Posted: December 11th, 2022
Intervention plan for a child with Autism
AUTISM is the topic for this case study paper. You must use the 5 references I provide but you may add more they must be dated 2010 to 2016 at least 10 pages in the article and only scholarly sources. APA format Case Study Paper Instructions After researching a specific disability, you will create an intervention plan for a hypothetical child. It is recommended that you use a case study in the textbook as a starting point. Select a disability which interests you or with which you feel called to work. Use the textbook and peer-reviewed research to address the following areas in relation to the disability: etiology, prevalence, characteristics, prognosis, and social dynamics. Discuss the child and family characteristics (e.g., risk and protective factors); the specific disability chosen; research on recommended intervention approaches; and how you will work with the family to set, measure, and assess goals at the child and family level. Include the primary concerns to be addressed, justifying your choices with research. Set goals for the child, being sure to review the format requirements detailed in the document “Article: IEP Helpful Hints.” Include a conclusion and future recommendations. See rubric below for greater detail on required elements. Include a title page, an abstract page, at least 15 full pages of content (this does NOT include title, abstract and references) , and a reference page. The completed project must be 18–20 pages. Additional creative graphics or tables that you find helpful may also be included (in addition to the 15 pages). This assignment must be in current APA format and must have a minimum of 5 current (2010–present publication dates), peer-reviewed/scholarly resources. The list of sources on the reference page must exactly match the sources cited in the text of the paper. Completion of the assignment will improve research and communication skills while increasing your knowledge of a disability of special interest. Sample outline: Title Page Abstract Background The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention IEP Goals Conclusion References Case Study Paper Grading Rubric Student: Criteria Points Possible Points Earned Instructor’s Comments Background (at least 3 pages) Describe the child. It is recommended that you use a case study in the textbook as a starting point. 5 Describe the family, focusing on risk and protective factors. 5 Include the primary concerns to be addressed, justifying your choices with research. 5 Intervention Focus (at least 10 pages) Summarize the selected disability. Use the textbook and peer-reviewed research to address the following areas: etiology, prevalence, characteristics, prognosis, and social dynamics. 40 Recommend an intervention approach based on research. Justify recommendation(s) using treatments outlined in the textbook and/or recent research suggesting effective intervention approaches. 30 Set goals for the child, being sure to review the format requirements detailed in the document “Article: IEP Helpful Hints.” Include a conclusion and future recommendations. 5 IEP/IFSP Goal 1 5 IEP/ISFP Goal 2 5 IEP/ISFP Goal 3 5 IEP/ISFP Goal 4: Spiritual 5 Criteria Points Possible Points Earned Instructor’s Comments Format Use current APA format (including a title page, abstract, and reference page) and proper citation of 5 scholarly resources, the textbook, and the Bible. 10 The paper is readable and thoughts are clear. Proper grammar, spelling, and wording are used. Direct quotations are only used as necessary and are limited to 1–2 for the paper. 10 Total 130
An intervention plan for a child with autism should be tailored to the specific needs and strengths of the individual child. However, there are some general principles that can guide the development of an effective intervention plan.
First, it is important to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the child’s abilities and needs. This should include a thorough evaluation of the child’s cognitive, language, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. The assessment should also consider the child’s sensory processing abilities and any medical or physical conditions that may impact their development.
Based on the results of the assessment, the intervention plan should set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the child. These goals should be focused on improving the child’s functioning in areas such as communication, social interaction, daily living skills, and academic performance.
The intervention plan should also specify the strategies and interventions that will be used to help the child reach their goals. These may include behavioral interventions, such as positive reinforcement and social skills training, as well as educational interventions, such as specialized instruction in reading and math.
It is important to involve the child’s parents and other caregivers in the development and implementation of the intervention plan. They can provide valuable information about the child’s strengths and needs, and can play a critical role in supporting the child’s progress.
The intervention plan should also include a system for regularly monitoring and evaluating the child’s progress. This can help to identify areas where the child is making progress and areas where they may need additional support.
The goal of an intervention plan for a child with autism should be to support the child’s development and improve their functioning in various areas of their life. This can help them to achieve greater independence and success in their daily activities and interactions with others.