?
Due Date: Week 7 by 11:59 PM.
Task 2 – Plan of Action: Process and Experience
You should visit a site online or multiple sites online to analyze the cause on a broader scale. Additionally, you may interview or speak to people about their experiences (This can be over the telephone, online etc.). Remember to always be polite and respectful. Reflection can happen in classroom, at a community organization, or individually through course assignments.
Remember that you are an observer and take notes of your experience. Please use the following reflection questions as a guide to Task #2.
1. What did you observe?
2. Did you learn a new skill or clarify an interest?
3. How was your experience different from what you expected?
4. What are some of the pressing needs/issues in the community?
5. What, in your opinion, is the root of the problem?
6. What other work is currently happening to address the issue?
Due Date: Week 7 by 11:59 PM.
Task 3 – The Final Reflection
Write a 2-3 page paper that summarizes your overall experience. Compare it to your initial reflection, noting your own errors or prejudices. Discuss any moments of clarity or, in other words, moments in which you realized something you assumed was wrong. Explain what, specifically, changed your opinion. After reflecting on and researching your topic, discuss:
1. Your incorrect assumptions and why you made them. You may also discuss assumptions that turned out to be correct.
2. What is currently being done to address the problem locally or even nationally
3. What suggestions or strategies can be implemented to remedy the problem. Consider both your own participation and that of society at large.v
7 pages excluding reference page