Posted: November 28th, 2022
To: All Employees
From: HR Manager
On MS Project and Team Leadership
The Situation on the Depleted Budget
The management would like to call your attention to the situation at hand. Our budget has been depleted quicker than we thought and it just came to our realization recently. This will affect the employees reward, compensation and benefits package. There will be a considerable time taken by our budget team to scrutinize the budget and compensation schemes to come up with the best way forward to award the benefits through the development of an action plan on the employee compensation schemes. We are, the management of this organization are determined to get to the bottom of this issue and come up with way that are aimed at ensuring that the services you are provided with are consistent and improved. The ultimate modifications to the compensation scheme will strike a reasonable balance between the organization and workers at the same it intended to encourage workers to return early to work. We understand that one surefire approach to estrange separated representatives is to request change, just to neglect to remunerate progress after the exertion is placed in. Make sure to perceive such achievements and compliment employees upon their reevaluating their way to deal with the business. The organization will keep on providing criticism on compensation and reward representatives when it is applicable with monetary motivators or more obligation. According to Macky, Wilson, CCH New Zealand Limited and CCH Australia Limited. (2013), regularly a basic notice of “thank you” or “well done” goes a long way in reaching you.
How to Help Improve an Underperforming Team Member
1. Communicating With the Employee
After gathering data on the reasons for withdrawal from underperformer, it’s a great opportunity to converse with the underperformer. I would let him know what I have observed and how his activities are influencing the group and organization, and anxiety that I am accessible to offer assistance. I would tell the worker that I understand there are execution issues that I know he can improve, and request thoughts on how the issue can move forward. In order that he is not put on spot I conceptualize with him and give them a couple days to think on it and concoct an arrangement.
2. Addressing the Concerns for the Whole Company
In the event that a worker highlights a worry that could influence more than one individual, make sure to address it. In the event that a solitary staff member feels just as he or she is overburdened by work, more than likely others may feel the same way. An awesome approach to manage a circumstance like this is to assemble a conference with agents of the pertinent offices to talk about organization society: What might they want to see enhance and in what capacity can individuals from the group perform this? Toward the start of the meeting be clear this is an open gathering where representatives are allowed to air grievances without apprehension of repercussion. Highlight the way that the point of the meeting is to discover an answer for any issues, as opposed to serve as a chance to vent. Armstrong (2012) contended that this aggregate methodology will help representatives feel esteemed and part of the organization’s improvement – a spirit supporter in itself
3. I Would Coach Withdrawing Worker and Lay Out A Plan
In the event that the representative is not keen on being honed, then there is nothing I can do to change his execution and its choice time. In cases someone suggests that they are not going to change, then I must settle on a choice on whether the organization can live with the issue and at what cost. Be that as it may, that they will learn and change, it is the ideal opportunity for an arrangement. This is an ideal opportunity to get the particular changes and objectives down on paper and detail how to accomplish them. Concede to quantifiable activities and begin keeping tabs on their development. I will continuously try not to give the representative a chance to overextend himself, be reasonable with the objectives and ensure I give plentiful time. Everybody needs time to change and perhaps learn or obtain new aptitudes.
4. Employee Follow-Up and Monitoring
I have to catch up with the worker. Following recommendation by Fair Work Ombudsman, all my work will be to no end unless I screen their advancement and Inquire as to whether has an unrivaled he trusts who can track his work and answer to me privately. “It says I need this to work and I need you to feel good; I’m not going to sneak around your back.”
5. Taking the Necessary Action
After all this work, if there are no improvements, it’s time to change my demeanor. If the employee starts to take advantage of my kindness, mentoring, and coaching, I cannot stand for it. At some point I leave coaching and get into the consequences speech. I might say, ‘let me be very clear that this is the third time this has happened and since your behavior has not changed, I need to explain the consequences. I would not let my ego into this, however. I would take any disciplinary action seriously because when you fire somebody, it not only affects that person, but also you, the firm, and everybody around you.
Plan of Action for the Project
The Action Plan developed hereafter is a policy proposal that identifies and assesses the ways in which the outcomes for both workers and employees may be improved through enhancement of: equity amongst workers and employees; adoption of authentic legislation; the use of clear and consistent processes and improved relationships between employees and employers (Too & Weaver, 2014). The actions are:
Adoption of an effective communication on significance of employees’ compensation. The first step in achieving this is by establishing and maintaining consultations between employer and workers on key mechanisms on workers’ compensation and by coming up with mechanisms that encourage liaison with other employers of the compensation schemes.
The second action is undertaking research on policies on high priority workers compensation schemes through investigating and reporting anything relating to safe work, research on tools and guidance that may be used to improve outcomes on workers compensation schemes, researching ways of assessing permanent impairment and come up with proper purposes of workers compensation. Determination of death benefits and determination of financial dependents.
The third action would to provide evidence on which workers compensation policy would be based, evaluated and performed through collecting, enhancing, analyzing and reporting about the national workers compensations performance and reporting on high priority workers’ compensation researches and lastly researching and reporting on emerging workers’ compensation issues to the management of the organization. The data on workers compensation should be maintained and stored.
The last action would be evaluation and reporting on action plan to know the effectiveness of the plan.
Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong’s handbook of reward management practice: Improving performance through reward. London: Kogan Page.
Fair Work, Ombudsman (n.d). Managing performance & warnings. Retrieved from
Macky, K. A., Wilson, M., CCH New Zealand Limited, & CCH Australia Limited. (2013). Rewards, remuneration and performance: a strategic approach.
Too, E.G. & Weaver, P. (2014). ‘The Management of Project Management: A Conceptual Framework for Project Governance.’ International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), 1382- 1394. Retrieved 20, May 2016 from