Posted: November 19th, 2022
International Health System Paper
Grading Outline
International Health System Paper
The international health care system paper is worth 20% of your total grade or20 points.
This paper should be 2- 3 pages (excluding Title page and References page).: Dont do any of these country England (UK), Germany, Japan, or Canada.
Explanation for grading this paper follows
Grading Components:
Content: (17 points)
1) Summarized and discussed an international health care system (3 points)
2) Provided a basic description of the country’s health care system (3 points)
3) Discussed how the country pays for their health care system (3 points)
4) Discussed if citizens and residents of the country are satisfied with their health care system
(provide statistics) (3 points)
5) Described the differences between the US and the international health care system (5 points)
2) APA (3 points)
All papers must meet standards for scholarly writing and graduate level work. Your paper should be
well written (clarity), have the appropriate type and number of references, if applicable, and meet
APA style and formatting standards.
All papers must meet standards for scholarly writing and graduate level work. Your paper should be
well written (clarity), have the appropriate type and number of references, and meet APA (7th
edition) style and formatting standards.
Clarity (1.5 points)
Mechanics: Correct sentence structure, grammar, and appropriate capitalization. Correct
punctuation and style, no spelling errors, no run-on sentences, no sentence fragments, no
incomplete thoughts, and dangling participles.
Language: No medical jargon, no colloquialisms (slang and informal ways of speaking) unless using
this language for a reason (repeating a conversation or giving an example).
Clarity Summary
1. Paper was organized in a logical manner
2. Ideas were clearly presented
3. Correct usage of grammar and style
4. Medical jargon not used or explained
5. Complete sentences used
6. Correct spelling
References (1 point)
Adequacy of references used in the paper as well as an appropriate number of references used to
support the paper and the discussion. References must be current for the topic selected (
References Summary
1) Correct APA citing (in-text and references list) a. Hanging indent used
b. Double spacing
c. DOI (hyperlink) or Journal URL
d. URL must not have an underline
APA Format: (0.5 point)
a. Correct APA format was used
b. Correct font (Times New Roman; 12 pt)
c. Title page
d. Correct margins (1 inch)
e. Header
f. Numbers (in-text)
g. Using APA number format in the body of the paper
h. Capitalizations
i. Headings
j. Paragraph indents (0.5)
k. Left justification
l. Double spaced
m. Page numbers in HEADER
n. Running head: TITLE in HEADER
o. Document named correctly – Last Name Assignment name
Health Systems Paper Format (minimum five references)
Description of Health Care System
Does it include universal coverage or not?
Different health care services offered
How is the system set up?
What roles do nurses and advanced practice nurses play in the system?
Is the system based on a preventative care model?
Provide a detailed description of the health care system.
Costs of Health Care System
How is the health care system paid for?
What is the responsibility of the individual, state, local, and government?
How do patients without insurance or ability to pay access health care?
Are there differences in coverage based on an income?
Is there a private system, public system, or combination of both?
Outcomes/Satisfaction of the health care system (minimum three references)
Describe the positive and negative aspects of this health care system as documented in the literature.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this system?
Are the residents of this country satisfied with this system?
Differences with US Health care System
Describe how this health care system is different than the US health care. Describe the positive and negative aspects of this health-care system that have been documented in the literature.
What are the system’s strengths and weaknesses?
Are the citizens of this country satisfied with the current system?
Distinctions from the US Health-Care System
Describe how this health-care system differs from that of the United States.
Compare and contrast the health care system you have chosen with the US health care system.
Identify the pros and cons of each system as well as similarities and differencesnt named correctly – Last Name Assignment name