Building Blocks of Culture
#1 Individualism and Collectivism
§ Individualism
– People identify primarily with self, not group.
– The needs of the individual are met before the group.
– Group membership is not essential to one’s identity, survival, success.
– Independence and self-reliance are greatly valued and is goal of parenting.
– People are judged by individual achievement and not the group they belong to.
§ Collectivism
– Who you are is a function of the group (e.g. the family, the work team)
– The immediate family is the smallest unit of survival
– “The nail that sticks up must be hammered down.”
– Harmony and interdependence of group members are stressed and valued.
Short Essay Question #1 –
Are you more individualistic or collectivist in terms of how you view yourself and your responsibility to others? Give at least two examples. Worth 5 points
Type your answer here:
#2 Monochronism vs. Polychronism
– Time is limited.
– Deadlines and schedules are sacred.
– Plans are not easily changed.
– People may be too busy to see you.
– Needs of people are subservient to demands of time.
– People expect undivided attention.
– Interruptions are to be avoided.
– To be late, to be kept waiting is rude.
– People stand in line!
– The goal is to stick to the schedule.
– Time is bent to meet needs of people
– There is always more time!
– Schedules and deadlines are easily changed.
– Plans are fluid.
– People always have time to see you.
– People may do several things at once and split time between several people/tasks.
– Interruptions are normal part of life. The goal is to enjoy life.
– People don’t stand in line!
– To be late or kept waiting is O.K.
Short Essay Question #2–
Are you more monochronic or polychronic in terms of how you understand and manage time?
Type your answer here:
Worth 5 points; Your answer should be a minimum of 4 full sentences. You must give at least two examples to support your answer.
#3 Direct vs. Indirect Talk
Concept of giving Face
– People “say what they mean and mean what they say.”
– There is no need to read behind the lines.
– It is best to “tell it like it is.”
– People are less likely to imply and say exactly what they are thinking.
– Yes means Yes!
– People don’t always say what they mean.
– One must read between the lines.
– People are more likely to suggest or imply than to come out and say what they think.
– One cannot always tell it like it is.
– Yes may mean “maybe” or even “no”
§ The importance of “face”
– To give face to another person to preserve dignity and respectability of another
– To lose face to feel embarrassment or to have self-worth questioned
§ Face less Important
– Telling the truth is more important than sparing someone’s feelings.
– Honest is the best policy.
– It is o.k. to say no and to confront people.
– Getting/giving information is primary goal of the communication exchange.
– Preserving harmony and saving face are key concerns,
– Truth should be adjusted when it threatens someone’s face.
– One says what one thinks the other person wants to hear so as not to disappoint.
– It is not always proper to say no, disagree, or confront
– Preserving personal bond is goal of communication exchange.
Short Essay Question #3 –
Are you more direct or indirect in terms of how you communicate with others? Are you sensitive to the concept of face-giving and face-saving when communicating with someone who is older or of higher status?
Type your answer here: Worth 5 points; Your answer should be a minimum of 4 full sentences. You must give at least two examples to support your answer.
#4 Locus of Control
§ Internal or External
– The view of self and one’s place vis-à-vis the external world
– “Is life what happens to you?” (External)
– “Is life what you make of it?” (Internal)
§ Locus of Control-Internal
– Life what you make of it.
– There are no limits to what one can do or become.
– Your success is your own achievement.
– You are responsible for what happens to you.
– Life is what you DO (a more activist culture)
§ Locus of Control-External
– Life is largely predetermined – control external to the individual.
– There are limits to what one can do or become.
– Your success is combination of effort and good luck.
– Life in large part is what happens to you.
– Fatalistic view = “It wasn’t meant to be.”
Short Essay Question #4 –
Do you relate more to the Internal Locus of Control of External Locus of Control (who is in control of your life?)
Type your answer here:
Worth 5 points; Your answer should be a minimum of 4 full sentences. You must give at least two examples to support your answer.
#5 Power Distance
- How a society deals with inequality between people.
- The distinctions between people in their access to power and their level of status
§ High Power Distance
– Corporate structures are authoritarian; power is centralized.
– One defers to authority.
– Managers hold on to power.
– Subordinates do not take initiative but wait for explicit instructions.
– Rank has privileges.
– Manager/subordinate relations are formal.
– Decisions are made at the top.
– One does not openly disagree with/say no to the boss.
– Democratic management style
– Managers share some power with subordinates.
– Subordinates do not like to be micromanaged.
– Decision making tends to be consultative.
– Rank has few privileges.
– Manager/subordinate relations are fairly informal.
– It is o.k. to disagree with/say no to the boss.
Cross Cultural Lessons
- Most people behave rationally. What is rational in one culture may not be in another.
- One should try to understand a behavior even if they don’t like it.
- Not all behavior is tied to culture.
- Be willing to ask for clarification when YOU don’t understand.
- Don’t assume sameness.
- Be willing to listen and suspend judgment.
Short Essay Question #5–
Are you more comfortable with a High Power Distance or Low Power Distance orientation when interacting with other people?
Type your answer here:
Worth 5 points; Your answer should be a minimum of 4 full sentences. You must give at least two examples to support your answer.