Posted: May 1st, 2022
Interactive Interpretation Boards
Interactive Interpretation Boards
The Styx River Trust undertake environmental monitoring, research and recreation promotion within
the reserves along the banks of the Styx River.
The Trust are wanting to improve their provision of visitor information, show current information
about the river and also highlight the research that has been undertaken on and about the river.
The trust have considered traditional static interpretation boards, but feel that these do not meet all
of their goals and would be hard to update when new information and research results become
They have proposed “interactive interpretation boards” based on colour eInk displays. The displays
are 32” and have a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and can be coupled with a touch overlay to
provide interactivity.
Further details on these displays can be found at:
The panels take approximately 5 seconds to change what is displayed on them.
The system should be able to show:
• A Map of the Styx River & Reserves
• Information about the location
• Information about the current state of the river. (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved
oxygen, turbidity)
• Information about research that has been undertaken. See
You have been approached to develop a concept design and interactive prototype of a web based
system that could operate on the interactive interpretation boards.
Concept Design – Due 5pm, 2nd May 2022, for feedback. Final Submission due 5pm 27th
May 2022. Worth 25%.
Using the Five Sheet Design method, develop a concept design for the web based system that could
operate on the interactive interpretation boards.
Your first sheet should contain at least ten initial ideas. This can include elements of the display
(navigation, data visualisation, mapping etc.) and/or overall layout & form.
You should develop at least three ideas (sheets 2/3/4) to a point where you could discuss them with
a client. These should include the “home” or default screen.
You should select one idea (or a new hybrid idea) to develop into a realised design (sheet 5).
Your Concept Design Sheets should be at least A3 in size, and can be done digitally or on paper, your
submission however must be digital so you will need to scan any paper based sheets.
You can use the templates provided on the five sheet design website, or develop your own. The
information required on the templates should be used as a guide, but are not strict requirements,
except for the requirement to include your name and student id number on each sheet.
Interactive Prototype Due 5pm, Wednesday 22nd June Worth 40%
Building on your final design for the Concept Design, you should develop an interactive prototype
with linked wireframes using Balsamiq.
The prototype should include a wireframe for each page, be suitable for touch navigation and fit the
proportions of the display.
The system should be able to show:
• A Map of the Styx River & Reserves
• Information about the location
• Information about the current state of the river (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen,
• Information about research that has been undertaken.
You should also include a report with your concept design that outlines the main design choices that
you made.
You should describe the navigation approach you developed for the system.
Your report should also include information on the suggested colour scheme for the major elements
within your design.
Your submission should be a Balsamiq project with all required elements, the first screen must
include your name & student number in a readable form.
Your report must have your name and student number on the first page/front cover and should be
submitted as a PDF.
Marking Guide
Concept Design
First Sheet (6/25)
A high scoring first sheet will have:
Ten ideas explored with at least three elements with at least two variations of each
are explored.
Use of colour is explored. Limitations of the eInk display are considered.
A low scoring first sheet will have:
Little or no exploration of the design space, limited or no use of colour and the
limitations of the eInk display will not have been considered.
Sheet 2/3/4 (9/25)
A high scoring set of sheets will have:
A different idea explored on each sheet, incorporating the home/default screen.
Include all elements of the screen and navigation. Colour will be used to illustrate key areas.
A low scoring set of sheets will have:
Similar or the same idea explored on multiple sheets, may not include the
home/default screen, or navigation. Colour will not be used or not illustrating key areas.
Sheet 5 (10/25)
A high scoring sheet will:
Continue the exploration of an idea from sheet 2/3/4 and may combine elements of
two or more sheets. Follow the criteria for Sheets 2/3/4.
A low scoring sheet will:
Not follow the criteria, not outline a design the continues or combines sheet 2/3/4
or has substantial missing elements.
Interactive Prototype
Wireframe (30/40)
A high scoring wireframe will include all of the required elements and build on an earlier
concept design. The wireframe will consider the physical constraints and digital constraints
of the eInk panel.
A low scoring wireframe will miss some required elements and won’t consider some or all of
the physical constrains and/or digital constraints of the eink panel.
Report (10/40)
A high scoring report will be written with good attention to language and layout with
content that covers the required aspects, including a discussion of the main design choices
made. The report will discuss the navigation aspects of the design, including the structure of
your system. The colour scheme for the system is discussed and explained.
A low scoring report will miss one or more of the aspects requested and may have issues
with language and/or layout.